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Listar por autor "Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José"
Mostrando ítems 1-19 de 19
An evolutionary approach to detect the maximum potential adaptation of Microscystis aeruginosa to salinity
Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Martín-Clemente, Elena; García-Sánchez, María Jesús; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; Bañares-España, Elena
Backgrounds Salinity is increasing in many inland waters, on a world-wide scale, due to agricultural practices, droughts, or rise in sea level. In order to understand the effects of increased salinity on freshwater ... -
Biogeografía analítica de la pteridoflora del Arco de Alborán: Consecuencias para su status de protección
Salvo-Tierra, Ángel Enrique; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; García-Sánchez, José; Báez Barrionuevo, José Carlos; Flores-Moya, Antonio
(Universidad de Málaga. Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, 2020)
Se ha analizado la pteridoflora del Arco de Alborán mediante la aplicación de índices pteridoflorísticos y su correlación con variables ambientales. Asimismo se han realizado análisis de agrupamiento de taxones para definir ... -
Changes in the growth rate of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under long-term selection by temperature and salinity: Acclimation vs. evolution
Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Bañares-España, Elena; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
(Science of The Total Environment, 2022-05-20)
We investigated the roles of acclimation and different components involved in evolution (adaptation, chance and history) on the changes in the growth rate of the model freshwater microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii P. A. ... -
Characterization of the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp. isolated from extreme sulphureous water from Los Baños de la Hedionda (S Spain)
Martín-Clemente, Elena; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Reul, Andreas; Hernández-López, Miguel; Salvo-Tierra, Ángel Enrique
; Bañares-España, Elena
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
[et al.] (2017-09-15)
Los Baños de la Hedionda (Málaga, S Spain) is a natural sulphureous spa (150-200 µM sulphide). Although this high sulphide levels can affect the photosynthetic process, there are numerous photosynthetic microorganisms ... -
Detection of the maximum resistance to the herbicides diuron and glyphosate, and evaluation of its phenotypic cost, in freshwater phytoplankton
Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Bañares-España, Elena; Reul, Andreas
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
(Elsevier, 2021-11)
One of the most important anthropogenic impacts on freshwater aquatic ecosystems close to intensive agriculture areas is the cumulative increase in herbicide concentrations. The threat is especially relevant for phytoplankton ... -
Disentangling mechanisms involved in the adaptation of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa to the extreme sulphureous water from Los Baños de la Hedionda (S Spain)
Martín-Clemente, Elena; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Reul, Andreas; Hernández-López, Miguel; Salvo-Tierra, Ángel Enrique
; Bañares-España, Elena
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
[et al.] (2017-09-15)
Backgrounds Los Baños de la Hedionda (Málaga, S Spain) is a natural sulphureous spa where sulphide can reach a concentration of 150-200 µM. Although this ion has biocide properties, including inhibition of the photosynthetic ... -
Environmental change rate and dispersion pattern modulate the dynamics of evolutionary rescue of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa
Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Martín-Clemente, Elena; Reul, Andreas; Bañares-España, Elena
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
[et al.] (2018-11-21)
The rate of biodiversity loss is so high that some scientists affirm that we are being witnesses of the sixth mass extinction. In this situation, it is necessary to ask the following question: can the organisms be able to ... -
Environmental stress leads to the breakdown of mutualistic interactions a simplified bacterial community
Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Couce, Alejandro; Friedman, Jonathan (2024-01-19)The Anthropocene era has been associated with consequential environmental changes and the deterioration of biodiversity. As a result, significant biodiversity loss has occurred, but species still successfully evolve and ... -
Evaluación de la demografía y ecología de las poblaciones del alga intermareal Fucus guiryi en el litoral Ceutí: Fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas para su conservación
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; García-Sánchez, María Jesús; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; Bañares-España, Elena
(Sergio López Martínez y Marga L Rivas, 2021)
Fucus guiryi es una de las principales algas pardas formadoras de hábitats intermareales en el Estrecho de Gibraltar. Durante las últimas décadas las comunidades de fucáceas han experimentado importantes regresiones en su ... -
