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Listar por autor "Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 45
Absence of LPA1 receptor results in altered pattern of limbic activation after tail suspension test
Moreno-Fernández, Román D.; Gómez-Salas, Francisco Javier; Pérez-Martín, Margarita; Rosell-del-Valle, Cristina; Castilla-Ortega, María Estela
; García-Fernández, María Inmaculada
; Chun, Jerold; Rodriguez-de-Fonseca, Fernando; Estivill-Torrús, Guillermo; Santín-Núñez, Luis Javier
; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen
[et al.] (2016-07-20)
Stress serves as an adaptive mechanism and helps organisms to cope with life-threatening situations. However, individual vulnerability to stress and dysregulation of this system may precipitate stress-related disorders ... -
The absence of LPA1 receptor results in lipidome dysregulation and Neuropeptide-Y underexpression
Tabbai-Amal, Sara; Moreno-Fernández, Román D.; Pérez-Martín, Margarita; Rosell-del-Valle, Cristina; Castilla-Ortega, María Estela
; Fernández, María; Chun, Jerold; Rodriguez-de-Fonseca, Fernando; Estivill-Torrús, Guillermo; Santín-Núñez, Luis Javier
; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen
[et al.] (2018-07-18)
LPA1 receptor is one of the six characterized G protein-coupled receptors (LPA1-6) through which lysophosphatidic acid acts as an intercellular signaling molecule. It has been shown that the LPA1 receptor is involved in ... -
Absence of LPA1 signaling results in defective cortical development
Estivill-Torrús, Guillermo; Llebrez Zayas, Pedro; Matas-Rico, Elisa; Rodríguez de Fonseca, Fernando; Chun, Jerold; Santín-Núñez, Luis Javier; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen
; De-Diego-Barbado, Isabel
; Del Arco-Herrera, Ignacio; Fernández-Llebrez, Pedro
[et al.] (Oxford academy, 2008-04)
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a simple phospholipid with extracellular signaling properties mediated by specific G protein-coupled receptors. At least 2 LPA receptors, LPA(1) and LPA(2), are expressed in the developing ... -
Acute psychological stress: effects on hippocampal neurogenesis and the role of microglia
Nieto-Quero, Andrea; Chaves-Peña, Patricia; Infantes-López, M. Inmaculada; Zambrana-Infantes, Emma; Tabbai-Amal, Sara; Muñoz-Martín, José; Pérez-Martín, Margarita; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen
[et al.] (2022)
Among all the factors that can contribute to the onset of psychopathological disorders, stress is the main environmental factor. The hippocampus is one of the most sensitive regions to the harmful effects of stress, in ... -
Anxiety and mild microglial activation in the amygdala two weeks after NA-induced neuroinflammation
León-Rodríguez, Ana; Fernández-Arjona, María del Mar; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen; Mateos-Grondona, Jesús
; López-Ávalos, María Dolores
; León-Rodríguez, Ana[et al.] (Wiley Periodicals, LLC, 2021-07)
A single injection of neuraminidase (NA) within the cerebral ventricles (ICV) triggers an acute neuroinflammation. Neurological complications or behavioral alterations have been associated to neuroinflammation. While some ... -
Anxiety‑like behavior and microglial activation in the amygdala after acute neuroinflammation induced by microbial neuraminidase.
León-Rodríguez, Ana; Fernández-Arjona, María del Mar; Mateos-Grondona, Jesús; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen
; López-Ávalos, María Dolores
(Springer Nature, 2022-07-08)
Short-term behavioral alterations are associated with infection and aid the recovery from sickness. However, concerns have raised that sustained behavioral disturbances after acute neuroinflammation could relate to ... -
Behavioral phenotype of maLPA1-null mice: increased anxiety-like behavior and spatial memory deficits
Santín-Núñez, Luis Javier; Bilbao, Ainhoa; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen
; Matas-Rico, Elisa; López-Barroso, Diana; Castilla-Ortega, María Estela
; Sánchez-López, Jorge; Riquelme, Raquel; Varela Nieto, Isabel; de la Villa, P.; Surdiaz, Margarita; Chun, Jerold; Rodríguez de Fonseca, Fernando; Estivill-Torrús, Guillermo[et al.] (Wiley, 2009-11)
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) has emerged as a new regulatory molecule in the brain. Recently, some studies have shown a role for this molecule and its LPA1 receptor in the regulation of plasticity and neurogenesis in the ... -
Chronic central modulation of LPA/LPA receptors-signaling pathway in the mouse brain regulates cognition, emotion, and hippocampal neurogenesis.
