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Listar por autor "Vico-Vela, Francisco José"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 43
A similarity measure for cyclic unary regular languages
Dassow, Jürgen; Martín Reyes, Gema María; Vico-Vela, Francisco José (IOS Press, 2009)A cyclic unary regular language is a regular language over a unary alphabet that is represented by a cyclic automaton. We propose a similarity measure for cyclic unary regular languages by modifying the Jaccard similarity ... -
Adaptive music: Automated music composition and distribution
Albarracín Molina, David Daniel (UMA Editorial, 2021-12-20)La creatividad, o la habilidad de producir nuevas y útiles ideas, es comúnmente asociada al ser humano; pero hay muchos otros ejemplos en la naturaleza donde se puede observar este fenómeno. Inspirado por esto, en ingeniería ... -
AI Methods in Algorithmic Composition: A Comprehensive Survey
Fernández-Rodríguez, Jose David; Vico-Vela, Francisco José (AI Access Foundation, 2013)Algorithmic composition is the partial or total automation of the process of music composition by using computers. Since the 1950s, different computational techniques related to Artificial Intelligence have been used for ... -
Aportaciones de la informática y la biología a la musicoterapia receptiva
Vico-Vela, Francisco José; Sánchez-Quintana, Carlos Alberto; Albarracín Molina, David Daniel (2014-01-07)Contrasta que mientras la medicina personalizada toma un mayor protagonismo, la terapia musical receptiva siga seleccionando la música de manera colectiva. Si bien la praxis en algunos hospitales permite al sujeto (paciente ... -
Aportaciones y Aplicaciones de Disciplinas Bioinspiradas a la Creatividad Computacional
Sánchez-Quintana, Carlos Alberto (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)¿Puede una computadora presentar comportamientos creativos? Esta compleja cuestión ha despertado un creciente interés en las últimas décadas. Es un hecho evidente que las computadoras han superado la capacidad humana en ... -
Automating the search of molecular motor templates by evolutionary methods
Fernández-Rodríguez, Jose David; Vico-Vela, Francisco José (Elsevier, 2011)Biological molecular motors are nanoscale devices capable of transforming chemical energy into mechanical work, which are being researched in many scientific disciplines. From a computational point of view, the characteristics ... -
Behavior finding: Morphogenetic Designs Shaped by Function
Evolution has shaped an incredible diversity of multicellular living organisms, whose complex forms are self-made through a robust developmental process. This fundamental combination of biological evolution and development ... -
Biomimetic Engineering
Vico-Vela, Francisco José (International Society for Horticultural Science, 2008)Humankind is a privileged animal species for many reasons. A remarkable one is its ability to conceive and manufacture objects. Human industry is indeed leading the various winning strategies (along with language and ... -
Una codificación prefija para un idioma artificial
Ortega Toro, José Antonio (2016-06-27)This work focuses in the formal and technical analysis of some aspects of a constructed language. As a first part of the work, a possible coding for the language will be studied, emphasizing the pre x coding, for which ... -
Complex and Diverse Morphologies Can Develop from a Minimal Genomic Model
While development plays a critical role in the emergence of diversity, its mechanical and chemical actions are considered to be inextricably correlated with genetic control. Since in most extant species the complex ... -
Computación evolutiva: El legado de Darwin en la Ingeniería Informática
Vico-Vela, Francisco José (UMA. SEDOC, 2009)La biomimética es la disciplina que estudia la aplicación de diseños naturales en áreas como la ingeniería o la medicina. El tren bala japonés, el nylon o el velcro se crearon a partir de características propias de la ... -
Desarrollo de sistema para caracterizar ruidos urbanos y transformarlos a otro tipo de sonidos agradables al oído humano
Santos Garrido, José (2020-01-17)Este TFG pretende diseñar e implementar una aplicación software capaz de organizar el sonido ambiente captado por el micrófono del dispositivo. Para ello el sistema tendrá que analizar y caracterizar el sonido mediante el ... -
Design of an artificial language for Human-Computer interaction.
García-González, Jorge (2017-03-29)This project has as objective to note motivations to search and develop an optimal general purpose artificial language with effective and not ambiguous human-machine communication objective in long term. Following this ... -
Diseño e implementación de una estrategia para un juego de conexión
Albarracín Molina, David Daniel (2013-12-11)The purpose of this project is developing an automatic strategy for playing Selfo, a connection game whose goal is to get arranged all the friendly pieces into a single connected group. The idea is to copy some kind of ... -
Emergent diversity in an open-ended evolving virtual community
Fernández-Rodríguez, Jose David; Lobo Fernández, Daniel; Martín Reyes, Gema María; Doursat, René; Vico-Vela, Francisco José (MIT Press, 2012)Understanding the dynamics of biodiversity has become an important line of research in theoretical ecology and, in particular, conservation biology. However, studying the evolution of ecological communities under ... -
Enseñanza de algoritmos de inteligencia artificial en una plataforma para aprendizaje en-línea de la programación
Mejía Jiménez, Miguel (2021-09)Educar a la población en torno a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA), sus posibilidades, sus riesgos y su alcance real, es una necesidad del siglo XXI cuya urgencia crece cada día. La aportación de la Universidad de Málaga ... -
Estudio de un modelo de desarrollo embriológico
Fernández-Rodríguez, Jose David (2013-12-04)Este proyecto desarrolla un modelo de vida artificial que sirve como marco para avanzar en la comprensión del desarrollo embriológico, es decir, la forma en que un ser multicelular se desarrolla desde el cigoto. En ... -
Evolution of form and function in a model of differentiated multicellular organisms with gene regulatory networks
Lobo Fernández, Daniel; Vico-Vela, Francisco José (Elsevier, 2010)The emergence of novelties, as a generator of diversity, in the form and function of the organisms have long puzzled biologists. The study of the developmental process and the anatomical properties of an organism provides ... -
Evolutionary Development based on Genetic Regulatory Models for Behavior-Finding
Lobo Fernández, Daniel (Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2014)This thesis investigates the role, implications, and applications of a genetic-regulated developmental process in evolution. A novel formalism of string-regulated graph grammar, as an abstraction of biological development, ...