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Listar por autor "Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 72
A multidisciplinary approach to investigate plant-pathogen interactions
Rufián Plaza, José Sebastián (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)Pseudomonas syringae es una bacteria fitopatógena de gran interés tanto académico como económico, ya que afecta a gran variedad de cultivos hortícolas y ornamentales. Durante la interacción entre P. syringae y la planta ... -
A plant virus causes symptoms through the deployment of a host-mimicking protein domain to attract the insect vector.
Gao, Man; Aguilar Parras, Emmanuel; Garnelo-Gómez, Borja; Medina-Puche, Laura; Fan, Pengfei; Ontiveros, Irene; Pan, Shaojun; Tan, Huang; Von Roepenack-Lahaye, Edda; Chen, Na; Wang, Xiao-Wei; Baulcombe, David C.; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Díaz-Pendón, Juan Antonio; Furutani, Masahiko; Morita, Miyo Terao; Lozano-Durán, Rosa[et al.] (2023)During compatible plant-virus interactions, viruses can interfere with the normal developmental program of their hosts, leading to the appearance of phenotypes that we usually identify as ‘’symptoms of infection’’ (leaf ... -
A virus-targeted plant receptor-like kinase promotes cell-to-cell spread of RNAi
Rosas Díaz; Dan, Zhanga; Fan, Pengfei; Liping, Wang; Xue, Ding; Yuli, Jiang; Jiménez-Góngora, Tamara; Medina-Puche, Laura; Xinyan, Zhao; Zhengyan, Feng; Guiping, Zhang; Xiaokun, Liuc; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Li, Tana; Heng, Zhang; Jian-Kang, Zhua; Weiman, Xinga; Faulkner, Christine; Shingo, Nagawa; Lozano Durán, Rosa[et al.] (PNAS, 2018-01-23)RNA interference (RNAi) in plants can move from cell to cell, allowing for systemic spread of an antiviral immune response. How this cell-to-cell spread of silencing is regulated is currently unknown. Here, we describe ... -
Análisis de la infección por geminivirus en plantas con la maquinaria de metilación del DNA alterada.
Piedra-Aguilera, Álvaro; Rodríguez-Negrete, Edgar; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli (2015-10-26)Los geminivirus son virus de plantas pertenecientes a la familia Geminiviridae. Poseen un genoma compuesto por una o dos moléculas de DNA circular de cadena simple y una cápside compuesta de 2 partes icosaédricas gemelas, ... -
Análisis del solapamiento funcional entre la respuesta de la planta frente a efectores secretados por Pseudomonas syringae y el silenciamiento génico
Zumaquero, Adela; López, Diego; Rodríguez, Edgar; Beuzón-López, Carmen del Rosario; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo (2014-11-07)Las plantas están continuamente sometidas a infecciones por diferentes patógenos. Los patógenos bacterianos usan un complejo sistema de secreción para translocar proteínas efectoras al interior del huésped y suprimir así ... -
Arabidopsis thaliana, an experimental host for tomato yellow leaf curl disease-associated begomoviruses by agroinoculation and whitefly transmission.
Cañizares, María del Carmen; Rosas-Díaz, Tábata Victoria; Rodríguez-Negrete, Edgar; Hogenhoutc, S. A; Bedford, I. D.; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Navas-Castillo, Jesús; Moriones, Enrique[et al.] (British Society for Plant Pathology, 2014-07-01)Tomato yellow leaf curl disease is one of the most devastating viral diseases affecting tomato crops worldwide. This disease is caused by several begomoviruses (genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae), such as Tomato ... -
Caracterización de la hipotética proteína de defensa codificada por el gen At5G38850 en Arabidopsis thaliana
López-Márquez, Diego; Del Espino Pérez, Ángel; López-Pagán, Nieves; Ruiz-Albert, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Beuzón-López, Carmen del Rosario[et al.] (2019-02-01)La defensa PTI (Pattern triggered immunity) en plantas evita la infección por parte de un gran número de patógenos. P. syringae suprime la PTI mediante proteínas (efectores) introducidas en el interior de la célula vegetal ... -
Characterization of Curtovirus V2 Protein, a Functional Homolog of Begomovirus V2
Pérez-Luna, Ana Isabel; Romero-Rodríguez, Beatriz; Rosas-Díaz, Tábata Victoria; Cerero, Laura; Rodríguez Negrete, Edgar A.; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo[et al.] (Frontiers, 2020-06-19)Geminiviruses are single-stranded DNA plant viruses with circular genomes packaged within geminate particles. Among the Geminiviridae family, Begomovirus and Curtovirus comprise the two best characterized genera. Curtovirus ... -
Characterization of the translational landscape of the plant-virus interaction
Sans-Coll, Gemma; Rosas-Díaz, Tábata Victoria; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Merchante-Berg, Catharina (2021-06-21)Viral diseases are among the main limiting factors for agronomic production. Viruses require the host’s cellular machinery to be able to infect, which implies complex interactions between it and the plant. Knowledge of the ... -
Characterization of the translational landscape of the plant-virus interaction
Sans-Coll, Gemma; Merchante-Berg, Catharina; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo (2022-09-14)Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is responsible for a disease that causes massive damage to tomato crops around the world (Prasad et al., 2020). Due to its viral nature, it requires the host’s cellular machinery to ... -
Characterization of the translational landscape of the plant-virus interaction
Sans-Coll, Gemma; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Merchante-Berg, Catharina (2022)Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is responsible for a disease that causes massive damage to tomato crops around the world (Prasad et al., 2020). Due to its viral nature, it requires the host’s cellular machinery to ... -
Complex interaction among virus-plant-vector in the Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD)
Geminiviruses constitute the largest plant family of DNA viruses that cause diseases in crops worldwide. Among them, Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) is one of the most devastating viral diseases affecting tomato ... -
Deciphering the role of vesicle trafficking in geminiviral infection
Cana Quijada, José Francisco (UMA Editorial, 2022)Esta tesis está dividida en dos partes claramente diferenciadas. En la primera parte se ha investigado el papel que juega el tráfico vesicular en las infecciones causadas por geminivirus, mientras que la segunda se ... -
Discerning the relationship between geminiviral infection and vesicle trafficking using virus induced gene silencing
Cana Quijada, José Francisco; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Rosas-Díaz, Tábata Victoria; Lozano-Durán, Rosa (2017-06-26)Tomato yellow leaf curl disease is one of the most important threats to tomato crops worldwide. One of its causal agents, Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinian virus (TYLCSV) is a monopartite member of the genus Begomovirus ... -
Discovering Host Genes Involved in the Infection by the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Complex and in the Establishment of Resistance to the Virus Using Tobacco Rattle Virus-based Post Transcriptional Gene Silencing
Henryk Czosnek; Assaf Eybishtz; Dagan Sade; Rena Gorovits; Iris Sobol; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Rosas-Díaz, Tábata Victoria; Lozano Durán, Rosa[et al.] (MDPI, 2013-02)The development of high-throughput technologies allows for evaluating gene expression at the whole-genome level. Together with proteomic and metabolomic studies, these analyses have resulted in the identification of plant ... -
Dissecting the relevance of vesicle trafficking for the movement of geminiviruses
Cana Quijada, José Francisco; Morales Martínez, Pablo; Rosas-Díaz, Tábata Victoria; Navarro, José Antonio; Pallás, Vicente; Lozano-Durán, Rosa; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo[et al.] (2022-09)Tomato yellow leaf curl disease is one of the most important threats to tomato crops worldwide. One of its causal agents, Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinian virus (TYLCSV), is a monopartite member of the genus Begomovirus ... -
Effector-mediated suppression of plant defense against biotrophs through activation of antagonistic defense against necrotrophs
López-Márquez, Diego; Zumaquero, Adela; Rodríguez-Negrete, Edgar; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Beuzón-López, Carmen del Rosario (2015-12-15)Plant hormones are small molecules involved in the regulation of plant growth, development, reproduction and stress responses. Salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonates (JA) are essential for the activation of defence responses ... -
ER Bodies Are Induced by Pseudomonas syringae and Negatively Regulate Immunity.
Rufián Plaza, José Sebastián; Elmore, James M.; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Beuzón-López, Carmen del Rosario; Coaker, Gitta L. (APS, 2021-09-29)ER bodies are endoplasmic reticulum–derived organelles present in plants belonging to the Brassicales order. In Arabidopsis thaliana, ER bodies are ubiquitous in cotyledons and roots and are present only in certain cell ... -
Estudio de la sumoilación en el papel de la proteína Rep en el replisoma viral
Sabarit Penalosa, Blanca (UMA Editorial, 2024)Los geminivirus son una familia de virus transmitidos por insectos que infectan numerosas especies vegetales de gran interés agrícola en regiones con clima tropical y subtropical de todo el mundo, ocasionando grandes ... -
Estudio sobre la interacción planta geminivirus.
Arroyo-Mateos, Manuel (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)Los geminivirus son virus de plantas con genomas de DNA monocatenario formados por una (monopartitos) o dos (bipartitos) moléculas de DNA que codifican de seis a ocho proteínas. Estos virus causan importantes pérdidas ...