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Listar por autor "Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio"
Mostrando ítems 1-17 de 17
A developmental model for the pathogenenesis of cardiac arterio-ventricular fistulae
Palmquist-Gomes, Paul; Martín-Robles, José Carlos; Cano-Ballesteros, Sara; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio; Pérez-Pomares, José María
Coronary Artery Fistulae (CAF) are congenital coronary artery (CA) anomalies consisting of an abnormal communication of a coronary artery with either a cardiac chamber or a large cardiac vessel. Although their incidence ... -
A Turn-On Two-Photon Fluorescent Probe for Detecting Lysosomal Hydroxyl Radicals in Living Cells.
Benítez-Martín, Carlos; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio; Pearson, John; Nájera-Albendín, Francisco
; Pérez-Pomares, José María
; Perez-Inestrosa, Ezequiel[et al.] (Elsevier, 2019)
The detection of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in biological systems and its imaging is of great importance. Among them, the hydroxyl radical (radical dotOH) stands out as one of the most reactive, playing an important ... -
Avian embryonic coronary arterio-venous patterning requires the contribution of different endothelial cell populations
Coronary blood vessels irrigate the heart muscle and are crucial to late embryonic and adult heart function. Despite the developmental significance and clinical relevance of coronary vasculature, the embryonic origin as ... -
Coup-TFII expression defines two different septum transversum cell compartments crucial to cardiac septation and compact ventricular wall growth
Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio; Pires-Gomes, Adriana; Cano-Ballesteros, Sara; Pogontke, Cristina; Palmquist-Gomes, Paul; Rojas, Anabel; Pérez-Pomares, José María
[et al.] (2018-11-29)
COUP-TFII encodes for an orphan nuclear receptor expressed by multiple embryonic tissues. COUP-TFII functions include the regulation of mesodermal progenitor differentiation and cell fate specification, and is required for ... -
Detecting hydroxyl radical with a new two-photon fluorescent probe in living cells
Nájera-Albendín, Francisco; Benítez-Martín, Carlos; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio
; Pérez-Pomares, José María
; Pérez-de-Inestrosa-Villatoro, Ezequiel
(Real Sociedad Española de Química, 2018-06-20)
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known to be involved in the onset and development of multiple diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes among others. Generation of ROS ... -
Developmental bases of cardiac vascularization and regeneration
Palmquist-Gomes, Paul (UMA Editorial, 2020)En esta tesis doctoral se estudian los fenómenos de vascularización y regeneración del corazón en un contexto embrionario usando embriones de ave (codorniz, pollo y pato) y ratón (usando varias líneas transgénicas) como ... -
Dissecting the role of micro-RNA200B in epicardial-derived cell diversification and migration
Simón Fernández, S; Domínguez, JN; Vilches, JM; Hernández Torres, F; Ramírez Acuña, F; Carmona, R; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio; Pérez-Pomares, José María
; Muñoz-Chápuli-Oriol, Ramón
; Franco, D; Aránega, AE[et al.] (2018-11-20)
Mostramos como miR200B se expresa en los estadios E12.5 y E15.5 durante el desarrollo cardiaco, en concreto en una subpoblación de células derivadas del epicardio. Experimentos de pérdida y ganancia de función muestran que ... -
FSP1/S100A4 delineates distinct cardiac cell populations
Cano-Ballesteros, Sara (UMA Editorial, 2021)El objetivo principal de este proyecto es estudiar el desarrollo embrionario y la diferenciación de los progenitores fibroblásticos del corazón, así como analizar la regulación celular y molecular de la fibrosis durante ... -
In vivo and In vitro cartilage differentiation from embryonic epicardial progenitor cells
Marín-Sedeño, Ernesto; Ruiz-Villalba, Adrián; Palmquist-Gomes, Paul; Sánchez Tévar, Ana María; Rico-Llanos, Gustavo Adolfo; Pérez-Pomares, José María; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio
[et al.] (2022)
