README-BIBLIOTECA GENERAL INFORMATION ........................... 1. Dataset title: Dataset_Personality.styles_ Behavioral.repertoires_Gender_High.abilities 2. Authors: Gómez-Pérez, M. Mar; García-Martín, M. Belén; González-Segura, Beatriz; Calero, M. Dolores 3. Author contact information: Gómez-Pérez, M. Mar, METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ................................. 1. Description of the methods for collection/generation of data: Adolescents participated voluntarily and anonymously (prior consent from educational centres and legal tutors) filling out online some questionnaires. - Bibliographic citation of the article from which these research data have been generated: Gómez-Pérez, M. M., García-Martín, M. B., González-Segura, B., & Calero, M. D. (2024). Personality styles and behavioral repertoires in girls with high abilities: The issue of underrepresentation. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. 2. Data processing methods - Data was obtained through quantitative analysis. 3. Software or instruments needed to interpret the data: SPSS version 21 or open access programs that read .csv files such as Jasp or Jamovi. 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: Not applicable. 5. Environmental or experimental conditions: Quiet space conditions at home. Tablet or computer required. FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------- The dataset is distributed in one single file in .csv format. This provides information on: -Random number assigned to the participant -Sociodemographic variables: Sex, age, presence of high abilities, birth country, study grade, type of residence city and type of high school. -Participants' scores to each sub-scales in each questionnaire DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION: ------------------------------------------- 1. Name File: Dataset_Personality.styles_Behavioral.repertoires_Gender_High.abilities 1.1. Variables list: - Value labels: CPS • Variable name: CPS (Situational Personality Questionnaire; 23 different variables; name and significate is specified in the dataset). • Description: Situational Personality Questionnaire (CPS: Cuestionario Situacional de Personalidad; Fernández-Seara et al., 2016). It provides scores on 15 personality scales —emotional stability, anxiety, self-concept, efficacy, self-confidence, independence, dominance, cognitive control, sociability, social adjustment, aggressiveness, tolerance, social intelligence, integrity, and leadership—; 3 response validity scales —sincerity, social desirability, and response control— used to detect purposeful distortion, and 5 second-order factors —adjustment, leadership, independency, consensus and extraversion. • Units of measure or value labels: 233 true-false items. Online correction that provides standard scores. - Value labels: RS-14 • Variable name: RS14 (Resilience Scale; three measures Personal Competence (PC), Self and Life Acceptance (OLA), and total). • Description: Spanish version (Sánchez-Teruel and Robles-Bello, 2015) of the 14-item Resilience Scale (RS-14; Wagnild, 2009. • Units of measure or value labels: 14 items with a 7-point Likert type questionnaire from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). PC 11 items range from 11 to 77, OLA 3 items range from 3 to 21, and total range from 14 to 98. - Value labels: MPS • Variable name: MPS (Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale; five measures fear of mistakes (FM), parental influences (PI), achievement expectations (AE), organization (O), and GLOBAL: overall score). • Description: Spanish version (Carrasco et al., 2010) Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS; Frost et al., 1990). • Units of measure or value labels: 35-item with a 5-points Likert type scale from 1 (never) to 5 (always). ME 11 items range from 11 to 55, IP 9 items range from 9 to 45, EL 9 items range from 11 to 55, O 6 items range from 6 to 30, and GLOBAL range from 35 to 175. - Value labels: GTQ-C • Variable name: GTQ-C: Generalized Tracking Questionnaire-Child version. • Description: Generalized Tracking Questionnaire-Child version (GTQ-C; Espitia-Pereira et al., 2020). • Units of measure or value labels: 12 items with a 5-points Likert type scale from 5 (always true) to 1 (never true). Range from 12 to 60 - Value labels: PTQ-C • Variable name: PTQ-C: Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire-Child version • Description: Spanish version by Ruiz et al., 2020, of Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire-Child version (PTQ-C; Bijttebier et al., 2015). • Units of measure or value labels: 15 items on a 5-points Likert type scale from 4 (almost always) to 0 (never). Range from 0 to 60. - Value labels: AAQ-II • Variable name: AAQ-II: Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II • Description: Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II; Ruiz et al., 2013). • Units of measure or value labels: 7 items on a 7-point Likert-type scale from 1 (never true) to 7 (always true). Range from 7 to 49. 1.2. Codes or symbols: - The meaning of each code used in each sociodemographic variable is specified in the dataset. 1.3. Special formats or abbreviations used: - In each case, the abbreviation used is specified by the label of each variable.