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Listar por autor "González-Prieto, Ignacio"
Mostrando ítems 1-3 de 3
Assessment of Virtual-Voltage-Based Model Predictive Controllers in Six-Phase Drives Under Open-Phase Faults
González-Prieto, Ignacio; Durán-Martínez, Mario Javier; Bermúdez, Mario; Barrero, Federico; Martín, Cristina (IEEE, 2020-09)
The inherent fault-tolerant capability of multiphase machines is highly appreciated, but it requires fault detection and localization together with a reconfiguration of the control scheme. When the multiphase machine is ... -
Desarrollo de una herramienta software para la caracterización térmica de accionamientos eléctricos multifásicos
Kim, Tae Ho (2023-11)La situación actual del medio ambiente está siendo una de las principales preocupaciones a nivel mundial. El aumento de la emisión de los gases contaminantes es una de las causas que afecta negativamente al medio ambiente, ... -
Single-Index Open-Phase Fault Detection Method for Six-Phase Electric Drives
García Entrambasaguas, Paula; González-Prieto, Ignacio; Durán-Martínez, Mario Javier(IEEE, 2020-12)
Multiphase drives have the capability of continuing operating when some phases are disconnected. This feature has been traditionally achieved with a reconfiguration of the control after the open-phase fault (OPF) occurrence. ...