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Listar por autor "Castillo-Domínguez, Alejandro"
Mostrando ítems 1-14 de 14
A 28-Year-Old Woman with Down Syndrome, Congenital Heart Disease, and a History of Knee Surgery and Plantar Fasciitis, with Hallux Abducto Valgus (Bunion) and Lapiplasty Three-Dimensional Correction Surgery
Simón-Pérez, Eduardo; Jiménez-Martín, Rodrigo; Cicchinelli, Luke D; Fernández-Yagüe, Javier; Simón-Pérez, Clarisa; Páez-Moguer, Joaquín; Cortés-Rodríguez, Antonio; Castillo-Domínguez, Alejandro[et al.] (Internacional Scientific Information, 2023)
Background: Tarsometatarsal joint (TMJ) arthrodesis is common method used for correcting hallux abductus valgus (HAV). Its popularity has grown due to studies revealing HAV’s triplanar deformity with frontal plane rotation. ... -
Cross-Cultural adaptation and validation of the Exercise-Induced Leg Pain questionnaire for Spanish speaking patients
Castillo Domínguez, Alejandro; Alvero-Cruz, José Ramón; Páez-Moguer, Joaquín
; Nauck, Tanja; Lohrer, Heinz; Scheer, Volker; García-Romero, Jerónimo
[et al.] (SAGE, 2022-07)
Objectives: To cross-culturally adapt and validate a Spanish version of the Exercise-Induced Leg Pain questionnaire. Design: Clinical measurement study. Participants: The validity and reliability of the adapted version ... -
Cross-Cultural adaptation and validation of the Exercise-Induced Leg Pain questionnaire for Spanish speaking patients.
Castillo-Domínguez, Alejandro; Alvero-Cruz, José Ramón; Páez-Moguer, Joaquín
; Nauck, Tanja; Lohrer, Heinz; Scheer, Volker; García-Romero, Jerónimo
[et al.] (SAGE, 2022-07)
The objectives of this study were to cross-culturally adapt a Spanish version of the original German Exercise-Induced Leg Pain (EILP-G) questionnaire for the determination of symptom severity, function, and sport capacity ... -
Ponce-García, Tomás; García-Romero, Jerónimo; Carrasco-Fernández, Laura; Castillo-Domínguez, Alejandro; Benítez-Porres, Javier
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-11-15)
El objetivo del proyecto era la comparación del rendimiento anaeróbico en valores absolutos y relativos a la masa corporal, masa libre de grasa y masa muscular entre hombre y mujeres practicantes de CrossFit en tres pruebas ... -
Efectos del entrenamiento de técnica de carrera en la biomecánica del pie en corredores de resistencia. Estudio piloto
Castillo Domínguez, Alejandro (2019-10-31)La técnica deportiva se define como la forma en la que cada segmento corporal se mueve en relación a los otros durante una tarea de movimiento. El buen dominio de la técnica permitirá una mayor optimización tanto en la ... -
Measurement properties of the Foot Function Index (FFI) questionnaire: A systematic review
Cervera-Garvi, Pablo; Galán-Hurtado, María Hermas
; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén
; Marchena-Rodríguez, Ana José
; Lópezosa-Reca, Eva
; Castillo-Domínguez, Alejandro; Díaz-Miguel, Salvador Francisco
[et al.] (SAGE, 2024-06)
Objective: Large numbers of people are subject to alterations and pathologies in the foot. To quantify how these problems of foot function affect the quality of life, clinicians and researchers have developed measures such ... -
Prevención de lesiones en el pie mediante la técnica de carrera
Castillo Domínguez, Alejandro (2020-09-24)Más de un 79% de los corredores de distancia sufren lesiones en el miembro inferior cada año (Van Gent et al., 2007). La carrera requiere una perfecta coordinación de todos los segmentos corporales para asegurar el equilibro ... -
Prevención y evaluación de las lesiones de la pierna inducidas por el ejercicio en atletismo.
Castillo Domínguez, Alejandro (UMA Editorial, 2022-05-16)Introducción: El auge de participación ligado al incremento de eventos relacionados con la carrera ha despertado el interés de la comunidad científica en estudiar los factores biomecánicos capaces de aumentar el riesgo ... -
Relationship between running spatiotemporal kinematics and muscle performance in well-trained youth female athletes. A cross-sectional study
Castillo Domínguez, Alejandro; García-Romero, Jerónimo; Páez-Moguer, Joaquín
; Ponce-García, Tomás; Medina-Alcántara, Francisco Miguel
; Alvero-Cruz, José Ramón
[et al.] (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2021-08-02)
The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to analyse the relationship of neuromuscular performance and spatiotemporal parameters in 18 adolescent distance athletes (age, 15.5 ± 1.1 years). Using the OptoGait system, ... -
Sex differences in anaerobic performance in CrossFit athletes: a comparison of three different all-out tests.
Ponce-García, Tomás; García-Romero, Jerónimo; Carrasco-Fernández, Laura; Castillo-Domínguez, Alejandro; Benítez-Porres, Javier
(Peer J., 2025-02-05)
Background: Athletic performance can be influenced by various factors, including those related to biological sex. Various scientific disciplines have studied the observed differences in athletic performance between men ... -
Systematic Review of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Patients with Exercise-Induced Leg Pain
Castillo Domínguez, Alejandro; García-Romero, Jerónimo; Alvero-Cruz, José Ramón
; Ponce-García, Tomás; Benítez-Porres, Javier
; Páez-Moguer, Joaquín
[et al.] (IOAP-MPDI, 2022-06-23)
Background and Objectives: To determine the most commonly used patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in exercise-induced leg pain (EILP) and to identify specific PROMs for EILP in order to evaluate their psychometric ... -
The anaerobic power assessment in crossfit® athletes: An agreement study
Ponce-García, Tomás; Benítez-Porres, Javier; García-Romero, Jerónimo
; Castillo Domínguez, Alejandro; Alvero-Cruz, José Ramón
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2021-08-02)
Anaerobic power and capacity are considered determinants of performance and are usually assessed in athletes as a part of their physical capacities’ evaluation along the season. For that purpose, many field tests have been ... -
The Anaerobic Power Assessment in CrossFit® Athletes: An Agreement Study.
Ponce-García, Tomás; Benítez-Porres, Javier; García-Romero, Jerónimo
; Castillo Domínguez, Alejandro; Alvero-Cruz, José Ramón
(MDPI, 2021-08-23)
Anaerobic power and capacity are considered determinants of performance and are usually assessed in athletes as a part of their physical capacities' evaluation along the season. For that purpose, many field tests have been ... -
The Influence of Stud Characteristics of Football Boots Regarding Player Injuries
Castillo Domínguez, Alejandro; Torróntegui-Duarte, Marcelino; Páez-Moguer, Joaquín
; Gómez-del-Pino, Álvaro; Cervera-Garvi, Pablo
; Mainer-Pardos, Elena; Lozano, Demetrio; García-Romero, Jerónimo
[et al.] (IOAP-MDPI, 2022-12-29)
Background: the main aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between sole pattern parameters of football boots with the frequency of injuries that occur in semiprofessional and amateur footballers. Methods: The ...