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Listar por autor "Martin-Jimenez, Francisco de Paula"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 27
2D/2D NiTi-LDH/BiOBr photocatalyst with extraordinary NOx removal under visible light
Oliva Lamarca, María de los Angeles; Ortiz Bustos, Josefa; Cruz Yusta, Manuel; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula; del Hierro Morales, María Isabel; Pérez Cortés, Yolanda; Pavlovic Milicevic, Ivana; Sánchez-Granados, Luis[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023)
Many current studies are focused on the development of 2D/2D nanosystems based on non-traditional semiconductors as efficient visible light-active photocatalysts, due to their interesting structural and optical properties. ... -
A new concept of a transparent photocapacitor
Navarrete-Astorga, Elena; Solis Cortes, Daniel; Rodriguez-Moreno, Jorge; Dalchiele, Enrique A.; Schrebler, Ricardo; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
; Ramos-Barrado, José Ramón
[et al.] (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018)
A solid-state transparent photocapacitor has been prepared for the first time by the use of two transparent electrodes (TiO2 and LiFeO2) and also a transparent ion gel-based electrolyte between them, reaching a transmittance ... -
A novel multilaminated composite cathode for solid oxide fuel cells.
Dos-Santos-Gómez, Lucía; Porras-Vázquez, José Manuel; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
; Ramos-Barrado, José Ramón
; Ramírez-Losilla, Enrique
; Marrero-López, David
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2019-05-28)
A novel electrode architecture consisting in alternating layers of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) and Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (CGO) is prepared for the first time by spray-pyrolysis deposition and investigated as cathode material ... -
A solid-state integrated photo-supercapacitor based on ZnO nanorod arrays decorated with Ag2S quantum dots as photoanode and PEDOT charge storage counter-electrode.
Solis Cortes, Daniel; Navarrete-Astorga, Elena; Sherebler, Ricardo; Peinado-Pérez, Juan José; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
; Ramos-Barrado, José Ramón
; Dalchiele, Enrique A.[et al.] (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020)
A planar solid-state photocapacitor with two electrodes has been prepared for the first time using a passivated film of ZnS with Ag2S quantum dots deposited on ZnO nanorods, which were electrochemically grown on ZnO seed ... -
Designing a NiFe-LDH/MnO2 heterojunction to improve the photocatalytic activity for NOx removal under visible light
Oliva Lamarca, María Angeles; Giraldo García, David; Almodóvar Losada, Paloma; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula; López, María Luisa; Pavlovic Milicevic, Ivana; Sánchez-Granados, Luis[et al.] (Elselvier, 2024)
2D/2D heterojunctions between ultrathin NiFe-CO3 layered double hydroxide (LDH) and varying amounts of birnessite (δ-MnO2) were prepared using an environmentally friendly and cost-effective self-assembly method. The prepared ... -
Development of Integrated Devices for Both Photoelectric Conversion and Energy Storage
Solis Cortes, Daniel (UMA Editorial, 2018-11)En las últimas décadas, la creciente demanda mundial de energía y el hecho de que los combustibles fósiles son limitados ha fomentado el desarrollo y la investigación de las energías renovables en muchos campos, como la ... -
Effect of the Nature of the Electrolyte on the Behavior of Supercapacitors Based on Transparent ZnMn2O4.
Peinado-Pérez, Juan José; López-Escalante, María Cruz; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
(MDPI, 2023)
Transparent ZnMn2O4 thin films on indium tin oxide (ITO) were prepared through spray pyrolysis and implemented as electrodes in symmetric supercapacitors (SSCs). A specific capacitance value of 752 F g-1 at 0.5 A g-1 and ... -
Electrochemically grown vertically aligned ZnO nanorod array/p+-Si (100) heterojunction contact diodes
Rodriguez-Moreno, Jorge; Navarrete-Astorga, Elena; Romero, Rocío; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
; Schrebler, Ricardo; Ramos-Barrado, José R.[et al.] (Elsevier, 2013)
ZnO nanorod array/p+-Si vertical heterojunction diodes, in which the ZnO nanorods have been grown by electrodeposition onto a SnO2:F thin film/glass substrate, have been fabricated by the direct-bonding technique. The ... -
Facile synthesis of visible-responsive photocatalytic Eu-doped layered double hydroxide for selective removal of NOx pollutant
Pastor Espejo, Adrián; Chen, Chunping; De Miguel Rojas, Gustavo; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula; Cruz Yusta, Manuel; O'Hare, Dermot M.; Pavlovic Milicevic, Ivana; Sánchez-Granados, Luis[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023)
Efficient nitrogen oxides (NOx) removal from the urban atmosphere is still a target for the researchers. Herein, a Zn2Al-CO3 based layered double hydroxide (LDH) was doped with increasing amounts of Eu3+ (0.01–0.04) and ... -
Ga-doped IZO films obtained by magnetron sputtering as transparent conductors for visible and solar applications.
Solis Cortes, Daniel; Navarrete-Astorga, Elena; Costa-Krämer, José Luis; Salguero-Fernández, Joaquin; Schrebler, Ricardo; Dalchiele, Enrique A.; Ramos-Barrado, José Ramón
; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
[et al.] (Elselvier, 2019)
C-axis textured thin films of gallium-doped indium zinc oxide (GIZO) with a 2% ratio of Ga/Zn, were obtained via RF-magnetron sputtering with high transparency and electrical conductivity. A Box-Behnken response surface ... -
Hematite porous architectures as enhanced air purification photocatalyst.
