GENERAL INFORMATION ........................... 1. Dataset title:Datos KT Escuela de Tri. 2. Authors:Rafael Merino-Marban, Emilio Fernandez-Rodriguez y Daniel Mayorga-Vega 3. Author contact information: Rafael Merino-Marban, email: METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ................................. Material and methods A randomized controlled crossover experiment design was used to examine the effect of KT application on triceps surae in children from a triathlon school. All participants performed the tests, 30m sprint and CMJ, under both conditions with the order asigned randomly. The two sesssions were separated for three days to avoid accumulation of the KT effects. The trial was reported according to the Consort 2010 statement: extension to randomised crossover trials (Dwan et al., 2019). Procedures The present study followed a randomized, controlled crossover trial design. The participants were tested across two different sessions, randomly receiving experimental KT condition applied with the aim of enhancing muscle strength and no taped condition. Trials were standardized according to the hour of the day, shoes, and dressing. A week before the measurement started, participants were familiarized into the tests procedure and allowed to practice them to reduce practice effects. All the trials took place on the same public sports track in Rincon de la Victoria (Malaga, Spain). The procedure started with 10 minutes warm up consisting of 3 minutes running at a light to moderate pace, five athletic dynamic exercises (rotation of ankles, flexion-extension of knees, flexion-extension of hips, flexion-extension of shoulders and wrist rotations in both directions) and finished with two repetitions of 20 m accelerations. The participants were taped 15 to 20 minutes before starting the warm up (Kase et al., 2003). To generate the random assignment sequence, the data collection sheets were randomly marked with a small letter a or b alternatively. Only the KT practitioner knew that these letters corresponded to one of the two groups. All participants received the KT from the first author, a certified KT practitioner with more than 12 years of experience (Figure 1. Flow chart of the procedure). Statistical analysis Descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) of age, height, body mass, body mass index, and the height jump and sprint results were calculated. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) with taping conditions (kinesio tape, control) as a within-subject factor on the height jump and sprint results was used. Effect size was estimated using the eta-squared (η2). Statistical power (P) for the n size was determined as well. The consistency internal reliability of administrated tests was estimated using the intraclass correlation coefficient from two-way ANOVA (ICC) (Shrout & Fleiss, 1979). Furthermore, as suggested by Baumgartner and Chung (2001), 95% interval of confidence (IC) was calculated. All statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS version 15.0 for Windows (SPSS® Inc., Chicago, IL). The statistical significance level was set at p < 0.05. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION: ------------------------------------------- 1. Name File: Datos KT Escuela de Tri. VARIABLE DESCRIPTION Código Participant identity SEXO Participant sex: 1 = male, 2 = Female EDAD Participant age (years) PESO Participant weight (kg) TALLA Participant height (cm) Salto 1KT First vertical jump Test with KT applied (cm) Salto 2KT Second vertical jump Test with KT applied (cm) Salto 1 Sin First vertical jump Test without KT applied (cm) Salto 2 Sin Second vertical jump Test without KT applied (cm) Carr1 KT15 First Speed Test with KT at 15 mt (seconds) Carr1 KT30 First Speed Test with KT at 30 mt (seconds) Carr 2KT15 Second Speed Test with KT at 15 mt (seconds) Carr 2KT30 Second Speed Test with KT at 30 mt (seconds) Carr1 Sin15 First Speed Test without KT at 15 mt (seconds) Carr1 Sin30 First Speed Test without KT at 30 mt (seconds) Carr 2Sin15 Second Speed Test without KT at 15 mt (seconds) Carr 2Sin30 Second Speed Test without KT at 30 mt (seconds) KT: Kinesio Taping