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Listar por autor "Bersabé-Morán, Rosa María"
Mostrando ítems 1-7 de 7
Early intervention services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: toward a model of family-centered practices.
Vilaseca Momplet, Rosa; Ferrer, Fina; Rivero, Magda; Bersabé-Morán, Rosa María(Frontiers, 2021-11-11)
Early intervention services (EIS) worked hard to continue serving children and their families during the COVID-19 lockdown, using online applications. This study aimed to determine families’ and professionals’ perceptions ... -
Efectividad de la terapia icónica en adolescentes y jóvenes con ideación suicida y síntomas de trastorno límite de personalidad
Hurtado Santiago, Silvia Elisa (UMA Editorial, 2021-03-17)El trastorno límite de personalidad (TLP) es un trastorno mental grave, asociado con un uso intensivo de los servicios de salud mental incluso cuando el paciente no alcanza el suficiente número de criterios para su ... -
Escalas de estilos educativos parentales.
Escalas para evaluar estilos educativos parentales: Escala de Afecto (EA) y Escala de Normas y Exigencias (ENE), versiones para hijos y padres. Se incluyen las normas de corrección, y los estadísticos descriptivos para la ... -
The importance of early parenting for later child outcomes: A study with Spanish families with children with disabilities
Vilaseca, Rosa M.; Rivero, Magda; Bersabé-Morán, Rosa María; Navarro-Pardo, Esperanza; Ferrer, Fina; Pastor, Carolina; Cerro, José[et al.] (2018-06-18)
Children with different disability conditions have varied developmental trajectories, which perhaps influences parent-child interaction. For these and all infants, an optimal home environment that includes good parenting ... -
Parenting behaviors of mothers and fathers of young children with intellectual disability evaluated in a natural context
Vilaseca, R.; Rivero, M.; Ferrer, F.; Bersabé-Morán, Rosa María(Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2020-10)
The aims of this study were to analyze the interactions of mothers and fathers with their children with intellectual disabilities, focusing on certain parental behaviors previously identified as promoting child development, ... -
Parenting of Spanish mothers and fathers playing with their children at home.
Rivero, M.; Vilaseca, R.; Cantero, M. J.; Navarro-Pardo, E.; Ferrer, F.; Valls-Vidal, C.; Bersabé-Morán, Rosa María[et al.] (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2022-06-01)
The aims of this study were to compare the parenting behaviors of mothers and fathers when evaluated in a free play situation at home and to study how these behaviors were related to the sociodemographic variables of the ... -
Relationship between parental perceptions, family income and support received with family quality of life in families with a child with an intellectual disability
Ferrer Vidal, Fina; Vilaseca Momplet, Rosa; Bersabé-Morán, Rosa María(Universidad de Salamanca, 2022-10)
Research has shown that families raising a child with intellectual disability (ID) face many challenges and need to implement adaptation strategies. Some authors suggest that positive parental perceptions and perceived ...