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Listar por autor "López-Unzu, Miguel A."
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 32
Anatomical, histochemical and immunohistochemical characterization of the outflow tract of ray hearts (Rajiformes; Chondrichthyes)
Lorenzale, Miguel; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Rodríguez, Cristina; Soto, M. Teresa; Sans-Coma, Valentín; Fernández, Borja; Durán, Ana C.[et al.] (2016-07-08)
Recent work has shown that the cardiac outflow tract of sharks and chimaeras does not consist of a single myocardial component, the conus arteriosus, as classically accepted, but two, namely, the myocardial conus arteriosus ... -
Bicuspid Aortic Valve in 2 Model Species and Review of the Literature
Fernández-Corujo, Borja; Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; López-García, Alejandro; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen
; Fernández-Domínguez, María Carmen
[et al.] (Sage Publications INC, 2020-02-21)
Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most common human congenital cardiac malformation. Although the etiology is unknown for most patients, formation of the 2 main BAV anatomic types (A and B) has been shown to rely on ... -
Búsqueda de nuevos biomarcadores de aortopatía en un modelo animal espontaneo de válvula aortica bicúspide
Martín-Chaves, Laura; Pozo-Vilumbrales, Bárbara; Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Rodríguez Capitán, Jorge; Pavón-Morón, Francisco Javier; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen; Fernández-Corujo, Borja
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2021-10-29)
La válvula aortica bicúspide (VAB) es la malformación cardiaca congénita más frecuente en el hombre. Aproximadamente el 50% de los pacientes desarrollan dilatación en la aorta ascendente (DA), una condición denominada ... -
Chamber specific expression of Myosin heavy chain 7b in the heart of vertebrates
López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen; Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; Fernández-Corujo, Borja
In extant vertebrates, myosin heavy chain (MyHC) 6 and 7 are the main isoforms of atrial and ventricular myocardium respectively, whereas MyHC7b has been proposed to be an ancient cardiac isoform only expressed during ... -
Los componentes del tracto de salida cardiaco de los primeros vertebrados mandibulados están conservados en los anfibios
Torres-Prioris, Agustina María; Rodríguez, Cristina; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Lorenzale, Miguel; Fernández, Borja; Durán, Ana C.[et al.] (2017-09-14)
Estudios recientes han modificado las nociones que se habían asumido clásicamente sobre la composición del tracto de salida cardiaco de los condrictios. En este grupo el tracto de salida consta, no sólo de un cono arterioso, ... -
La configuración del tracto de salida cardiaco en los vertebrados pisciformes
Rodríguez, Cristina; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Lorenzale, Miguel; Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; Sans-Coma, Valentín; Durán, Ana C.[et al.] (2017-09-14)
La noción clásica relativa a la anatomía del corazón de los vertebrados pisciformes ha cambiado notablemente en los últimos años. Anteriormente se asumía que el tracto de salida cardiaco de los condrictios es estructuralmente ... -
Coronary artery high take-off in rodents and the possible involvement of Smad2
Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; Fernández-Domínguez, María Carmen; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Pozo-Vilumbrales, Bárbara; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen
; Fernández-Corujo, Borja
[et al.] (Wiley, 2019-06)
The coronary arteries (CAs) supply the mammalian heart with oxygenated blood. They arise from the right and left aortic valve sinuses at the aortic root. In humans, the occurrence of a CA arising ectopically from the tubular ... -
¿De dónde vienes, corazón? ¿Existe un origen evolutivo del miocardio compacto y su vascularización común para todos los Vertebrados?
López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Lorenzale, Miguel; Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa (2017-05-25)De dónde vienes, corazón? ¿Existe un origen evolutivo del miocardio compacto y su vascularización común para todos los Vertebrados? López-Unzu MA, Lorenzale M, Soto-Navarrete MT. Departamento de Biología Animal, Facultad ... -
Development of the ventricular myocardial trabeculae in Scyliorhinus canicula (Chondrichthyes): evolutionary implications
López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen; Rodríguez, Cristina; Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; Sans-Coma, Valentín
; Fernández-Corujo, Borja
[et al.] (Springer, 2020)
The development of the ventricular myocardial trabeculae occurs in three steps: emergence, trabeculation and remodeling. The whole process has been described in vertebrates with two different myocardial structural types, ... -
Differential expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in cardiac segments of gnathostome vertebrates and its evolutionary implications
López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen; Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; Sans-Coma, Valentín
; Fernández-Corujo, Borja
(BioMed Central (Springer Nature), 2019)
Immunohistochemical studies of hearts from the lesser spotted dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicular (Chondrichthyes) revealed that the pan-myosin heavy chain (pan-MyHC) antibody MF20 homogeneously labels all the myocardium, while ... -
Effect of hyperlipidic diets on normal and abnormal aortic valves in the Syrian hamster: A preliminary study
Fernández-Domínguez, María Carmen; Moncayo-Arlandi, Javier; Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Fernández-Corujo, Borja
; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen
[et al.] (SAGE Publications Press Ldt, 2015-11)
Effect of hyperlipidic diets on normal and abnormal aortic valves in the Syrian hamster: A preliminary study. MC Fernández 1,2, J Moncayo-Arlandi 1, MT Soto 1, MA López-Unzu 1, B Fernández 1,2 and AC Durán 1,2. 1 ... -
Embryology of the abnormally high origin of a coronary artery (High Take-Off) in a mouse model.
Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; Pozo-Vilumbrales, Bárbara; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Pavón-Morón, Francisco Javier; Fernández-Corujo, Borja; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen
[et al.] (2023)
High take-off (HTO) is a rare congenital coronary artery anomaly associated with sudden cardiac death. The coronary ostium is located in the ascending aorta above the sinotubular junction. The morphogenetic defect leading ... -
Embryonic development of bicuspid aortic valves.
Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen; Fernández-Corujo, Borja
(Elsevier, 2020-06-25)
Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most common congenital cardiac malformation, frequently associated with aortopathies and valvulopathies. The congenital origin of BAV is suspected to impact the development of the disease ... -
Etiología del origen anormalmente alto de una arteria coronaria (High Take-Off) en el modelo ratón
Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; Pozo-Vilumbrales, Bárbara; Martín-Chaves, Laura; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Fernández-Corujo, Borja; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2021-10-29)
El origen anormalmente elevado de una arteria coronaria (“high take-off”, HTO) es una anomalía congénita rara asociada a muerte súbita cardiaca. Consiste en la localización de un ostium coronario en la aorta ascendente, ... -
Experimental evidence of the genetic hypothesis on the etiology of bicuspid aortic valve aortopathy in the hamster model
Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; Pozo-Vilumbrales, Bárbara; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Rueda Martinez, Maria Del Carmen; Fernández-Domínguez, María Carmen; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen
; Pavón-Morón, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez Capitán, Jorge; Fernández-Corujo, Borja
[et al.] (Frontiers, 2022)
Bicuspid aortopathy occurs in approximately 50% of patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), the most prevalent congenital cardiac malformation. Although different molecular players and etiological factors (genetic and ... -
Herencia del origen anormalmente alto de una arteria coronaria (high take-off) en un modelo animal
Fernández-Corujo, Borja; Fernández-Domínguez, María Carmen
; Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Sans-Coma, Valentín
; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen
[et al.] (2016-11-04)
Introducción y objetivos: En el hombre, el origen anormalmente alto de una arteria coronaria o high take-off (HTO) es una anomalía congénita consistente en la localización de un ostium coronario en la aorta ascendente, por ... -
HSP90 inhibition causes heterochronies in the skull ossification sequences of Pleurodeles waltl (Urodela). Evolutionary implications.
López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Durán, Ana C.; Fernández-Corujo, Borja; Sans-Coma, Valentín
; Cubo, Jorge (Wiley, 2019-06)
Heat-shock protein 90 (HSP90) is an ubiquitous chaperone in eukaryotes that facilitates folding of proteins both in normal conditions and in response to environmental stress. In addition, HSP90 is able to buffer genetic ... -
Los elasmobranquios como modelo para la trabeculación del miocardio ventricular
López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Soto-Navarrete, María Teresa; Fernández-Domínguez, María Carmen; Rodríguez, Cristina; Fernández-Corujo, Borja
; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen
[et al.] (2019-11-27)
La formación de las trabéculas o trabeculación en vertebrados tiene lugar durante el desarrollo embrionario de los tres tipos de mioarquitecturas ventriculares, denominados compacto, esponjoso y mixto. El tipo compacto ... -
Durán, Ana C.; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Rodríguez, Cristina; Lorenzale, Miguel; Fernández, Borja; Sans-Coma, Valentín[et al.] (2013-07-25)
It has been classically assumed that the ventricle of the primitive vertebrate heart is composed of spongy myocardium, supplied exclusively by oxygen-poor, luminal blood. This idea is on two facts: (1) extant agnathans ... -
Myocardial trabeculation in embryos of Scyliorhinus canicula (Elasmobranchii, Chondrichthyans)
López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Rodríguez, Cristina; Lorenzale, Miguel; Fernández-Corujo, Borja; Durán-Boyero, Ana Carmen
Currently, three types of ventricular myoarchitecture are recognized in vertebrates, namely compact, spongy (trabeculated) and mixed myocardium. Mixed myocardium, which has been recently proposed as the primitive condition ...