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Listar por autor "Fernández-Feria, Ramón"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 26
Aerodynamic vortex interaction with a flapping Foil and between multiple flapping foils, And its application to the design of aerial and aquatic small vehicles
Alaminos-Quesada, Javier (UMA Editorial, 2021-05-05)Se ha analizado la interacción aerodinámica de un vórtice bidimensional con una placa plana a diferentes ángulos de ataque α usando la teoría de flujo potencial, basada en un mapeado conforme variando la distancia de ... -
Analytical results for the propulsion performance of a flexible foil with prescribed pitching and heaving motions and passive small deflection
Fernández-Feria, Ramón; Alaminos-Quesada, Javier (Cambridge, 2021-01-28)
The propulsive performance of a flexible foil with prescribed pitching and heaving motions about any pivot point location and passive chordwise flexural deflection is analysed within the framework of the linear potential ... -
Aquatic self-propulsion and energy harvesting from the currents through flexible flapping foils.
Esteban López-Tello, Pablo (UMA Editorial, 2024)En esta tesis doctoral se analiza principalmente el potencial de los vehículos acuáticos bioinspirados que se propulsan mediante perfiles batientes. En especial, se emplea un enfoque teórico basado en la teoría del movimiento ... -
Assessment of two vortex formulations for computing forces of a flapping foil at high Reynolds numbers
Martín-Alcántara, Antonio; Fernández-Feria, Ramón(American Physical Society, 2019)
Several vortex formulations for computing the lift and drag/thrust forces on a flapping foil are compared in terms of simplicity, accuracy and suitability for using with experimental data of mea- sured velocity and vorticity ... -
Contribution to the study of nonstationary aerodynamic forces in problems of interest for Micro-Air Vehicles
Martín-Alcántara, Antonio (UMA Editorial, 2016)The main aim of this dissertation is the quantitative characterization of the contributions of individual fluid elements (vortices) to aerodynamic forces, explaining and quantifying the mechanisms by which both drag and ... -
Dynamics of the wing-tip vortex in the near field of a NACA 0012 aerofoil
Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel; López-Alonso, José Manuel
; Parras-Anguita, Luis
; Fernández-Feria, Ramón
(Cambridge University Press, 2011-04)
The dynamics of the wing tip vortex in the near-field of a NACA 0012 aerofoil has been analysed by means of flow visualisations in a water tunnel. Different axial distances near the wing up to four chords, Reynolds numbers ... -
Effects of inertia on the time-averaged propulsive performance of a pitching and heaving foil
Fernández-Feria, Ramón(Elsevier, 2023)
The inertia may play an important role in the unsteady behavior of a flapping foil. Of particular relevance in forward flapping locomotion is how the foil inertia may affect its time-averaged propulsive performance. This ... -
Efficient self-propelled locomotion by an elastically supported rigid foil actuated by a torque
López-Tello, Pablo Esteban; Fernández-Feria, Ramón; Sanmiguel-Rojas, Enrique
(Elsevier, 2022-11-19)
A new theoretical model is presented for an aquatic vehicle self-propelled by a rigid foil undergoing pitching oscillations generated by a torque of small amplitude applied at an arbitrary pivot axis at which the foil is ... -
Estudio sobre la estructura y estabilidad de la interacción de un torbellino libre sobre una superficie sólida
Parras-Anguita, Luis(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2006)
Estudio teórico y experimental de la estabilidad y rotura de vórtices en conductos
Del-Pino-Peñas, Carlos Manuel(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2004)
Esta tesis constituye una contribución al estudio de los flujos con giro. Este estudio se realiza desde un punto de vista teórico, mediante la simulación numérica y el análisis de estabilidad espacial y, desde un punto ... -
Flutter stability analysis of an elastically supported flexible foil. Application to the energy harvesting of a fully-passive flexible flapping-foil of small amplitude
Fernández-Feria, Ramón(Elsevier, 2022-02)
The aerodynamic forces on an oscillating flexible foil are used to study the flutter instability when the flexible foil is elastically mounted to translational and torsional springs and dampers at an arbitrary pivot axis. ... -
Force and torque reactions on a pitching flexible aerofoil
Sanmiguel-Rojas, Enrique; Perona, J.L.; Fernández-Feria, Ramón
(Cambridge, 2023)
Experimental measurements in a wind tunnel of the unsteady force and moment that a fluid exerts on flexible flapping aerofoils are not trivial because the forces and moments caused by the aerofoil's inertia and others ... -
Linearized potential theory of flapping foils in tandem configuration
Alaminos-Quesada, Javier; Fernández-Feria, Ramón(2018-11-26)
A vortical impulse theory is used to compute the lift, thrust and moment of two-dimensional flapping foils in tandem configuration within the framework of unsteady linear potential theory. First, general expressions are ... -
Mecánica de Fluidos.
Fernández-Feria, Ramón(Universidad de Málaga, 2005)
Este libro es una introducción a la Mecánica de Fluidos, principalmente enfo cada a los estudiantes de Ingeniería. El contenido está pensado para que sea cubierto durante dos cursos: uno más básico, donde se introducen ... -
Numerical and experimental study of the hydrodynamic efficiency of a tidal energy extraction system and its effect on the re-suspension of sea bed sediments
Cebrián-Robles, Daniel(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)
Este trabajo pretende contribuir a las investigaciones que se están realizando actualmente sobre energías renovables marinas y su obtención a partir de las corrientes de las mareas. En este contexto, una empresa Noruega ... -
Numerical validation of simple non-stationary models for self-propelled pitching foils
Fernández-Feria, Ramón; Sanmiguel-Rojas, Enrique
; Esteban López-Tello, Pablo (Elsevier, 2022-09-15)
High-resolution numerical simulations of the self propelled locomotion of two-dimensional pitching foils are used to assess simplified models based on linear potential theory for the fluid-foil interaction. These models are ... -
On the autorotation of animal wings.
Ortega-Jimenez, Victor Manuel; Martín-Alcántara, Antonio; Fernández-Feria, Ramón; Dudley, Robert (The Royal Society, 2017)
Botanical samaras spin about their centre of mass and create vertical aerody- namic forces which slow their rate of descent. Descending autorotation of animal wings, however, has never been documented. We report here that ... -
On the development of lift and drag in a rotating and translating cylinder
Martín-Alcántara, Antonio; Sanmiguel-Rojas, Enrique; Fernández-Feria, Ramón
(Elsevier, 2015)
The two-dimensional flow around a rotating cylinder is investigated nu- merically using a vorticity forces formulation with the aim of analyzing quan- titatively the flow structures, and their evolutions, that contribute ... -
On the feasibility of a flexible foil with passive heave to extract energy from low wind speeds
Fernández-Feria, Ramón; Sanmiguel-Rojas, Enrique
(Elsevier, 2022-10)
We explore numerically and theoretically the capability of flexible foils elastically mounted to translational springs and dampers at the leading edge to extract energy from low-speed winds through its passive heave ...