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Listar por autor "Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 40
A Safety System based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to prevent the misuse of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in construction
Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; Fernández-Madrigal, Juan Antonio
; Rey-Merchán, María del Carmen; López-Arquillos, Antonio
(Elsevier, 2022-05-15)
In this paper we address the issue of safety in the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in construction, industrial, or similar sites where power tools are used. We propose a novel solution that can control actively ... -
Autonomous Wristband Placement in a Moving Hand for Victims in Search and Rescue Scenarios With a Mobile Manipulator.
Pastor-Martín, Francisco; Ruiz-Ruiz, Francisco Jesús; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; García-Cerezo, Alfonso José
In this letter, we present an autonomous method for the placement of a sensorized wristband to victims in a Search-And-Rescue (SAR) scenario. For this purpose, an all-terrain mobile robot includes a mobile manipulator, ... -
Bayesian and neural inference on lstm-based object recognition from tactile and kinesthetic information
Pastor-Martín, Francisco; García-González, Jorge; Gandarias, Juan Manuel; Medina, Daniel; Closas, Pau; García-Cerezo, Alfonso José; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel
[et al.] (IEEE, 2020-11-16)
Recent advances in the field of intelligent robotic manipulation pursue providing robotic hands with touch sensitivity. Haptic perception encompasses the sensing modalities encountered in the sense of touch (e.g., tactile ... -
Clasificación de información táctil para la detección de personas
Este artículo presenta el diseño de un efector final táctil y la aplicación de técnicas de inteligencia artificial para la detección de personas mediante un brazo manipulador ligero de 6 grados de libertad. Este efector ... -
CNN-Based Methods for Object Recognition With High-Resolution Tactile Sensors.
Gandarias Palacios, Juan Manuel; García-Cerezo, Alfonso José; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel
(IEEE, 2019-08-15)
Novel high-resolution pressure-sensor arrays allow treating pressure readings as standard images. Computer vision algorithms and methods such as convolutional neural networks (CNN) can be used to identify contact objects. ... -
Control a Baja Velocidad de una Rueda con Motor de Accionamiento Directo mediante Ingeniería Basada en Modelos
Muñoz-Ramírez, Antonio José; Luque Bedmar, Jesús Manuel; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel
; Mandow, Anthony
; Serón-Barba, Javier
; García-Cerezo, Alfonso José
[et al.] (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2017-09-06)
Los motores de corriente continua sin escobillas (BLDC) con accionamiento directo suponen una solución compacta para la tracción en vehículos eléctricos, si bien requieren detectar la posición del rotor, habitualmente ... -
Control and soft sensing strategies for a wastewater treatment plant using a neuro-genetic approach.
Fernández-de-Cañete-Rodríguez, Francisco Javier; Del Saz-Orozco, Pablo; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel
; Baratti, Roberto; Ruano, Antonio; Rivas-Blanco, Irene
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2020-10-28)
During the last years, machine learning-based control and optimization systems are playing an important role in the operation of wastewater treatment plants in terms of reduced operational costs and improved effluent ... -
Dataset with Tactile and Kinesthetic Information from a Human Forearm and Its Application to Deep Learning
Pastor-Martín, Francisco; Lin-Yang, Da-hui; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; García-Cerezo, Alfonso José
(IOAP-MDPI, 2022-11-12)
There are physical Human–Robot Interaction (pHRI) applications where the robot has to grab the human body, such as rescue or assistive robotics. Being able to precisely estimate the grasping location when grabbing a human ... -
Depuración de Aguas Residuales en la Industria 4.0
Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; Jiménez-Arévalo, Ana María; Eiroa-Mateo, Laura; Fernández-de-Cañete-Rodríguez, Francisco Javier
Este artículo presenta un sistema de automatización de una estación depuradora de aguas residuales (EDAR) mediante tecnologías de Industria 4.0. Se ha implementado un sistema Internet of Things (IoT) para la obtención de ... -
Design and Assessment of Survey in a 360-Degree Feedback Environment for Student Satisfaction Analysis Applied to Industrial Engineering Degrees in Spain
Granados-Ortiz, Francisco-Javier; Gómez-Merino, Ana Isabel; Jiménez-Galea, Jesús Javier
; Santos-Ráez, Isidro María
; Fernández-Lozano, Juan Jesús
; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel
; Ortega-Casanova, Joaquín
[et al.] (MDPI, 2023-02-13)
The number of students enrolled in engineering studies in Spain is in decline, mainly due to the difficulty in passing the subjects, whose factors may be linked to the science-related content of the subject, a very demanding ... -
Diseño de una pinza sub-actuada híbrida soft-rigid con sensores hápticos para interacción física robot-humano
Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; Gandarias, Juan Manuel; Sánchez Montoya, Trinidad; Pastor-Martín, Francisco; García-Cerezo, Alfonso José
; Muñoz-Ramírez, Antonio José
[et al.] (Comité Español de Automática, 2019)
Las manos robóticas sub-actuadas poseen una gran adaptabilidad que les permite el agarre de objetos de diferentes formas y tamaños. Por otro lado, el desarrollo de robots blandos (soft robotics) para la interacción física ... -
Diseño y uso de una paleta háptica para prácticas de teleoperación con simulink
En este artículo se presenta el uso de dispositivos de realimentación de fuerzas de un grado de libertad como herramienta para el desarrollo de aplicaciones docentes en asignaturas de teleoperación y telerrobótica, con el ... -
Double reflection goniophotometer.
