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Listar por autor "Torres-Jaén, María Josefa"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 45
Advances and highlights in T and B cell responses to drug antigens
Fernández-Santamaría, Rubén; Ariza Veguillas, Adriana; Fernández-Duarte, Tahía Diana; Céspedes Lagos, José Antonio; Labella, Marina; Mayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa
[et al.] (Wiley, 2021-10-07)
The immunological mechanisms involved in drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) are complex, and despite important advances, multiple aspects remain poorly understood. These not fully known aspects are mainly related to ... -
Allergen exposure boosts peripheral Th9 responses in patients with local allergic rhinitis
Palomares, Francisca; Aranda, Carlos José; Saenz de Santa María-García, Rocío; Mayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina; Rondón Segovia, Carmen; Testera Montes, Almudena; Alba-Linero, Carmen; Bentabol-Ramos, Guillermo; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa
; Eguiluz-Gracia, Ibón[et al.] (Wiley, 2023)
Key points ∙ Intranasal allergen exposure increases peripheral total Th2 and Th9 cells in patients with local allergic rhinitis (LAR). ∙ Peripheral T-cell response seems dominated by Th9 cells in patients with LAR, ... -
Allergic reactions to β-lactam antibiotics: chemical approaches for improving in vitro diagnosis
Martín-Serrano Ortiz, Ángela (UMA Editorial, 2018-10-16)Drug hypersensitivity reactions are a significant public health problem with important consequences on patient health and healthcare costs. It has been reported that only a low percentage of initial cases suspected of ... -
Anticonvulsant-induced Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: Monitoring the Immunologic Response.
Leyva-Fernández, Laura; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa; Posadas, Sinforiano Jose; Blanca, Miguel; Besso, Guillermo; O'Valle, Francisco; García del Moral, Raimundo; Santamaría, Luis F; Juárez, Carlos[et al.] (Elsevier BV, 2000)
Background Toxic epidermal necrolysis is a severe reaction with skin involvement induced by different drugs and other agents. The mechanisms implicated in the induction of the reaction are poorly understood. Objective To ... -
Aproximación diagnóstica en pacientes alérgicos a antibióticos betalactámicos
Posadas Miranda, Teresa de Jesús (UMA Editorial, 2017)Los antibióticos betalactámicos (BL) son la causa más frecuente de alergia a fármacos y hasta un 10% de la población general es considerada alérgica. Sin embargo, menos del 20% de los adultos y 10% de los niños considerados ... -
Basophil Activation Test Utility as a Diagnostic Tool in LTP Allergy
Cañas, José Antonio; Pérez-Sánchez, Natalia Isabel; Palomares, Francisca; Molina, Ana; Bartra, Joan; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa; Gómez, Francisca; Mayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina[et al.] (IOAP-MPDI, 2022-04-29)
Plant-food allergy is an increasing problem, with nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) triggering mild/severe reactions. Pru p 3 is the major sensitizer in LTP food allergy (FA). However, in vivo and in vitro ... -
Biomarkers of immediate drug hypersensitivity
Mayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina; Ariza, Adriana; Muñoz-Cano, Rosa; Sabato, Vito; Doña, Inmaculada; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa[et al.] (Wiley, 2023-11-10)
Immediate drug hypersensitivity reactions (IDHRs) are a burden for patients and the health systems. This problem increases when taking into account that only a small proportion of patients initially labelled as allergic ... -
Biomarkers predicting the controller dose of omalizumab in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria
Zubiaga- Fernandez, L.; Testera Montes, Almudena; Rondon, C.; Perez-Sanchez, N.; Gomez- Perez, F.; Vega-Chicote, J. M.; Bartra, Joan; Ferrer, M.; Eguiluz-Gracia, Ibón; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa[et al.] (Wiley, 2024-02-11)
Background Clinical trials showed the efficacy of 300 mg/4 weeks of omalizumab (OMA) during 6 months in patients with severe chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). Nevertheless, in real life, many patients require higher ... -
Caracterización clínica e inmunológica de pacientes jóvenes con rinitis
Prieto del Prado, Ana María (UMA Editorial, 2015)La rinitis es una enfermedad respiratoria altamente prevalente que afecta al 20-40% de la población occidental, tanto adulta como infantil. Se asocia frecuentemente a otras enfermedades como asma, sinusitis y conjuntivitis ... -
Caracterización fenotípica de pacientes con reacciones de hipersensibilidad selectiva a anti-inflamatorios no esteroideos
Pérez-Sánchez, Natalia Isabel (UMA Editorial, 2020)Las reacciones de hipersensibilidad selectivas a AINE (RS) incluyen las inducidas por Ac IgE específicos, designadas SNIUAA (del inglés, single-NSAID-induced urticaria/angioedema or anaphylaxis), y las inducidas por ... -
Cellular recognition of drug antigenic determinants by allergic patients. Inclusion of new parameters to improve cellular in vitro tests
Fernández-Santamaría, Rubén (UMA Editorial, 2023)Las reacciones de hipersensibilidad a fármacos son un tipo de reacciones adversas, no relacionada con la dosis o farmacología, produciéndose solamente en ciertas personas expuestas. El diagnóstico de este tipo de reacciones ... -
Changing patterns in the epidemiology of drug allergy
Doña, Inmaculada; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa; Gulfem, Celik; Phillips, Elizabeth; Kase Tanno, Luciana; Castells, Mariana[et al.] (Wiley, 2023-12-12)
Drug allergy (DA) remains a complex and unaddressed problem worldwide that often deprives patients of optimal medication choices and places them at risk for life-threatening reactions. Underdiagnosis and overdiagnosis are ... -
Controlled administration of penicillin to patients with a positive history but negative skin and specific serum IgE tests.
