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Listar por autor "Podadera-Rivera, Pablo"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 30
Borders, cross-border cooperation and depopulation: the case of the Spanish-Portuguese North-Central Border
Podadera-Rivera, Pablo; Calderón-Vázquez, Francisco José
(European Commision (Open Research Europe), 2023)
Cross-border cooperation has been (and still is) one of the main assets of the acquis communitiare in everything that refers to cross-border development. In fact, development initiatives aimed at addressing the problems ... -
Brexit and the Anglosphere: An Intra-Industry Trade Opportunity for India.
Calderón-Vázquez, Francisco José; Chandnani Sukhwani, V.; Podadera-Rivera, Pablo
(Centre for European Studies, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, 2020-06)
The present paper outlines a functionalist approach to the complex “Brexit” phenomenon, exploring those opportunities that can be derived of it for third countries, unaware of the upheaval European scenario, as could be ... -
Brexit and the Anglosphere: an intra-industry trade opportunity for India?
Calderón-Vázquez, Francisco José; Chandnani Sukhwani, V.; Podadera-Rivera, Pablo
(Centre for European Studies, 2020-06)
The present paper outlines a functionalist approach to the complex “Brexit” phenomenon, exploring those opportunities that can be derived of it for third countries, unaware of the upheaval European scenario, as could be ... -
Crisis and Regional Distribution in the European Union. Considerations of Economic Policy.
Podadera-Rivera, Pablo(Taylor and francis, 2014-12-08)
This paper presents an advance of the investigation in progress on the variation of the level of spatial concentration of economic activity and of the per capita income in the regions of the ... -
Cross-sectional and spatial panel data analysis of territorial economic cohesion in the European Union regions based on convergence approach: From 2 to 8 per cent?
Isla-Castillo, Fernando; Garashchuk, Anna; Podadera-Rivera, Pablo
From an economic, political and social standpoint, one of the most evident and visible features of today’s European Union as a supranational regional organization is its heterogeneity, where disparity seems to be the common ... -
Depopulation of EU Lower-income Regions: Can Digitalisation via Broadband Access Reduce it?
Garashchuk, Anna; Isla-Castillo, Fernando; Podadera-Rivera, Pablo
(Universidad de Huelva, 2023-08-11)
Depopulated rural or post-industrial areas, which are often low-income with fewer job opportunities, represent an open challenge for the European Union. Sharp demographic declines especially in Eastern and Southern Europe, ... -
Economic Cohesion and Development of the European Union’s Regions and Member States - A Methodological Proposal to Measure and Identify the Degree of Regional Economic Cohesion
Garashchuk, Anna; Isla-Castillo, Fernando; Podadera-Rivera, Pablo
(Elsevier, 2023)
The EU cohesion policy seeks to mitigate imbalances between countries and regions and enhance greater economic development of the whole Union. However, notwithstanding its efforts and certain progress on this issue, ... -
European neighbourhood policy: the eastern partnership. A decalogue of differentiation and reform proposals
Podadera-Rivera, Pablo; Calderón-Vázquez, Francisco José
We could consider that the neighborhood policy of the EU begins to take shape from the very moment that Robert Schumann and Jean Monnet announced the intention to create an economic community of coal and steel. However, ... -
Evaluando la Participación Pública: una propuesta de análisis multivariante de sus potencialidades y obstáculos desde las acciones internacionales
Barbosa de Lima, Luciano (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)El presente estudio trata de una propuesta de creación de un Índice de Participación Pública (IPP), al identificar variables que interfieren en las potencialidades para una efectiva participación ciudadana. Se usó como ... -
La Frontera Hispano-Marroquí desde la perspectiva de la Cooperación Transfronteriza de la Unión Europea.
Podadera-Rivera, Pablo; Calderón-Vázquez, Francisco José
La Cooperación Transfronteriza continúa siendo un aspecto de destacada importancia en el nuevo período programático de la Unión Europea, 2014-2020. La nueva Política de Cohesión mantiene la cooperación transfronteriza como ... -
El futuro de los estudios europeos. La educación y la formación de los "nuevos europeos". El caso de España
Podadera-Rivera, Pablo(2014-10-16)
Si combinamos las facilidades para el desplazamiento y la telecomunicación con las facilidades para la instalación y residencia en países distintos al de origen, planteadas por la libre circulación de personas y el Convenio ... -
Globalización e innovación tecnológica en Europa. Diseño de una política de innovación y desarrollo tecnológico regional
Podadera-Rivera, Pablo(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998)
El contexto de globalización económica y social en el que hoy se desarrollan las diferentes políticas de los distintos países miembros de la U.E., ha orientado a la acción pública a impulsar la competitividad internacional ... -
Heterogeneity of the European Union's strategic partners: can they still be compatible?
Podadera-Rivera, Pablo; Garashchuk, Anna
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
The present paper aims at investigating EU’s strategic partners using both theoretical and empirical analysis. Applying the technique of cluster analysis allowed us, first, to demonstrate that not all of the EU’s ‘special ... -
Institutional Aspects of Portugal-Spain Cross-Border Cooperation.
Podadera-Rivera, Pablo; Calderón-Vázquez, Francisco José
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2018)
The Portuguese-Spanish border perfectly embodies the common characteristics of European cross-borders territories with a present which is characterised by abundant initiatives of cross-border cooperation. In the present ... -
La política de la UE ante la pobreza y la exclusión social. Una revisión crítica
García-Lizana, Antonio; Lobato-Martín, José
; Podadera-Rivera, Pablo
; Romero Martín-Gambero, Ángel (2019-06-26)
La persistencia de la pobreza y la exclusión social en la UE ha motivado la preocupación por dar una respuesta política consistente, cuyos óptimos resultados se hacen esperar. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar ... -
Pobreza y exclusión social en la Unión Europea.
Podadera-Rivera, Pablo; Romero Martín-Gambero, Ángel; García-Lizana, Antonio
; Lobato-Martín, José
(Universidad de Huelva, 2020-07-15)
Tras estudiar la situación de la población en riesgo de pobreza o en exclusión social en los países de la Unión Europea, se indagan las variables que pueden tener influencia sobre dicha situación, revisando las políticas ... -
Presupuestos sensibles al género en el marco de la cooperación UE-AL. Un estudio internacional comparado
Los presupuestos sensibles al género han sido impulsados en diversos países con el fin de reducir brechas de género al distribuir y orientar de manera más adecuada y equitativa los fondos públicos. Si bien las primeras ... -
Rethinking the territorial cohesion in the EU: institutional and functional elements of the concept.
Calderón-Vázquez, Francisco José; Podadera-Rivera, Pablo
(Centre for European Studies, 2019)
In the present work we propose a better understanding of the concept of territorial cohesion from its thematic components. The 'cohesion' concept has been called vague, ambiguous and subjective, generating a great debate ... -
The Role of the Models of Strategic Partnership in the New World Order. Euro-Russian Relations and the Eurasian Economic Union in Strategic
Garashchuk, Anna(UMA Editorial, 2019)
Before the conflict in Ukraine, the EU-Russian relationship was developing in the format of a Strategic Partnership, and Russia was in fact already considered to be one of the EU’s ten strategic partners. However, the main ... -
Strategic Partner Election: Proposal for a Binary Logistic Model for the EU
Podadera-Rivera, Pablo; Garashchuk, Anna
(Springer, 2023)
The European Union awarded the special status of strategic partner to ten states. Its key partners are dissimilar in political philosophies and structure, power status, ethical values, economic development, unequal in size ...