Muñoz-Martínez, Víctor Fernando; Serón-Barba, Javier
; Molina-Mesa, Ricardo; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel
; Fernández-Lozano, Juan Jesús
; García-Cerezo, Alfonso José
[et al.] (IOP Publishing, 2006)
A positioning system and photometer as a whole are termed ‘goniophotometer’, which is defined as a specialized instrument for measuring the angular variation of a given photometric level. This paper explains the design ... -
Enhancing Perception with Tactile Object Recognition in Adaptive Grippers for Human–Robot Interaction.
Gandarias Palacios, Juan Manuel; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; García-Cerezo, Alfonso José
(MDPI, 2018-02-26)
The use of tactile perception can help first response robotic teams in disaster scenarios, where visibility conditions are often reduced due to the presence of dust, mud, or smoke, distinguishing human limbs from other ... -
Estimation of the Interaction Forces in a Compliant pHRI Gripper
Ruiz-Ruiz, Francisco J.; Urdiales-García, Amalia Cristina; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel
(IOAP-MDPI, 2022-11-28)
Physical human–robot interaction (pHRI) is an essential skill for robots expected to work with humans, such as assistive or rescue robots. However, due to hard safety and compliance constraints, pHRI is still underdeveloped ... -
Experiencia docente en Automática empleando un robot móvil como elemento motivador de metodologías activas
Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; Muñoz-Ramírez, Antonio José
Los nuevos títulos de grado centrados en la adquisición de competencias, obligan a adaptar la docencia de las asignaturas hacia un nuevo modelo, donde las competencias son el núcleo de aprendizaje. La tecnología actual ofrece ... -
Grasping Angle Estimation of Human Forearm with Underactuated Grippers Using Proprioceptive Feedback
Pastor-Martín, Francisco; Gandarias, Juan Manuel; García-Cerezo, Alfonso José; Muñoz-Ramírez, Antonio José
; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel
In this paper, a method for the estimation of the angle of grasping of a human forearm, when grasped by a robot with an underactuated gripper, using proprioceptive information only, is presented. Knowing the angle around ... -
Human and Object Recognition with a High-resolution tactile sensor
Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; García-Cerezo, Alfonso José
; Gandarias, Juan Manuel (IEEE, 2017-10-29)
This paper 1 describes the use of two artificial intelligence methods for object recognition via pressure images from a high-resolution tactile sensor. Both meth- ods follow the same procedure of feature extraction and ... -
Human-Arm Roll Estimation in Underactuated Grippers with Proprioceptive Feedback
Gandarias, Juan Manuel; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; Pastor-Martín, Francisco; Muñoz-Ramírez, Antonio José
A method for the estimation of the roll angle of a human forearm, when grasped by a robot with an underactuated gripper, using proprioceptive information only, is being developed. Knowing the angle around the forearm's ... -
Improving standing balance performance through the assistance of a mobile collaborative robot
Ruiz-Ruiz, Francisco J.; Gianmarino, Alberto; Lorenzini, Marta; Gandarias, Juan Manuel; Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; Ajoudani, Arash[et al.] (IEEE, 2022-05)
This paper presents the design and development of a robotic system to give physical assistance to the elderly or people with neurological disorders such as Ataxia or Parkinson’s. In particular, we propose using a mobile ...