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Listar por autor "Garrido-Martín, Manuel"
Mostrando ítems 1-13 de 13
Analysis of lift coefficient and trailing vortices properties at low Reynolds number with spanwise deformation.
Solís-García, Pedro; Garrido-Martín, Manuel; Durán-Venegas, Eduardo; Gutiérrez-Castillo, Paloma; Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel
Se ha estudiado experimentalmente qué efecto tiene la deformación longitudinal en alas sobre su coeficiente de sustentación y los vórtices de punta de ala. -
Aproximación lineal basada en datos del flujo de cargas óptimo en sistemas eléctricos.
Garrido-Martín, Manuel (2024-02)El Flujo de Cargas Optimo (OPF) es un problema de optimización cuyo objetivo es determinar el despacho de potencia de las centrales generadoras de una red eléctrica para satisfacer la demanda al mínimo coste, cumpliendo ... -
Experimental and numerical study of wingtip vortices.
Garrido-Martín, Manuel; Gutiérrez-Castillo, Paloma; Blanco-Rodríguez, Francisco José; Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel
Póster científico que describe la problemática actual de los vórtices de punta de ala ("wingtip vortices" en inglés) y posibles actuaciones de control activo para su mitigación óptima. -
Experimental study of trailing vortices alleviation using axial synthetic jets.
Garrido-Martín, Manuel; Gutiérrez-Castillo, Paloma; Blanco-Rodríguez, Francisco José; Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel
Abstract de la ponencia presentada en la conferencia 1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference (EFDC1) acerca del uso de un control activo pulsante en la dirección axial para la mitigación de la intensidad del vórtice, ... -
Exploring the effects of spanwise wing deformation on lift coefficient and trailing vortices properties at low Reynolds number.
Garrido-Martín, Manuel; Solís-García, Pedro; Durán, E.; Gutiérrez-Castillo, Paloma; Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel
We have conducted an experimental investigation on the effect of spanwise wing deformation on the lift coefficient and the properties of the wingtip vortices generated by several NACA0012 symmetric wing models. -
Frequency response as a tool for optimizing active control of trailing vortices.
Garrido-Martín, Manuel; Bölle, Tobias; Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel; Blanco-Rodríguez, Francisco José; Gutiérrez-Castillo, Paloma
A Frequency Response analysis of a Lamb-Oseen vortex with different axial Single Point Injections to determine the optimal location for experimental active control is performed. -
Frequency response of Batchelor vortex.
Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel; Blanco-Rodríguez, Francisco José; Garrido-Martín, Manuel; Parras-Anguita, Luis
We carried out a frequency response analysis of Batchelor vortex model in two different spatial configurations: punctual and annular jet. The theoretical base flow corresponds to the experimental setting of a wing model ... -
Higher order dynamic mode decomposition of an experimental trailing vortex
Gutiérrez-Castillo, Paloma; Garrido-Martín, Manuel; Bölle, Tobias; García-Ortiz, José Hermenegildo; Aguilar-Cabello, Jorge; Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel
[et al.] (AIP, 2022-10-27)
The decay of trailing vortices is a fundamental problem in fluid mechanics and constitutes the basis of control applications that intend to alleviate the wake hazard. In order to progress, we use the recently developed ... -
Higher order dynamic mode decomposition to identify decay in trailing vortices
Gutiérrez-Castillo, Paloma; Garrido-Martín, Manuel; Bölle, Tobias; García Ortiz, José Hermenegildo; Aguilar-Cabello, Jorge; Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel
[et al.] (2022)
We conduct three-dimensional measurements of the velocity field using stereo PIV in the turbulent wake of a wing model based on a NACA0012 airfoil, for an angle of attack of 9 degrees, and Reynolds number 40000 up to 32 ... -
Influence of the theoretical model on an active control of wingtip vórtices.
Gutiérrez-Castillo, Paloma; Garrido-Martín, Manuel; Bölle, Tobias; Blanco-Rodríguez, Francisco José; Del-Pino, Carlos (2024)
The Frequency Response of Lamb-Oseen and Batchelor vortex models have been analyzed for a Single Point Injection (wingtip vortex, frequency response, optimal response, linear stability, active injection). -
Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Active Injection Location on the Frequency Response of a Batchelor Vortex.
Garrido-Martín, Manuel; Blanco-Rodríguez, Francisco José; Gutiérrez-Castillo, Paloma; Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel
This study investigates the effect of the variation of the active control application distance on the frequency response of a Batchelor vortex. The theoretical base flow pertains to the experimental configuration of a ... -
On the influence of spanwise deformation on lift coefficient and trailing vortices properties at low Reynolds number
Solís, Pedro; Garrido-Martín, Manuel; Durán, Eduardo; Gutiérrez-Castillo, Paloma; Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel
(AIP Publishing, 2024-03-07)
We conducted experiments using a single non-deformed and two spanwise deformed wing models for a constant chordbased Reynolds number, Re = 20×103. We carried out all experiments to consider several angles of attack α ... -
POD analysis of temporal flow patterns in different regimes
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) has been used broadly in analyzing turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers, such as flow in a pipe. However, there exists a lack of knowledge in analyzing some other regimes which ...