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Listar por autor "Jiménez, Luis Roberto"
Mostrando ítems 1-7 de 7
Análisis del impacto de las tecnologías web en el rendimiento del servicio de navegación web
Jiménez, Luis Roberto; Solera-Delgado, Marta; Toril-Genovés, Matías
; Calle Villarrazo, Cristina (2021-09-20)
Las propiedades de una página web tienen un fuerte impacto en la experiencia de los usuarios de la web. En este trabajo se propone un método de clasificación basado en la agrupación no supervisada para páginas web en clases, ... -
Comparación de servicios de video streaming de YouTube
Jiménez, Luis Roberto; Solera-Delgado, Marta; Toril-Genovés, Matías
YouTube is one of the most popular services on the Internet, enabling easy streaming of a video (conventional or live) with acceptable video quality. In March 2015, YouTube added 360o video streaming service which provides ... -
Evaluación del rendimiento del servicio de videostreaming adaptativo en redes inalámbricas
Jiménez, Luis Roberto; Solera-Delgado, Marta; Toril-Genovés, Matías
YouTube Live is one of the most popular services on the Internet, enabling an easy streaming of a live video with acceptable video quality. Thus, understanding user´s perception of this service is of the utmost importance ... -
Impacto enlace ascendente YouTube 360° Live Video Streaming
Jiménez, Luis Roberto; Solera-Delgado, Marta; Toril-Genovés, Matías
At present, the most important service in mobile networks is video streaming, which is expected to generate 82% of all IP traffic volume by 2021. YouTube is one of the most popular video services on the Internet. In March ... -
Modelado de la calidad de experiencia del servicio para YouTube Live en redes inalámbricas
Jiménez, Luis Roberto; Solera-Delgado, Marta; Toril-Genovés, Matías
; Oliver, Pablo (2017-10-06)
YouTube Live is one of the most popular services on the Internet, enabling an easy streaming of a live video with acceptable video quality. Thus, understanding user´s perception of this service is of the utmost importance ... -
Statistical model for mobile user positioning based on social information.
Bejarano-Luque, Juan Luis; Toril-Genovés, Matías; Fernández-Navarro, Mariano
; Jiménez, Luis Roberto; Luna-Ramírez, Salvador
In spite of the vast set of measurements provided by current mobile networks, cellular operators have problems to pinpoint problematic locations because the origin of such measurements (i.e., user location) is usually not ... -
Web Page Classification based on unsupervised learning using MIME type analysis
Jiménez, Luis Roberto; Jiménez, Luis Roberto (2021-02-01)The properties of a web page have a strong impact on the experience of web users. In this work, a classification method based on unsupervised clustering is proposed to group web pages into classes based on download content ...