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Listar por autor "Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 23
A "quick look" at ultrafast ablation using fs-resolved phase-change microscopy
A pump-probe phase-change microscope with fs temporal resolution has been used to understand the transformation induced in the sample surface as a consequence of laser-matter interaction. -
A multipurpose thermal vacuum chamber for planetary research compatible with stand-off laser spectroscopies
Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier; Álvarez-Llamas, César; Purohit, Pablo; Moros-Portolés, Javier
; Lucena, Patricia; Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel
[et al.] (2022)
Stand-off spectroscopies and imaging techniques have gained a proper niche within the modern tools in remote compositional analysis for exploration in-situ planetary surface using rovers. Laser-induced breakdown spectrometry ... -
Analytical microprobes: getting more out of less
Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel(2017-11-09)
The arsenal of techniques capable of getting chemical information from reduced spatial domains has been a constant in the analytical instrumentation. Such evolution has run in parallel with the extraordinary advances in ... -
Characterization of Laser-Induced Plasmas Of Organic Compounds by spatially- and temporally resolved optical emission spectrometry
López-Claros, Marina; Purhoit, Pablo; Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
The large majority of laser-induced plasmas experiments are performed on metals in air at atmospheric pressure, where recombination mechanisms do not play a significant role, as the primary emission lines of interest are ... -
Characterization of size-sorted particulated matter collected on solid substrates by laser-ionization mass spectrometry and laser-induced breakdown spectrometry
Medina, Samara; Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
Resumen de trabajos realizados mediante excitación láser de material particulado y su posterior análisis mediante espectroscopía óptica de emisión o ionización. -
Deep-UV laser-induced breakdown spectrometry and laser-ionization mass spectrometry for astrochemistry studies.
The recent ambitions of different national space agencies to return to the Moon and to potentially set up a permanent moon base soon, have triggered the interest to adapt different analysis techniques to the conditions of ... -
Determination of plasmas formation thresholds using femtosecond laser pulses
López-Claros, Marina; Carrasco-García, Irene María; Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
Our current research line focuses on studying and understanding processes of laser-material interaction in condensed phase using femtosecond lasers in an attempt to improve the analytical performance of laser-based optical ... -
Differential laser-matter interaction in the ablation of solid samples with laser pulses in the interval between 35 fs – 4 ps.
López-Claros, Marina; Carrasco-García, Irene María; Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
Our communication is focused on the influence of the pulse width in the laser-matter interaction during laser ablation of solid materials. The experiments were performed with an 80 MHz, 100 nJ, 400 fs Ti-Saphire oscillator, ... -
Femtosecond laser ablation: as fun as it gets
Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Carrasco-García, Irene María; Manzoor, Sadia; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
The talk will provide an overview of differentexperiments performed on solid samples under femtosecond irradiation (800-nm, 35-fs) above the plasma formation threshold. -
Femtosecond time-resolved phase-change microscopy and ablation threshold calculations to understand ultrafast laser ablation
Carrasco-García, Irene María; López-Claros, Marina; Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
El trabajo recoge experimentos realizados en una configuración sonda-prueba haciendo uso de un láser de femtosegundos, con el objetivo de comprender los fenómenos de ablación de materiales sólidos ras irradiación con láseres ... -
Guiding the Development of Efficient and Durable Electrodes for Electrochemical Energy Conversion Applications through Advanced Ion Beam Analysis
Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Druce, John; Ishihara, Tatsumi; Kilner, John; Téllez, Helena (2016-09-28)
Surface-sensitive ion beam techniques, such as Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and Low-Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS), are making significant contributions to further our understanding of the materials’ performance ... -
Laser ionization mass spectrometry is not the poor man`s ICPMS
Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Medina, Samara; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
Laser ionization mass spectrometry includes in a broad sense, any laser-based technique capable of generating ions by the direct action of a pulsed laser over a solid sample. Over a certain laser energy, LIMS allows the ... -
Laser-induced breakdown spectrometry with laser pulses in femtoseconds to picoseconds regime and their influence on ablation quality
Manzoor, Sadia; Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
The communication is focused on the influence of the pulse width, ranging from femtosecond to picosecond, on the laser – matter interaction during laser ablation of solid materials. Modifications in the stretcher-compressor ... -
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of samples of astrochemical interest handled as individual particles by means of non-inertial acoustic confinement.
Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Moros-Portolés, Javier
; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
; Marzo Pérez, Asier (2023)
The present communication will show experiments performed with an acoustic levitator capable of trapping individual solid particles of different sizes (preferably in the range between 0.1 - 5 mm), shapes, and chemical ... -
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with laser pulses in the interval between 35 fs – 4 ps
Manzoor, Sadia; Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
This works presents the laser ablation studies for metals such as Chromium, Titanium, Iron and Copper by ultrashort laser pulses under pulse-width from 35 fs to 4 ps. -
Laser-Induced Plasma Spectroscopy Of Organic Compounds: Understanding Fragmentation Processes Using Ion-Photon Coincidence Measurements
Comunicación enviada a la 8th Euromditerranean Conference on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, presentada en forma de charla oral -
Secondary ion mass spectrometry and low-energy ion scattering of II-V semiconductor hetero-structures
Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier; Padilla, D.; Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel
(Sociedad Española de Química Analítica, 2013)
Comunicación oral presentada durante la XVIII reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica y VI reunión Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de MAsas -
Single-shot laser-ionization mass spectrometry for direct atomic analysis
Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
Direct laser ionization of solids (LIMS, laser-ionization mass spectrometry) represents a powerful way to get full atomic information about sample microlocations. Spatial resolutions as low a few microns are easily attainable ... -
Temporal and energetic scale of solid matter interaction phenomena occurring during femtosecond ablation of solids
Vadillo-Pérez, José Miguel; Carrasco-García, Irene María; López-Claros, Marina; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
Ablation using femtosecond lasers exhibits significant differences with that at the nanosecond timescale, where the concurrence of photochemical and photothermal processes taking place during the photon absorption govern ... -
Temporal evolution of surfaces on materials after femtosecond laser irradiation: The earliest stages (Oral presentation)
Ablation using femtosecond lasers exhibits significant differences in comparison with the nanosecond timescales. Ultrashort laser-matter interaction provides the observation of different phenomena as there is neither ...