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Listar por autor "Mérida-Robles, Josefa María"
Mostrando ítems 1-18 de 18
Catalizadores ácidos basados en Nb2O5 para procesos sostenibles en biorrefinerías: producción de biodiésel, acroleína y furfural
García-Sancho, Cristina(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)
En la actualidad, se pretende sustituir gran parte del consumo energético mundial basado en los combustibles fósiles por energía procedente de fuentes renovables. En este sentido, el uso de la biomasa como energía alternativa ... -
Effect of the treatment with H3PO4 on the catalytic activity of Nb2O5 supported on Zr-doped mesoporous silica catalyst. Case study: glycerol dehydration.
García-Sancho, Cristina; Cecilia-Buenestado, Juan Antonio
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Santamaría-González, José
; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
; Infantes-Molina, Antonia
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
[et al.] (Elsevier B.V., 2017-09-06)
We have previously demonstrated the influence of the niobium species over the glycerol dehydration reaction and how the catalyst regeneration by thermal treatment modified the catalytic performance due to the transformation ... -
Estudio de la deshidratación de sorbitol a isosorbida en presencia de zeolitas ácidas
Ginés-Molina, María José; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
; Santamaría-González, José
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
Actualmente, el interés creciente por el uso de la biomasa como materia prima renovable y sostenible para la producción de energía, productos químicos y biocombustibles, está impulsando el desarrollo de nuevos procesos y ... -
Evaluation of the ZrO2/Al2O3 system as catalysts in the catalytic transfer hydrogenation of furfural to obtain furfuryl alcohol
Jiménez Gómez, Carmen Pilar; Viar-Antuñano, N.; Cecilia-Buenestado, Juan Antonio; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Requies, Jesús M.; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2021)
ZrO2, Al2O3 and ZrO2/Al2O3 with different Zr/Al molar ratio, have been synthesized by coprecipitation and subsequent calcination. The resulting catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, ... -
Influence of synthesis conditions in the catalytic performance of Nb-P catalysts
Cecilia-Buenestado, Juan Antonio; García-Sancho, Cristina
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Santamaría-González, José
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
; Jiménez-López, José Antonio
; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
[et al.] (2014-07-14)
Glycerol is a natural byproduct of the manufacture of soaps from the hydrolysis of animal fats and vegetable oils. Due to the incessant increment of the worldwide production of biodiesel, the production of glycerol, a ... -
Influence of the Incorporation of Basic or Amphoteric Oxides on the Performance of Cu-Based Catalysts Supported on Sepiolite in Furfural Hydrogenation
Guerrero-Torres, Antonio; Jiménez-Gómez, Carmen Pilar; Cecilia-Buenestado, Juan Antonio; García-Sancho, Cristina
; Quirante-Sánchez, José Joaquín
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
[et al.] (MDPI, 2019-03-31)
Cu-based catalysts supported on sepiolite have been tested in vapor-phase hydrogenation of furfural. The incorporation of basic or amphoteric metal oxides (magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, or cerium oxide) improves the catalytic ... -
Mesoporous niobium oxide for dehydration of D-xylose into furfural
García-Sancho, Cristina; Rubio Caballero, Juan Miguel; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Santamaría-González, José
; Jiménez López, Antonio; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
[et al.] (2013-09-13)
El furfural posee un gran potencial como molécula plataforma de origen renovable para la síntesis de una alta variedad de compuestos químicos. Se obtiene mediante la deshidratación de pentosas, principalmente a partir de ... -
NB2O5 soportado en SBA-15 para la deshidratación de glicerol a acroleína
Moreno-Tost, Ramón; Cecilia-Buenestado, Juan Antonio
; Moreno Ruíz, A.; García-Sancho, Cristina
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Santamaría-González, José
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
[et al.] (2013)
La producción industrial de la acroleína se basa en la oxidación selectiva del propeno, de origen fósil, en presencia de catalizadores complejos de BiMoOx . Debido a la disminución de los recursos petroquímicos, los recursos ... -
Obtención de acroleína mediante la deshidratación de glicerol en presencia de Al-SBA-15
Cecilia-Buenestado, Juan Antonio; García-Sancho, Cristina
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Santamaría-González, José
; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
[et al.] (2015-09-02)
Hoy en día es necesaria la búsqueda de nuevas aplicaciones a los excedentes de glicerol provenientes de la industria del biodiésel, siendo su deshidratación a acroleína, un intermedio muy importante y versátil en la industria ... -
Porous aluminosilicates as acid catalysts for glucose dehydration to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
Moreno Recio, Mercedes; Moreno-Tost, Ramón; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Santamaría-González, José
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
In the present work, the catalytic behavior of micro- and mesoporous aluminosilicates in glucose dehydration is compared. In this sense, different commercial zeolites (Beta, Y and ZSM-5, in their protonic form) and ... -
Recent Advances in Mechanochemical Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass
Pérez-Merchán, Antonio Manuel; Rodríguez Carballo, Gabriela; Torres-Olea, Benjamín; García-Sancho, Cristina; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
[et al.] (IOAP-MPDI, 2022-08-17)
Biorefineries are industrial facilities where biomass is converted into chemicals, fuels and energy. The use of lignocellulose as raw material implies the development of pretreatments to reduce its recalcitrant character ... -
Synthesis of hollow mesoporous spheres modified with ZrO2 and non-noble metals for the one-step reaction of furfural to 1,4-pentanediol.
