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Listar por autor "Camas-Peña, Daniel"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 24
3D numerical study of the transient behaviour on plasticity induced crack closure
Camas-Peña, Daniel; Antunes, Fernando Ventura; López-Crespo, Pablo
; González-Herrera, Antonio
The numerical analysis of the plasticity induced crack closure requires the development of the plastic wake. Transient behaviour is observed when the crack starts to grow. The plastic wake length has an influence on the ... -
A numerical analysis of the plastic wake influence on plasticity induced crack closure
Camas-Peña, Daniel; Antunes, Fernando Ventura; López-Crespo, Pablo
; González-Herrera, Antonio
Fatigue crack closure has been studied by means of finite element method since long time ago. Most work has been performed considering bi-dimensional models. Lately, the use of threedimensional models has been extended. ... -
A numerical analysis of the relation between CTOD and fatigue crack growth
Camas-Peña, Daniel; Antunes, Fernando Ventura; Rodrigues, S.M. (2016-03-30)
El cálculo de la vida a fatiga durante la etapa de propagación de la grieta se suele realizar relacionando da/dN con ΔK. Sin embargo, la influencia que en estos análisis tiene el parámetro ΔK debe recaer en algún otro ... -
Análisis numérico bidimensional del efecto de campos de tensiones no uniformes en grietas en modo mixto
Camas-Peña, Daniel; García, R.; Antunes, Fernando Ventura; Moreno, B.; López-Crespo, Pablo
; Zapatero-Arenzana, José Arturo
[et al.] (2022)
La probeta con taladro centrado es un tipo de geometría a partir de la cual las grietas se propagan con frecuencia. En algunos casos, el análisis combinado de carga en modo mixto I y II tiene cierta relevancia industrial. ... -
Corrections in numerical methodology to evaluate plasticity induced crack closure along the thickness.
García-Manrique-Ocaña, José Manuel; Camas-Peña, Daniel
; Parrón-Rubio, María Eugenia
; González-Herrera, Antonio
(Elsevier, 2018-08-15)
The influence of the three-dimensional effects of the distribution of the stress intensity factor in the numerical calculation of plasticity-induced crack closure is analysed in this paper. The usual methodology assumes ... -
Correlation between the pivot node concept and fatigue crack closure
The study of fatigue crack growth has been commonly done by means of bi-dimensional models and assuming a homogeneous behaviour through the thickness. According to the specimen thickness, a state of plane stress or plane ... -
Determinación experimental de la carga de apertura de grieta en fatiga bajo cargas aleatorias
Cruces, A.S.; Camas-Peña, Daniel; López-Crespo, Pablo
; Zapatero-Arenzana, José Arturo
; Moreno-Morales, María Belén
El concepto de carga de apertura o cierre de grieta es ampliamente utilizado en fatiga para justificar el comportamiento del crecimiento de grietas con distintas relaciones de carga y el efecto de interacción de las cargas. ... -
Evaluación de la zona plástica en fatiga para un acero bainitico mediante difracción de rayos x
Carrera, Manuel; López-Crespo, Pablo; Camas-Peña, Daniel
; Zapatero-Arenzana, José Arturo; Moreno-Morales, María Belén
En este artículo se presenta una nueva metodología para medir la zona plástica de una grieta en fatiga. Se han adquirido datos de difracción de rayos X sincrotrón para una probeta Compact Tension de acero bainítico, en ... -
Experimental and analytical study of cracks under biaxial fatigue
Mokhtarishirazabad, Mehdi; López-Crespo, Pablo; Moreno-Morales, María Belén
; Camas-Peña, Daniel
; López-Moreno, A.; Zanganeh, M[et al.] (GIF, 2016)
Most mechanical components experience multi-axial cyclic loading conditions during service. Experimental analysis of fatigue cracks under such conditions is not easy and most works tend to focus more on the simpler but ... -
Fatigue crack propagation analysis in 2024-T351 aluminium alloy using nonlinear parameters
Borges, Micael Frias; López-Crespo, Pablo; Antunes, Fernando Ventura; Moreno-Morales, María Belén
; Prates, P. A.; Camas-Peña, Daniel
; Neto, Diogo Mariano[et al.] (ELSEVIER, 2021-12)
