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Listar por autor "Quero-Gervilla, María José"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 38
A conceptual approach to the tourist value co-creation: dimensions, antecedents and consequences.
Carvalho, Pedro; Díaz-Méndez, Montserrat; Quero-Gervilla, María José; Saren, Michael (Varna University of Management, 2023)In the last decades, several studies related to the Service-Dominant Logic approach were carried out, where the tourism industry is not an exception. As such, multiple works associated with this research stream have ... -
Análisis de las relaciones de co-creación de valor. Un estudio de casos de crowdfunding.
Quero-Gervilla, María José; Ventura-Fernández, Rafael (Universidad Camilo José Cela, 2014-07)El trabajo describe un proyecto de crowdfunding como un sistema de relaciones de co-creación de valor. Desde esta consideración, los autores elaboran una tipología de agentes que participan según siete tipos de co-creación ... -
Balanced centricity and triads: strategies to reach ecosystem equilibrium in the arts sector
Quero-Gervilla, María José (2018-06-28)The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether triads structure can facilitate or inhibit the evolution into a service ecosystem. The triad structure and the institutions that dominate the triads will determine the evolution ... -
Balanced Centricity and Triads: Strategies to reach ecosystem equilibrium in the arts sector.
Quero-Gervilla, María José; Díaz-Méndez, Montserrat; Gummesson, Evert (Emerald, 2020-03-10)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether triad structures, as the smallest unit of a network, can facilitate or inhibit the evolution into a service ecosystem. According to S-D logic literature, the triad ... -
Balanced centricity: a joint institutional logic within open collaborative ecosystems
Quero-Gervilla, María José; Mele, Cristina (Emerald, 2023-01-20)Purpose: This paper aims to examine the change of institutional logics in actors’ practices within crowdfunding platforms, seen as open collaborative ecosystems. Design/methodology/approach: The research follows an ... -
Balanced Centricity: An Institutional view of A2A market
Quero-Gervilla, María José (2021)Purpose – Open networks make it possible for service ecosystems to emerge as a result of Institutional logics shared through the collective action of actors . This process, which represents a change from customer ... -
Balanced centricity: deinstitutionalizing the arts sector
Balanced centricity (BC) is a concept that removes the customer from the central position in a network, thereby allowing other actors to engage in it more fully. Changing the central position of the customer or the role ... -
The Balanced Innovation Model. The case of Crowdfunding platforms.
Quero-Gervilla, María José; Ventura-Fernández, Rafael (2019-06-14)Purpose – The paper aims to analyze balanced centricity (Gummesson, 2008) as an institutional arrangement (Vargo and Lusch, 2016) fostering the innovation process by taking out the customer from the central positioning to ... -
Co-patenting, co-ownership, and co-ideation as drivers for university business innovation: the case of public universities in Spain
Quero-Gervilla, María José; Díaz-Méndez, Montserrat; Ventura-Fernández, Rafael; Gummesson, Evert (Emerald, 2022-12-19)Purpose: This paper explores whether, in the context of university–industry (U–I) collaboration, new innovation strategies can be developed through actors' interactions, the exchange of resources and the co-creation of ... -
Collaborative learning and interdisciplinary applied to teaching entrepreneurship.
Ventura-Fernández, Rafael; Quero-Gervilla, María José (Elsevier, 2013)This paper describes an experiment based on using collaborative learning tools for acquiring the competences considered necessary for creating new business models and formulating them in business plans. The main aim of ... -
Collective consumption and co-creation in a crowdfunding community.
Collective consumption studies how the co-presence of multiple consumers affects the experience of each other (Bruce et al., 2019). This paper studies the role of peers in online communities, with the goal of understanding ... -
El compromiso como variable mediadora para la predicción de las futuras intenciones de consumo en los servicios. Una aproximación empírica a los consumidores de artes escénicas en España.
Quero-Gervilla, María José; Ventura-Fernández, Rafael (Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV - EHU), 2011)El presente trabajo de investigación trata de arrojar luz sobre las relaciones entre las variables Satisfacción, Compromiso, Confianza y Futuras Intenciones de compra. Con este fin, se propone un Modelo de Gestión de ... -
La comunicación cultural.
Quero-Gervilla, María José (Observatorio Cultural de las Universidades Públicas Andaluzas, 2023)La Comunicación Cultural en el contexto de economía abierta afronta nuevos grandes retos que buscan involucrar al actor para que comparta e integre recursos con el máximo nivel de engagement, maximizando el potencial del ... -
La comunicación cultural.
Quero-Gervilla, María José (Universidad de Cádiz, 2018)La comunicación estratégica en las organizaciones culturales es una herramienta de marketing clave en la gestión. Tanto en el ámbito interno como externo, se ha de buscar maximizar la eficiencia de las inversiones en los ... -
Cultural communication.
Quero-Gervilla, María José (Universidad de Cádiz, 2018)Strategic communication is a key marketing tool in the management of cultural organisations. Both internally and externally, the aim is to maximise the efficiency of investments in instruments of communication, in order ... -
Los efector multiplicativos de los actores vinculados con respecto a la emergencia en ecosistemas de crowdfunding.
Quero-Gervilla, María José (2023)El propósito de este documento es desentrañar el papel estratégico de los actores comprometidos para mejorar la dinámica de los procesos de integración de recursos que afectan la experiencia de los actores, facilitando el ... -
El enfoque de Marketing Relacional en entidades de servicios de exhibición de artes escénicas
Quero-Gervilla, María José (Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2002)El presente trabajo de investigación parte del planteamiento de los siguientes objetivos generales: Análisis del mercado de las artes escénicas en España desde la perspectiva de la oferta.Planteamiento de un modelo de ... -
Factores explicativos de la intención de emprender en la mujer. Aspectos diferenciales en la población universitaria según la variable género.
Ventura-Fernández, Rafael; Quero-Gervilla, María José (Servicio editorial UPV - EHU, 2013)El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es arrojar luz sobre los factores que explican la menor intencionalidad en la población femenina para involucrarse en procesos de creación de empresas. Para ello, se ha ... -
The innomediary role of University in shaping the start-up ecosystem
Quero-Gervilla, María José (2019-09-17)Start-up companies are increasingly growing by exploiting disruptive ideas and recent digital technologies. As of November 2018, there are about 9,000 innovative start-ups in Italy, leading the employment rate to grow up ... -
Institutions and business customer experience: the role of interfunctional coordination and service co-design.
Ruiz-Alba Robledo, José Luis; Quero-Gervilla, María José; López-Tenorio, Pablo J. (Elsevier, 2023-01-20)This paper contributes to a better understanding of the complex phenomenon of institutions and the moderation of the main antecedents of business customer experience. Following a combination of literature review and three ...