Torres-Jaén, María Josefa; Mayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina; Leyva-Fernández, Laura; Guzmán, Antonio-Eloy; Cornejo García, José Antonio; Juárez, Carlos; Blanca, Miguel[et al.] (Wiley, 2002)
Although subjects with a positive history of immediate allergy to penicillin and negative skin test are considered to tolerate penicillin, they may develop an immediate reaction despite negative skin and serum specific IgE ... -
Delayed reactions to drugs show levels of perforin, granzyme B, and Fas-L to be related to disease severity.
Posadas, Sinforiano Jose; Padial, Antonia; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa; Mayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina; Leyva-Fernández, Laura; Sánchez, Elena; Álvarez, Javier; Romano, Antonino; Juárez, Carlos; Blanca, Miguel; Sánchez, Elena[et al.] (Elsevier, 2002)
Background Drugs can induce different immunologic reactions; T-cell mediated responses produce the most severe reactions. Although in vitro studies show that T cells recognize drugs or their metabolites and induce an ... -
Dendrimeric Antigens. New Approaches Towards Detection of IgE‐Mediated Drug Allergy Reactions
Montañez-Vega, María Isabel; Mayorga, Cristobalina; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa
; Ruiz-Sánchez, Antonio Jesús; Malkoch, M; Hult, A; Blanca, Miguel; Pérez-de-Inestrosa-Villatoro, Ezequiel
[et al.] (RSC Publishing, 2013-05-31)
Drugs are low molecular weight substances which cannot cause an immune response on their own. However, they can act as haptens and form covalent adducts with proteins. The resulting hapten‐carrier (drug‐protein) conjugate ... -
Design of multi-haptenized dendrimeric-antigens for in vitro IgE recognition
Nájera-Albendín, Francisco; Montañez-Vega, María Isabel
; Ruiz-Sanchez, Antonio Jesus; Vida-Pol, Yolanda
; Collado-Martín, Daniel
; Pérez-de-Inestrosa-Villatoro, Ezequiel
; Mayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa
; Blanca Gómez, Miguel[et al.] (2014-06-12)
Reactions mediated by the Immunoglobulin E (IgE) involved a high number of allergic drug responses, ranging from simple skin symptoms to anaphylactic shock.1 In order to emulate the recognition process working in vivo, ... -
Detection of Serum-Specific IgE by Fluoro-Enzyme Immunoassay for Diagnosing Type I Hypersensitivity Reactions to Penicillins
Ariza Veguillas, Adriana; Mayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina; Bogas Herrera, Gádor; Gaeta, Francesco; Salas, María; Valluzzi, Rocco Luigi; Labella, Marina; Pérez-Sánchez, Natalia Isabel; Caruso, Cristiano; Molina, Ana; Fernández-Duarte, Tahía Diana; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa
; Romano, Antonino[et al.] (IOAP-MPDI, 2022-06-23)
Diagnosis of type I hypersensitivity reactions (IgE-mediated reactions) to penicillins is based on clinical history, skin tests (STs), and drug provocation tests (DPTs). Among in vitro complementary tests, the fluoro-enzyme ... -
Diagnosis and Treatment in Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis: Past, Present, and Future
Espada-Sánchez, Marta; Saenz de Santa María-García, Rocío; Martín Astorga, María del Carmen; Lebrón-Martín, Clara; Romero-Delgado, María-Jesús; Eguiluz-Gracia, Ibón; Rondón Segovia, Carmen; Mayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa; Aranda, Carlos José; Cañas, José Antonio[et al.] (IOAP-MDPI, 2023-01-18)
Respiratory diseases are pathological conditions that affect airways, hampering breathing and causing high mortality. In particular, asthma and allergic rhinitis (AR) are two of the most common airway diseases that affect ... -
Diagnosis of immediate reactions to amoxicillin: Comparison of basophil activation markers CD63 and CD203c in a prospective study
Céspedes Lagos, José Antonio; Fernández-Santamaría, Rubén; Ariza Veguillas, Adriana; Bogas Herrera, Gádor; Doña, Inmaculada; Rondón, Carmen; Salas, María; Labella, Marina; Frecha, Cecilia; Mayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa; Fernández-Duarte, Tahía Diana
[et al.] (Wiley, 2022-12-07)
Amoxicillin (AX) combined or not with clavulanic acid (CLV) is frequently involved in IgE-mediated reactions. Drug provocation test (DPT) is considered as the gold standard for diagnosis, although contraindicated in high-risk ... -
Direct characterization of functional materials by haptenized fluorescent dendrimers for in vitro allergic drug diagnose
Ruiz-Sanchez, Antonio Jesus; Collado-Martín, Daniel; Mayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina; Torres-Jaén, María Josefa
; Pérez-de-Inestrosa-Villatoro, Ezequiel
β-lactams are the most widely drug prescribed against infections, but they are the most commonly reported medication allergy too. A correct diagnosis of these allergic reactions is crucial to avoid rejecting them by other ...