Rosell-del-Valle, Cristina; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen; Manuel, Iván; Moreno-Rodríguez, Marta; Rodríguez-Puertas, Rafael; Castilla-Ortega, María Estela
; Caramés-Tejedor, José María
; Gómez-Conde, Ana Isabel; Zambrana-Infantes, Emma; Ortega-Pinazo, Jesús; Serrano-Castro, Pedro Jesús
; Chun, Jerold; Rodriguez-de-Fonseca, Fernando; Santín-Núñez, Luis Javier
; Estivill-Torrús, Guillermo[et al.] (Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2021-06-06)
Several studies have demonstrated that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) acts through its LPA receptors in multiple biological and behavioral processes, including adult hippocampal neurogenesis, hippocampal-dependent memory, and ... -
Cognitive impairment in a murine model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis with relapsing-remitting course
Rosell-del-Valle, Cristina; Sánchez-Morales, Cristina; Gómez-Conde, Ana Isabel; Hurtado-Guerrero, Isaac; Fernández-Fernández, Óscar; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen; Santín-Núñez, Luis Javier
; Estivill-Torrús, Guillermo[et al.] (2015-09-18)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neuroinflammatory disorder characterized by demyelination and progressive axonal loss that affects the central nervous system. In addition of physical disability and the neurodegenerative ... -
Dataset Orbitrap Raw-Data Stress Hippocampus(1h-24h)
Nieto-Quero, Andrea; Infantes-López, M. Inmaculada; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen; Pérez-Martín, Margarita
(Universidad de Málaga, 2023-03-30)
We have examined the effect of an acute stress in the proteomic profile of hippocampus. For this purpose, to extract information from proteomic profiles (1 and 24 hours post-acute stress) a Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass ... -
Dataset Orbitrap Raw-Data Stress Hypothalamus(1h-24h)
Infantes-López, M. Inmaculada; Nieto-Quero, Andrea; Pérez-Martín, Margarita; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen
(Universidad de Málaga, 2023-03-30)
We have examined the effect of an acute stress in the proteomic profile of hypothalamus. For this purpose, to extract information from proteomic profiles (1 and 24 hours post-acute stress) a Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass ... -
Deletion of lysophosphatidic acid receptor LPA1 reduces neurogenesis in the mouse dentate gyrus
Matas-Rico, Elisa; Garcia Diaz, Beatriz; Llebrez Zayas, Pedro; López-Barroso, Diana; Santín-Núñez, Luis Javier; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen
; Smith-Fernández, José Aníbal
; Téllez-Santana, Teresa
; Redondo-Bautista, Maximino
; Chun, Jerold; Rodriguez-de-Fonseca, Fernando; Estivill-Torrús, Guillermo[et al.] (Elsevier, 2008)
Neurogenesis persists in certain regions of the adult brain including the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus wherein its regulation is essential, particularly in relation to learning, stress and modulation ... -
Determinación de las especies de LPA en hipocampo de ratón. Efecto de diferentes protocolos de estrés
Tabbai-Amal, Sara (UMA Editorial, 2020)El LPA es un lípido bioactivo que está involucrado en la señalización intracelular a través de los seis receptores acoplados a proteínas G (LPA1-6). Entre estos receptores, LPA1 es un fuerte candidato para mediar los efectos ... -
Do changes in microglial status underlie neurogenesis impairments and depressive-like behaviours induced by psychological stress? A systematic review in animal models
Nieto-Quero, Andrea; Chaves-Peña, Patricia; Santín-Núñez, Luis Javier; Pérez-Martín, Margarita
; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen
(ELSEVIER, 2021-11)
Stress may have a negative effect on mental health and is the primary environmental risk factor in the aetiology of depression. Nevertheless, the neurobiological mechanisms underlying this mood disorder remain ... -
Efectos del estrés sobre comportamientos de tipo depresivo, la microglía y la neurogénesis hipocampal. Papel del sistema LPA endógeno
Nieto Quero, Andrea (UMA Editorial, 2022)El estrés constituye el principal factor ambiental en la etiología de los trastornos psicopatológicos, entre ellos la depresión. El hipocampo es una de las regiones más sensibles a los efectos nocivos del estrés, pudiendo ... -
Effects of chronic stress on hippocampal microglia and neurogenesis of mice under social defeat stress.
Muñoz-Martín, José; Infantes-López, M. Inmaculada; Chaves-Peña, Patricia; Nieto-Quero, Andrea; Zambrana-Infantes, Emma; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen; Pérez-Martín, Margarita
[et al.] (2022-07)
Introduction: Chronic stress is the main environmental factor in the aetiology of depression and it is known that this type of stress may cause alterations in brain regions such as the hippocampus. Nevertheless, changes ... -
Effects on the hippocampal microglia after acute treatment of a psychological stressor associated with depressive-like behaviours
Nieto-Quero, Andrea; Infantes-López, M. Inmaculada; Zambrana-Infantes, Emma; Chaves-Peña, Patricia; Tabbai-Amal, Sara; Pérez-Martín, Margarita; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen
[et al.] (2021-07)
Stressful life events may have a negative impact on mental health compromising people's well-being, so knowing the neurobiological changes that occur after psychosocial stressors can have an impact on overall health. ... -
Enhanced stress response in rats that suffered acute neuroinflammation induced by neuraminidase three months before
León-Rodríguez, Ana; Mateos-Grondona, Jesús; Fernández-Arjona, María del Mar; Pedraza-Benítez, María del Carmen
; López-Ávalos, María Dolores
Microglial cells are protagonists in neuroinflammatory processes and their activation is a notorious feature of such events. In acute inflammation, microglial cells return to their basal surveillant state in few days. ... -
Estrés y depresión. El papel del receptor LPA1 para el ácido lisofosfatídico
Moreno Fernandez, Roman Dario (Uma Editorial, 2019-10)La depresión es un trastorno muy prevalente, cuya incidencia está en aumento y con consecuencias devastadoras en la salud de las personas. A pesar de ello, las bases neurobiológicas no son del todo conocidas. Esto podría ... -
Evaluación neuropsicológica del procesamiento emocional en el envejecimiento normal, deterioro cognitivo leve y enfermedad de Alzheimer
Cárdenas-Ruiz, José(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2016)
Evaluación neuropsicológica del reconocimiento de la identidad facial y de la expresión facial a través de una adaptación de la batería de exploración de emociones FAB