Balbuena Jurado, José; Cruz Yusta, Manuel; Cuevas Meléndez, Ana Laura; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula; Pastor Espejo, Adrián; Romero Pareja, Rocío; Sánchez-Granados, Luis[et al.] (Elselvier, 2019)
Different a-Fe2O3 porous architectures were obtained by electrospinning (nanotubes) or without elec trospinning (flakes), and heating treatments using Fe(NO3)2/PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone) as a precursor. The particles ... -
LSCF-CGO nanocomposite cathodes deposited in a single step by spraypyrolysis.
Dos-Santos-Gómez, Lucía; Porras-Vázquez, José Manuel; Ramírez-Losilla, Enrique
; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
; Ramos-Barrado, José Ramón
; Marrero-López, David
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2018-01-01)
La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ-Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (LSCF-CGO) nanostructured cathodes with different LSCF-content are prepared in a single step by spray-pyrolysis deposition, simplifying notably the fabrication process compared ... -
Novel electrosynthesis of CdS/FeS nanocomposite-modified poly(o-phenylenediamine) with views to their use as a biosensor for Escherichia coli.
Hernández, Loreto; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula; Berrios, Eduardo; Riveros, Gonzalo; González, Darío M; González, Ernesto; Lizama, Susy; Hernández, Franco[et al.] (Elsevier, 2020)
This article proposes a new electrochemical sensor for Escherichia coli (E. Coli) com- posed of poly(o-phenylenediamine) (PoPD) and CdS/FeS nanocomposites (PoPD|CdS/FeS). The preparation of the modified electrodes used for ... -
Photovoltaic modules designed for architectural integration without negative performance consequences.
López-Escalante, María Cruz; Navarrete-Astorga, Elena
; Gabás-Pérez, Mercedes
; Ramos-Barrado, José Ramón
; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
Nowadays, the photovoltaic technology level development makes it the best option for its building integration as energy supplier. Nevertheless, its aesthetic appearance plays a relevant role because architect requirements ... -
Polyvinylpyrrolidone–LiClO4 solid polymer electrolyte and its application in transparent thin film supercapacitors
Rodriguez-Moreno, Jorge; Navarrete-Astorga, Elena; Dalchiele, Enrique A.; Sánchez, Luis; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
; Ramos-Barrado, José Ramón
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2013)
Films of PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone) and LiClO4 have been obtained by dip coating to be used as solid ionic conductors in transparent energy storage systems. The dependence of the ionic conductivity of PVP/LiClO4 films on ... -
Reduced band gap SrTiO3 thin film prepared by magnetron sputtering for the oxygen evolution reaction.
Peinado-Pérez, Juan José; Solis Cortes, Daniel; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula; López-Escalante, María Cruz
(Elselvier, 2024)
The development of non-precious element-based materials that are stable, binder-free and prepared on economical and environmentally sustainable substrates will be fundamental to the growth of the green hydrogen industry. ... -
Semitransparent Functional Devices using PEDOT and/or ZnO Heterostructures
Rodríguez Moreno, Jorge (Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)This thesis focus on the development of two differentiated devices, using common and interchangeable materials: (1) electronic diodes and (2) electrochemical capacitors, also known as supercapacitors. Special attention was ... -
Semitransparent ZnO/PEDOT based hybrid inorganic/organic heterojunction thin dilm diodes prepared combined RF magnetron sputtering and elctrodeposition technique
Rodriguez-Moreno, Jorge; Navarrete-Astorga, Elena; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
; Schrebler, Ricardo; Ramos-Barrado, José R.; Dalchiele, Enrique A.[et al.] (Elsevier, 2012)
n-ZnO/p-poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) semitransparent inorganic–organic hybrid vertical heterojunction thin film diodes have been fabricated with PEDOT and ZnO thin films grown by electrodeposition and radio-frequency ... -
Silicon solar cell production line and key performance indicators: A case of study at front size serigraphy stage
López-Escalante, María Cruz; Peinado Pérez, Juan José; Palanco-López, Santiago
; Ramos-Barrado, José Ramón
; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
(Elsevier, 2022-07-22)
Photovoltaic industry has devices power improvement as a main target. This implies that technological advances are continuously implemented in production lines and their power improvements have to be monitored with the ... -
Silver Nanoparticle Arrays onto Glass Substrates Obtained by Solid-State Thermal Dewetting: A Morphological, Structural and Surface Chemical Study
Agustín Badán, Juan; Navarrete-Astorga, Elena; Henríquez, Rodrigo; Martín-Jiménez, Francisco de Paula
; Ariosa, Daniel; Ramos-Barrado, José Ramón
; Dalchiele, Enrique A.[et al.] (IOAP-MPDI, 2022-02-11)
Silver nanoparticles (NPs) on glass substrates were obtained by a solid-state thermal dewetting (SSD) process using vacuum-evaporated-silver precursor layers. An exhaustive investigation of the morphological, structural, ...