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Listar por autor "Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco"
Mostrando ítems 1-18 de 18
Addressing the 5G cell switch-off problem with a multi-objective cellular genetic algorithm
Luna, Francisco; Luque-Baena, Rafael Marcos; Martínez, Jesús; Padilla, Pablo; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco (2018-07-16)
The power consumption foreseen for 5G networks is expected to be substantially greater than that of 4G systems, mainly because of the ultra-dense deployments required to meet the upcoming traffic demands. This paper deals ... -
Análisis del conformado del haz para optimizar el consumo energético en redes de sensores usando metaheurísticas
Agudo-Garzón, Juan Enrique; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; Luna-Valero, Francisco; Luque-Baena, Rafael Marcos
; Padilla-de-la-Torre, Pablo (Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificialez, B. Dorronsoro, E. Barrenechea, A. Troncoso, B. Baruque, M. Galar, 2015)
Conformar el haz de forma colaborativa en una red de sensores permite reducir la potencia consumida en la comunicación inalámbrica, un aspecto crítico para aumentar el tiempo de vida de este tipo de sistemas donde la energía ... -
Analytical Circuit Approach for (2+1)D Structures: Application to Spacetime Metasurfaces
Moreno-Rodríguez, Salvador; Pérez-Escribano, Mario; Padilla, Pablo; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; Alex-Amor, Antonio; Molero, Carlos[et al.] (URSI, 2024-09)
Historically, scientists and engineers have focused their studies on finding analytical models that allow accurate modeling of the electromagnetic response of radiant devices. Commercial software based on numerical ... -
Analytical Framework to Model Reconfigurable Metasurfaces including Lumped Elements.
Pérez-Escribano, Mario; Moreno-Rodríguez, Salvador; Molero, Carlos; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; Padilla, Pablo; Alex-Amor, Antonio; Pérez-Escribano, Mario
[et al.] (IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023-11-06)
This manuscript introduces an analytical framework for the design of reconfigurable metasurfaces rooted in 2D periodic structures. Incorporating lumped elements into the model streamlines the design process for such devices, ... -
Analytical Method to Model Spatiotemporal Metasurfaces.
Pérez-Escribano, Mario; Moreno-Rodríguez, Salvador; Alex-Amor, Antonio; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; Padilla, Pablo; Molero, Carlos[et al.] (2024)
This work introduces a theoretical framework to develop fully-analytical and multi-modal equivalent circuits that are applicable to spatiotemporal metasurfaces. Here, time is considered a periodic variable. Thus, classical ... -
Broadband parasitic modeling of diodes in the millimeter-wave band
Pérez-Escribano, Mario; Palomares-Caballero, Ángel; Padilla, Pablo; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; Márquez-Segura, Enrique
(Elsevier, 2024-03-06)
This paper presents the extraction of an equivalent circuit model for PIN diodes and varactors in the millimeter waves. This circuit model is handy for new communication applications involving, for example, electronic beam ... -
A Capacity-enhanced local search for the 5G cell switch-off problem
Luna, Francisco; Zapata Cano, Pablo Helio; Palomares-Caballero, Ángel; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco (2020-03-06)Network densification with deployments of many small base stations (SBSs) is a key enabler technology for the fifth generation (5G) cellular networks, and it is also clearly in conflict with one of the target design ... -
Designing problem-specific operators for solving the Cell Switch-Off problem in ultra-dense 5G networks with hybrid MOEAs
Galeano-Brajones, Jesús; Luna-Valero, Francisco; Carmona Murillo, