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Listar por autor "Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 30
Acoplamiento de tecnologías de post-tratamiento para emisiones cero en vehículos automóviles ligeros
Cortés-Reyes, Marina(UMA Editorial, 2017)
La preocupación por los niveles de emisión de NOx y material particulado (soot) producidos por los vehículos con motorización diesel y la normativa para su control hacen necesarios el uso de tecnologías catalíticas de ... -
Advanced blends as avisable extended option for thermal engines: emissions and performance on a Diesel Engine
Molina-Ramírez, Sergio; Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Auñón-Hidalgo, Juan Antonio
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
[et al.] (2022-08)
The stricter emission regulation for the automobile sector to achieve reduction in pollution that caused GHG in the atmosphere, have resulted in the search of alternative clean fuels which satisfy the demand of this ... -
Bi-reforming of Biogas for Hydrogen Production with Sulfur-Resistant Multimetallic Catalyst
Poggio-Fraccari, Eduardo; Mariño, Fernando; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
(Wiley, 2023)
A multimetallic sample, NiCeSnRh/Al2O3, was tested in methane reforming with a CH4:H2O:CO2 molar ratio equal to 3:2:1. A very stable methane conversion with the time-on-stream was achieved during 20 h. Dimethyl sulfide ... -
Biocrude oil production upgrading by catalytic assisted hydrothermal liquefaction of underutilized non-edible seed biomass
Moreira-Mendoza, C.A.; Essounani-Mérida, Sofía; Molina-Ramírez, Sergio; Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
[et al.] (Springer Nature, 2024-09-13)
Thermal and catalytic aqueous hydrothermal liquefaction of Ricinus communis and Jatropha curcas L. seeds, after mechanical defatting, was conducted at 260 °C for 40 min under subcritical water conditions with a biomass-to-water ... -
Catalytic upgrading of ethanol to n-butanol over a novel Ca-Fe modified mixed oxide Mg-Al catalyst from hydrotalcite-base precursor
Molina-Ramírez, Sergio; Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
(Elsevier, 2021-07-22)
n-Butanol is used in a wide range of applications and recently, the use of n-butanol as a fuel, which can be employed pure or blended with gasoline or diesel, has been proposed. So, in an attempt to deepen in the one-step ... -
CO2-SR Cyclic Technology: CO2 Storage and in situ Regeneration with CH4 over a new dual function NiBa unsupported catalyst
Molina-Ramírez, Sergio; Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
(Elsevier, 2020-06)
A Ni-Ba unsupported catalyst has been developed to be used as a dual function material (DFM) for a new CO2 storage and in-situ regeneration (CO2-SR technology), consisting in a CO2 storage step followed by a CH4 regeneration ... -
CO2-SR technology using NiBa unsupported catalyst. Isotopic study of cyclic process of CO2 storage and in situ regeneration with CH4
Molina-Ramírez, Sergio; Peltzer, D.; Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Cornaglia, L.; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023)
The unsupported NiBa catalyst has been used in the CO2-SR (CO2 Storage and in situ Regeneration with CH4) cyclic technology, which allows the use of CO2 from combustion and CH4 from biogas in order to produce enriched ... -
Comparison of Cu-CHA-zeolites in the hybrid NSR-SCR catalytic system for NOx abatement in mobile sources
Molina-Ramírez, Sergio; Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
(MDPI, 2023-03-10)
DeNOx activity in a NSR–SCR hybrid system of two copper-containing chabazite-type zeolitic catalysts was addressed. A Pt-Ba-K/Al2O3 model catalyst was used as the NSR (NOx storage and reduction) catalyst. For the SCR ... -
Coupling of glycerol-APR and in situ hydrodeoxygenation of fatty acid to produce hydrocarbons
Domínguez-Barroso, María Vanesa; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
(Elsevier, 2019-07-22)
Glycerol valorization by coupling APR to yield hydrogen with hydrogenation of a model compound as tandem reactions is approached using Pt-Ni/Al2O3 as efficient catalyst. Oleic acid is used as a C18 fatty acid model compound ... -
Cu-CHA material efficient in the SCR process in the presence of water and CO2
Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
A reproducible method for the synthesis of SCR active Cu-CHA materials has been developed, which allows the incorporation of up to 4% of copper inside the cavities of the zeolite. These materials are highly efficient in ... -
Desarrollo de catalizadores tiorresistentes para el acoplamiento de tecnologías deNOX en motorización diesel
