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Listar por autor "Alba-Torres, Enrique"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 107
A methodology to find the elementary landscape decomposition of combinatorial optimization problems
A small number of combinatorial optimization problems have search spaces that correspond to elementary landscapes, where the objective function f is an eigenfunction of the Laplacian that describes the neighborhood structure ... -
A multi-objective approach for communication reduction in federated learning under devices heterogeneity constraints
Morell, José Ángel; Abdelmoiz Dahi, Zakaria; Chicano-García, José-Francisco; Luque-Polo, Gabriel Jesús
; Alba-Torres, Enrique
(Elsevier, 2024-02-24)
Federated learning is a paradigm that proposes protecting data privacy by sharing local models instead of raw data during each iteration of model training. However, these models can be large, with many parameters, provoking ... -
A parallel evolutionary algorithm for prioritized pairwise testing of software product lines
López-Herrejón, Roberto E.; Ferrer-Urbano, Francisco Javier; Chicano-García, José-Francisco
; Haslinger, Evelyn Nicole; Eyed, Alexander; Alba-Torres, Enrique
[et al.] (2014-10-07)
Software Product Lines (SPLs) are families of related software systems, which provide different feature combinations. Different SPL testing approaches have been proposed. However, despite the extensive and successful use ... -
A swarm algorithm for collaborative traffic in vehicular networks.
Toutouh-el-Alamin, Jamal; Alba-Torres, Enrique
(Elsevier, 2018-04-19)
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) allow vehicles to exchange warning messages with each other. These specific kinds of networks help reduce hazardous traffic situations and improve safety, which are two of the main ... -
A takeover time-driven adaptive evolutionary algorithm for mobile user tracking in pre-5G cellular networks
Dahi, Zakaria Abdelmoiz; Alba-Torres, Enrique(ELSEVIER, 2022-02)
Cellular networks are one of today’s most popular means of communication. This fact has made the mobile phone industry subject to a huge scientific and economic competition, where the quality of service is key. Such a ... -
Un Algoritmo Evolutivo para la Reducción de Tiempos de Viaje y Emisiones Utilizando Paneles LED
Stolfi, Daniel H.; Alba-Torres, Enrique(2015-02-09)
En este trabajo proponemos la arquitectura Yellow Swarm dedicada a la reducción de los tiempos de viaje del tráfico rodado mediante la utilización de una serie de paneles LED con el fin de sugerir diferentes cambios de ... -
Algoritmos de Optimización sobre Unidades de Proceso Gráfico
Vidal, Pablo Javier (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)En la actualidad, han emergido nuevas plataformas de cómputo paralelo tales como las Unidades de Procesamiento Gráfico (GPUs, por sus siglas en inglés). Las GPUs están especialmente diseñadas para proporcionar un entorno ... -
An efficient discrete PSO coupled with a fast local search heuristic for the DNA fragment assembly problem
Abdelkamel, Ben Ali; Luque-Polo, Gabriel Jesús; Alba-Torres, Enrique
(Elsevier, 2020)
This paper focuses on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) applied to the DNA fragment as- sembly problem. Existing PSO algorithms for this permutation-based combinatorial prob- lem use the Smaller Position Value (SPV) rule ... -
An efficient routing protocol for green communications in vehicular ad-hoc networks.
Toutouh-el-Alamin, Jamal; Alba-Torres, Enrique
(ACM, 2011-07-12)
Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) provide the communications required to deploy Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). In the current state of the art there is a lack of studies on Green Communications (energy-efficiency) ... -
An Evolutionary Algorithm to Generate Real Urban Traffic Flows
Stolfi, Daniel H.; Alba-Torres, Enrique(Springer International Publishing, 2015)
In this article we present a strategy based on an evolutionary algorithm to calculate the real vehicle ows in cities according to data from sensors placed in the streets. We have worked with a map imported from OpenStreetMap ... -
Análisis inteligente de los sensores de un automóvil
Jiménez Aguilera, Francisco (2020-11-20)Los vehículos son a día de hoy sistemas cada vez más complejos que incorporan múltiples sistemas electrónicos que controlan la mayor parte del vehículo. Esos sistemas se comunican mediante una red de buses llamada CAN ... -
Análisis metaheurístico en la logística inversa de residuos
Serrano Elena, Antonio (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)El concepto genérico de Logística Inversa incluye el estudio de todos los flujos de materiales o productos en sentido inverso en la cadena logística. La vida de los productos no termina al alcanzar al usuario final, sino ... -
Análisis y diseño de algoritmos genéticos paralelos distribuidos
Alba-Torres, Enrique(1999)
Esta tesis se enmarca en el campo de investigación de los algoritmos genéticos paralelos (AGPs). En este trabajo se realiza una revisión y clasificación desde un punto de vista unificado de las actuales aportaciones ... -
Aplicando programación lineal entera a la búsqueda de conjuntos de productos de prueba priorizados para líneas de productos software
Ferrer-Urbano, Francisco Javier; Chicano-García, José-Francisco
; López-Herrejón, Roberto E.; Alba-Torres, Enrique
Las líneas de productos software son familias de productos que están íntimamente relacionados entre sí, normalmente formados por combinaciones de un conjunto de características software. Generalmente no es factible testar ... -
Autocorrelation Measures for the Quadratic Assignment Problem
In this article we provide an exact expression for computing the autocorrelation coefficient $\xi$ and the autocorrelation length $\ell$ of any arbitrary instance of the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) in polynomial ... -
Automatic tuning of communication protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks using metaheuristics.
Toutouh-el-Alamin, Jamal; García-Nieto, José Manuel
; Alba-Torres, Enrique
(Elsevier, 2010-08)
The emerging field of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) deals with a set of communicating vehicles which are able to spontaneously interconnect without any pre-existing infrastructure. In such kind of networks, it is ... -
Automatizing Software Cognitive Complexity Reduction
Saborido Infantes, Rubén; Ferrer-Urbano, Francisco Javier; Chicano-García, José-Francisco
; Alba-Torres, Enrique
(IEEE Access, 2022-01-20)
We model the cognitive complexity reduction of a method as an optimization problem where the search space contains all sequences of Extract Method refactoring opportunities. We then propose a novel approach that searches ... -
Automatizing Software Cognitive Complexity Reduction.
Saborido Infantes, Rubén; Ferrer-Urbano, Francisco Javier; Chicano-García, José-Francisco
; Alba-Torres, Enrique
Software plays a central role in our life nowadays. We use it almost anywhere, at any time, and for everything: to browse the In- ternet, to check our emails, and even to access critical services such as health monitoring ... -
BIN-CT: Urban waste collection based on predicting the container fill level.
Ferrer-Urbano, Francisco Javier; Alba-Torres, Enrique
The fast demographic growth, together with the population concentration in cities and the increasing amount of daily waste, are factors that are pushing to the limit the ability of waste assimilation by Nature. Therefore, ... -
Bio-inspired Computing and Smart Mobility
Stolfi Rosso, Daniel Hector (UMA Editorial, 2018-09)Esta tesis doctoral propone soluciones a problemas de movilidad inteligente, concretamente la reducción de los tiempos de viajes en las vías urbanas, las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y el consumo de combustible, ...