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Listar por autor "Suárez-Cebador, Manuel"
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A model to measure sustainable development in the hotel industry: A comparative study.
Suárez-Cebador, Manuel; Rubio-Romero, Juan Carlos; Pinto-Contreiras, Joaquim; Gemar-Castillo, Germán
(Wiley, 2018-03-07)
Despite measurement difficulties, several studies have recognized the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a tool to promote sustainability. The aim of this paper is to design a model to measure the ... -
Análisis y evaluación de la investigación de accidentes laborales como técnicas preventivas en España
Salguero-Caparrós, Francisco Miguel(UMA Editorial, 2017-06-25)
El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral es ofrecer una visión acerca del estado de la investigación de accidentes de trabajo en España. Este objetivo se fundamenta en el hecho de que la eficacia preventiva de las investigaciones ... -
Análisis y evaluación de las actividades de I+D+I en seguridad y salud laboral en España
Pérez Mira, Domingo (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)Analizar la actividad empresarial investigadora en Seguridad y Salud Laboral realizada en España, derivada de incentivos de organismos y entidades españolas durante el periodo comprendido entre los años 2009 y 2014, ... -
Analysis of investigation reports on occupational accidents.
Salguero-Caparrós, Francisco Miguel; Suárez-Cebador, Manuel
; Rubio-Romero, Juan Carlos (Elsevier, 2014-11-06)
The investigation of accidents is an occupational safety analytical tool aimed at discovering the causes of an accident. Conducting these investigations properly is essential to obtain useful information that helps avoid ... -
Comparative risk assessment of vehicle maintenance activities: Hybrid, battery electric, and hydrogen fuel cell cars
López-Arquillos, Antonio; Rubio-Romero, Juan Carlos; Suárez-Cebador, Manuel
; Pardo-Ferreira, María del Carmen
In this research, vehicle maintenance activities and their safety risks were statistically analyzed. This study focused on three types of vehicle: hybrid, battery electric, and hydrogen fuel cell cars. The repair activities ... -
Delphi assessment of occupational hazards in the wineries of Andalusia, in southern Spain.
Anaya-Aguilar, Rosa María; Suárez-Cebador, Manuel
; Rubio-Romero, Juan Carlos; Galindo-Reyes, Fuensanta Carmen
(Elsevier, 2018-09-20)
Risk assessment is essential to making informed decisions on occupational risk prevention. The health and safety conditions of workers can be improved by issuing voluntary certifications, such as ISO 45001. This is ... -
Expert perspective on health and safety determinants in wineries.
Anaya-Aguilar, Carmen; Suárez-Cebador, Manuel
; Rubio-Romero, Juan Carlos; Anaya-Aguilar, Rosa María
(IOS Press, 2022-04-21)
BACKGROUND: The scientific literature contextualizes health and safety (H&S) in two major models, the first is based on a holistic perspective with H&S processes in all company departments, and the second approaches health ... -
Methodologies for investigating occupational accidents and their use in occupational health and safety research. Literature review.
Salguero-Caparrós, Francisco Miguel; Suárez-Cebador, Manuel
; Carrillo Castrillo, Jesús Antonio; Rubio-Romero, Juan Carlos (Gh Asachi Technical Univ Iasi, 2019)
El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar los principales estudios publicados sobre accidentes de trabajo para reconocer, clasificar y describir las metodologías científicas utilizadas. Para lograr el objetivo planteado ...