The presence of cartilage tissue in embryonic and adult hearts of various vertebrate species is a well-recorded fact. However, while the embryonic neural crest has been historically considered as the main source of cardiac ... -
Indolenine-Based Derivatives as Customizable Two-Photon Fluorescent Probes for pH Bioimaging in Living Cells
Benítez-Martín, Carlos; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio; Pearson, John; Nájera-Albendín, Francisco
; Pérez-Pomares, José María
; Perez-Inestrosa, Ezequiel[et al.] (American Chemical Society, 2020)
Novel pH probes based on 2-(6-methoxynaphthalen-2-yl)-3,3-dimethyl3H-indole have been synthesized and characterized. These compounds display excellent “off−on” fluorescence responses to acidic pH especially under two-photon ... -
La expresión miocárdica del gen supresor del tumor de Wilms (Wt1) es esencial para el desarrollo cardíaco y reaparece en cardiomiocitos adultos
Carmona-Mejías, Rita María; Ariza Medina, Laura Maria; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio
; Torrado, Mario; Mikhailov, Alexander; Pérez-Pomares, José María
; Muñoz-Chápuli-Oriol, Ramón
[et al.] (2017-12-18)
El gen supresor del tumor de Wilms, Wt1, codifica un factor de transcripción del tipo “dedos de zinc” implicado en transcripción, regulación post-transcripcional e interacciones proteína-proteína. La función de este gen ... -
Libro de actas del Workshop Internacional Metabolic Reprogramming as a Target for Cancer and Other Diseases
Martínez-Póveda, Beatriz Amparo; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio
; Medina-Torres, Miguel Ángel
Este libro sobre el Workshop Internacional Metabolic Reprogramming as a Target for Cancer and Other Diseases se ha publicado con el apoyo económico de los fondos para difusión y divulgación del Proyecto del Plan Estatal ... -
“Off-on” two-photon indolenine probes for pH bioimaging
Benítez-Martín, Carlos; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio; Pearson, John R.; Nájera-Albendín, Francisco
; Pérez-Pomares, José María
; Pérez-de-Inestrosa-Villatoro, Ezequiel
[et al.] (2019-10-25)
Fluorescence-based biosensors have become an indispensable tool in modern biology. These molecules can be used to monitor processes inside living cells and in real-time. The control of the pH is crucial in multiple biological ... -
Pericoronary cell response to cardiac damage: blood-borne cells and neurovascular interactions
Pogontke Díaz, Cristina (UMA Editorial, 2022-05-27)Durante los últimos 15 años, diferentes laboratorios han descrito la existencia de células madre cardíacas (CSC, del inglés Cardiac Stem Cells) pluripotentes residentes en el intersticio cardíaco. Las CSC, cuyo origen ... -
Pt(II)-dendrimers as bio-imaging marker for bacteria in two-photon excitation microscopy
Vida-Pol, Yolanda; Molina, Noemi; Cnudde, Marvin; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio
; Pérez-Pomares, José María
; Strassert, Cristian A.; Pérez-de-Inestrosa-Villatoro, Ezequiel
[et al.] (2019-07-25)
The use of luminescent markers based on metal complexes in two-photon excitation microscopy techniques are of great interest in the field of bioimaging. However, despite the excellent luminescent properties of Pt(II) ... -
Synthesis of Amino Terminal Clicked dendrimers. Approaches to the application as a biomarker
Molina, Noemí; Nájera-Albendín, Francisco; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio
; perez-pomarez, Jose M; Vida-Pol, Yolanda
; Perez-Inestrosa, Ezequiel[et al.] (ACS Publications, 2019)
Herein, we present an easy and efficient synthesis of amino terminal dendrons, combining protection/deprotection reactions with copper-catalyzed azide alkyne cycloaddition in a convergent way. This new approach affords ... -
Tailoring two-photon fluorescent probes for pH bioimaging in living cells
Nájera-Albendín, Francisco; Benítez-Martín, Carlos; Guadix-Domínguez, Juan Antonio
; Pearson, John R.; Pérez-Pomares, José María
; Pérez-de-Inestrosa-Villatoro, Ezequiel
[et al.] (2022-06-27)
Fluorescence biosensors are indispensable basic tools in modern biology. These type of molecules allow real-time visualization of biological events inside living cells. Especially important in many of these processes ...