In this work, fatigue crack growth (FCG) in the 2024-T351 aluminium alloy is studied using the plastic CTOD range, Δδp. Experimental tests were performed on 12 mm thick CT specimens in order to obtain FCG rate and in ... -
Influence of the mesh size on plastic CTOD
Sanchez-Mancera, J.; Camas-Peña, Daniel; Prates, P.A.; Antunes, Fernando Ventura (ICSI2021 book of abstracts: PMGP Moreira and PJS Tavares, 2021)
The Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) is an elastic-plastic fracture mechanics parameter usually employed as a measurement of fracture toughness and to explain the fatigue crack growth. This parameter can be decomposed ... -
Camas-Peña, Daniel; González-Herrera, Antonio
In the present work, a CT aluminium specimen has been modelled three-dimensionally and several calculations have been made in order to evaluate the influence of the mesh size around the crack front. The numerical accuracy ... -
Influencia del tamaño mínimo de elemento en el análisis tridimensional por elementos finitos del cierre de grieta inducido por plasticidad
Camas-Peña, Daniel; López-Crespo, Pablo
; Moreno-Morales, María Belén
; Zapatero-Arenzana, José Arturo; González-Herrera, Antonio
Debido al incremento de la capacidad computacional disponible hoy en día, en los últimos años se ha extendido el uso de modelos tridimensionales para el análisis del cierre de grieta en fatiga empleando el método de los ... -
Key aspects in 3D fatigue crack closure numerical modelling
Since long time, fatigue crack closure has been studied by means of finite element models. Initially by bi-dimensional models and recently, due to the higher computational capabilities, the use of three-dimensional models ... -
Nueva ley de crecimiento de grietas por fatiga basada en la función de distribución de Gumbel: aplicación a la aleación Ti-6Al-4V
La caracterización del crecimiento de grietas por fatiga continúa siendo un tema de interés en la evaluación de la integridad estructural de componentes mecánicos. Desde la década de 1960, se han desarrollado numerosos ... -
Numerical analysis of the influence of the last cycle scheme on plasticity induced crack closure
Camas-Peña, Daniel; Antunes, Fernando Ventura; Moreno-Morales, María Belén
; González-Herrera, Antonio
Plasticity induced crack closure is considered the main mechanism related to the premature contact of the crack flanks when a crack grows under cyclic loadings. This phenomenon has been studied numerically since the early ... -
Numerical analysis of the pivot node in fracture problems
Camas-Peña, Daniel; González-Herrera, Antonio
; García-Manrique-Ocaña, José Manuel
; Lima-Rodríguez, Antonia María
Recent studies have allowed us to identify a narrow region of the thickness of the crack front in fracture problems that presents interesting characteristics for the numerical-experimental correlation. Taking the ... -
Numerical modelling of three-dimensional fatigue crack closure: mesh refinement.
Camas-Peña, Daniel; García-Manrique-Ocaña, José Manuel
; Moreno-Morales, María Belén
; González-Herrera, Antonio
(Elsevier, 2018-04-05)
Fatigue crack closure has been studied by means of the finite element method for a long time. Most work has been performed considering bi-dimensional models where the numerical methodology has been developed. A great ... -
Numerical modelling of three-dimensional fatigue crack closure: Plastic wake simulation.
Camas-Peña, Daniel; García-Manrique-Ocaña, José Manuel
; Pérez-García, Francisca
; González-Herrera, Antonio
(Elsevier, 2019-10-21)
Finite element method has been broadly used to study fatigue crack closure. The simulated plastic wake length is one of the key modelling parameters involved. This paper presents a complete analysis in fatigue crack ... -
Sobrecargas en crecimiento de grietas por fatiga biaxial
Mokhtarishirazabad, Mehdi; López-Crespo, Pablo; Moreno-Morales, María Belén
; Zapatero-Arenzana, José Arturo; Camas-Peña, Daniel
; López-Moreno, A.[et al.] (Secretaría del Grupo Español de Fractura, 2017)
El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de grietas de fatiga bajo cargas biaxiales. Se presenta una nueva metodología para evaluar el efecto de las sobrecargas basada en la evaluación experimental del factor de ...