Evolución experimental de microorganismos fotosintéticos de agua dulce: selección en escenarios de Cambio Global
Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José (UMA Editorial, 2021-05-19)Durante las últimas décadas, numerosas evidencias indican que se está produciendo un Cambio Global, causado fundamentalmente por las actividades humanas. Como consecuencia, algunos autores han sugerido que estamos siendo ... -
The limit of sulphide adaptation in the sulphide-sensitive cyanobacterium "Microcystis aeruginosa"
Martín-Clemente, Elena; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Bañares-España, Elena; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
(Universidad de Málaga/Sociedad Española de Microbiología, 2019)
Although sulphide has played an important role in the evolution of photosynthesis, it produces a lethal effect on most photosynthetic organisms due to its redox activity on certain enzymes, inhibiting oxygenic photosynthetic ... -
The limit of the genetic adaptation to herbicides in freshwater phytoplankton and the adaptation photosynthetic cost
Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Martín-Clemente, Elena; Bañares-España, Elena; Reul, Andreas
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
[et al.] (2019-07-31)
Background: One of the most important anthropogenic impacts on freshwater aquatic ecosystems is the continuous increase of herbicide concentrations, which impacts on the structure of phytoplankton communities. Objectives: ... -
North Atlantic Oscillation drives the annual occurrence of an isolated, peripheral population of the brown seaweed Fucus guiryi in the Western Mediterranean Sea
Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Salvo-Tierra, Ángel Enrique; Báez Barrionuevo, José Carlos; Bañares-España, Elena
; Reul, Andreas
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
[et al.] (2018-11-21)
The canopy-forming, intertidal brown (Phaeophyceae) seaweed Fucus guiryi is distributed along the cold-temperate and warm-temperate coasts of Europe and North Africa. Curiously, an isolated population develops at Punta ... -
Patrones de resiliencia térmica del alga intermareal Fucus guiryi en el Estrecho de Gibraltar.
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Fernández, Andrea N.; García-Sánchez, María Jesús; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; Bañares-España, Elena
[et al.] (2023)
Las macroalgas proporcionan servicios ecosistémicos costeros fundamentales, como la creación de hábitats y zonas de refugio para otras especies, son sumideros de carbono y contribuyen a la protección costera. En el Estrecho ... -
Photosynthetic performance in cyanobacteria with increased sulphide tolerance: an analysis comparing wild-type and experimentally derived strains
Martín-Clemente, Elena; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Bañares-España, Elena; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
(Springer, 2021-11-22)
Sulphide is proposed to have influenced the evolution of primary stages of oxygenic photosynthesis in cyanobacteria. However, sulphide is toxic to most of the species of this phylum, except for some sulphide-tolerant species ... -
Temporal and spatial variability in population traits of an intertidal fucoid reveals local-scale climatic refugia
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Fernández, Andrea N.; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; García-Sánchez, María Jesús; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; Bañares-España, Elena
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023)
Global change is imposing significant losses in the functional traits of marine organisms. Although areas of climatic refugia ameliorate local conditions and help them to persist, the extent to which mesoscale effects ... -
Temporal variability of Oscillatoria sp. in extreme environment: a sulfide-rich spring outflow
Reul, Andreas; Martín-Clemente, Elena; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Hernández-López, Miguel; Toro-Gil, Francisco Javier
; Bañares-España, Elena
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
[et al.] (2017-09-13)
Backgrounds The Hedionda Spa (Andalucía, southern Spain) is a sulfide-rich spring outflow, but despite the inhibitory effect of sulfide on photosynthesis, a phytoplankton community inhabits this extreme environment. Objectives ... -
Warming rate could influence the thermal resistance in freshwater phytoplankton
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Reul, Andreas; Viruel, María Ángeles; Bañares-España, Elena
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
[et al.] (2024-01-19)
Global warming is altering the composition of freshwater phytoplankton communities due to the differential potential of species to respond to increasing temperatures. Eco-evolutionary theory supports that the rate of ... -
Warming rate shapes the thermal tolerance of freshwater phytoplankton.
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Reul, Andreas; Viruel, María Ángeles; Bañares-España, Elena
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
[et al.] (2023)
The impact of global warming on phytoplankton species in freshwater ecosystems could vary depending on their capacity for adapting and acclimating to changes in temperature. To make better predictions under different global ...