Molina-Ramírez, Sergio; Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Epling, William S.; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
[et al.] (2022-07)
En las últimas décadas, se han desarrollado y perfeccionado diferentes estrategias y tecnologías deNOx de elevada eficacia en respuesta a las regulaciones cada vez más estrictas de las emisiones en el sector del automóvil. ... -
Estudio del proceso cíclico de captura y conversión de CO2 en corrientes enriquecidas en H2 empleando CH4 con un catalizador NiBa no soportado
Molina-Ramírez, Sergio; Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
El principal objetivo decidido en el Acuerdo de París de 2015 fue el de mantener el aumento de la temperatura media mundial por debajo de 2C respecto a los niveles en la era preindustrial. La reducción de la concentración ... -
Un estudio del proceso de almacenamiento seguido de reducción, NSR, para la eliminación de NOx en fuentes móviles
Malpartida-García, Irene(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2006)
El presente trabajo de investigacion, encuadrado dentro de la Catálisis Ambiental,tiene por objetivo el análisis del innovador proceso sobre eliminación de NOx en fuentes móviles mediante almacenamiento y posterior reducción ... -
Estudio DRIFTs-MS in situ de la oxidación de CO en condiciones subestequiométricas de oxígeno con un catalizador bimetálico Ni-Ce
Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Granados-Fernández, Rafael; Jiménez, José M.; Molina-Ramírez, Sergio; Pinzón, Marina; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
[et al.] (2019-07-19)
El interés en la reducción de uno de los principales contaminantes atmosféricos como el monóxido de carbono hace que se hayan propuesto diversas técnicas para su eliminación. Actualmente, la oxidación catalítica a baja ... -
Hacia la diversificación energética: Bioenergía
Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; García-Diéguez, Mónica (UMA/SEDOC, 2012)
La apuesta por la sostenibilidad, el aumento de la producción interna, la exploración de otras fuentes de energía y, en la medida de lo posible, la conservación de recursos son una receta a tener en cuenta para reducir ... -
Heterogeneización del proceso continuo para la conversión de glicerol a Solketal utilizando un catalizador estructurado monolítico de base carbonosa
Domínguez-Barroso, María Vanesa; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
Se ha desarrollado un catalizador estructurado de base carbonos hidrofobia y funcionalidad con grupos sulfúricos estables no lixiviables que permite la operación en continuo de la acetalización de glicerol con acetona de ... -
Hydrogen co-injection as a bridged technology for internal combustion engines
Molina-Ramírez, Sergio; Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Auñón-Hidalgo, Juan Antonio
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
[et al.] (International congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control – 12th edition CAPoC12, 2022)
In order to survive at media-term, diesel engines need a new approach for the use of the new fuel portfolio and to control the exhaust gas emissions. Hydrogen has been proposed as an alternative due to its excellent ... -
Incorporation of an alkaline-alkaline earth metal in an unsupported bimetallic Ni-containing catalyst for the CO2-SR technology.
Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Cortés-Reyes, Marina
; Molina-Ramírez, Sergio; Essounani-Mérida, Sofía[et al.] (2023)
Introduction. In the past decades, global warming resulting from the emission of greenhouse gases, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide and methane, has become one of society’s main concerns. In this context, there has ... -
Influence of CO2 and H2O co-feeding in the NOx abatement by SCR over an efficient Cu-CHA catalyst.
Cortés-Reyes, Marina; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
(Elsevier, 2019-06-29)
Cu-SAPO-34 materials with 2 wt% of copper synthesized in one pot with all the copper inside the framework are hydrothermally stable. Copper oxide species were not detected by XRD after thermal and hydrothermal aging at 750 ... -
Intensification of methanol steam reforming process using Cu-modified Ni-based supported catalysts
González-Gil, Rafael; Herrera-Delgado, María Concepción; Larrubia-Vargas, María Ángeles
; Alemany-Arrebola, Luis José
; Pieta, I.S. (2019-07-11)
Hydrogen is conventionally manufactured in large scale by the steam reforming of methane or naphthas. The perspective of using hydrogen as a fuel depends of finding alternatives to the existing production technologies and ...