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Listar por autor "Toledo-Báez, María Cristina"
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Colocaciones, locuciones y compuestos sintagmáticos bilingües (español-francés) sobre diabetes en el corpus comparable Cordiabicom.
El objetivo general de nuestro artículo, que se basa en el trabajo de investigación de Martínez Lorente (2017), consiste en llevar a cabo un análisis fraseológico formal a partir de Cordiabicom, un corpus ad hoc comparable ... -
Creación de un diccionario especializado bilingüe (inglés-español) de compuestos sintagmáticos sobre cardiología pediátrica a partir del corpus Cardiopedcorp.
García-Cruz, Nuria (2024)A pesar de los incesables desarrollos y avances de las herramientas lexicográficas y terminológicas, los traductores siguen enfrentándose a la escasez de recursos y fuentes de consulta que se adecúen a su fin específico y ... -
GAMETRAPP project in progress: Designing a gamified environment for post-editing research abstracts.
The «App for post-editing neural machine translation using gamification» (GAMETRAPP) project (TED2021-129789B-I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (2022–2024), has been in progress for a year. ... -
Introducing the GAMETRAPP project: app for post-editing neural machine translation using gamification.
Given the continuous refinement of neural machine translation (NMT) systems, post-editing (PE) is increasingly present in the translation world. Furthermore, new educational realities have led to revolutionary learning ... -
Machine Translation and Postediting: Impact of Training and Directionality on Quality and Productivity.
Toledo-Báez, María Cristina(2019-12-18)
El objetivo de nuestro estudio piloto es doble: por un lado, explorar el impacto de la formación de los participantes tanto en la calidad como en la productividad de la posedición y, por otro, comparar la calidad y la ... -
Machine translation errors and the translation process: a study across different languages.
Toledo-Báez, María Cristina; Carl, Michael (2019-01-01)
The paper describes an experiment in which two groups of translators annotate Spanish and simplified Chinese MT output of the same English source texts (ST) using an MQM-derived annotation schema. Annotators first fragmented ... -
Sketch Engine en traducción científico-técnica (francés-español): creación y explotación del corpus ad hoc comparable GeneCorp
Toledo-Báez, María Cristina(Peter Lang, 2019)
Lack of appropriate terminological and lexicographical resources is one of the major obstacles that translators face when dealing with specialised translation. Virtual corpora can compensate for this shortage of resources ... -
Teaching interpreting in times of Covid: perspectives, experience and satisfaction
Castillo-Rodríguez, Cristina Milagrosa; Toledo-Báez, María Cristina
; Seghiri-Domínguez, Míriam
(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-07-27)
Technological tools have complemented face-to-face instructions at university from the beginning of the 21st century. However, COVID-19 pandemic forced many faculty members to switch rapidly, and without any specific ... -
Text Simplification In A Case Study With A Translation Student With Asperger’s Syndrome.
Toledo-Báez, María Cristina(2018)
The aim of our paper is to present a case study carried out with a Translation and Interpreting student with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) in the framework of the e-learning project “TRADICOR: Corpora Management System for the ... -
Traducción y reformulación intralingüística: mejora de legibilidad de textos institucionales
Toledo-Báez, María Cristina(Peter Lang, 2018)
The aim of our study is to examine the readability of the legal and administrative Spanish used in the informative pamphlet that the Spanish Ministry for Home Affairs produced to explain Law 12/2009 to applicants for ...