Maderuelo-Solera, Rocío; Cecilia-Buenestado, Juan Antonio; García-Sancho, Cristina
; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
[et al.] (2023)
The synthesis of these porous SiO2 nanospheres modified with ZrO2 was based on a previous work to which different metal loadings were co-precipitated to obtain a family of catalysts ranging from 15% Cu to 15% Co. For the ... -
Tailoring basic and acidic properties of MgAl hydrotalcite by fluoride anions: Effect on glycerol oligomerisation
Maderuelo-Solera, Rocío; Ledesma-Muñoz, A.L.; García-Sancho, Cristina; Cecilia-Buenestado, Juan Antonio
; Infantes-Molina, Antonia
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023)
In this work, two families of catalysts based on mixed metal oxides derived from MgAl hydrotalcites were synthesized with a Mg/Al molar ratio of 3. On the one hand, in the first family, the fluoride anion was incorporated ... -
The effect of mechanochemistry on the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts: Reduction of furfural to obtain furfuryl alcohol.
Pérez-Merchán, Antonio Manuel; Scala, Marcela; Cecilia-Buenestado, Juan Antonio; García-Sancho, Cristina
; Malpartida-García, Irene
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
; Dimitratos, Nikolaos; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
[et al.] (2023)
In this context, mechanochemistry is receiving increasing attention for the synthesis of many chemical compounds in the solid state, considered by IUPAC as one of the 10 methodologies to change the world.Mechanochemistry ... -
The Role of Copper in the Hydrogenation of Furfural and Levulinic Acid
García-Sancho, Cristina; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Cecilia-Buenestado, Juan Antonio
; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
(IOAP-MDPI, 2023-01-26)
Currently, there is a great interest in the development of sustainable and green technologies for production of biofuels and chemicals. In this sense, much attention is being paid to lignocellulosic biomass as feedstock, ... -
Valorization of carbohydrates: dehydration of sorbitol to isosorbide in the presence of acidic zeolites
Santamaría-González, José; Lerena Gil, Isabel; Ginés-Molina, María José; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
[et al.] (2015-10-16)
Currently, the growing interest in the use of biomass as a renewable and sustainable raw material for the production of energy, chemicals and biofuels is driving the development of new catalytic processes and technologies ... -
Zr-HMS modificado con Cu y Co para la obtención de productos de valor añadido a desde la hidrogenación de furfural.
Maderuelo-Solera, Rocío; Cecilia-Buenestado, Juan Antonio; García-Sancho, Cristina
; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
[et al.] (2023)
De los pentanodioles obtenidos de la hidrogenación del furfural, con el empleo de catalizadores basados en metales no nobles, la bibliografía nos muestra un gran volumen de trabajos centrados en 1,2-pentanodiol, mientras ... -
γ-Al2O3 as acid catalyst for dehydration of glucose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
Fúnez Núñez, Inmaculada; García-Sancho, Cristina; Santamaría-González, José
; Mérida-Robles, Josefa María
; Moreno-Tost, Ramón
; Maireles-Torres, Pedro Jesús
[et al.] (2015-10-19)
Currently, the search and development of sustainable feedstocks for chemicals derived from petrol have gained worldwide attraction because of the instability of the price of crude oil, the reduction of fossil oil reserves, ...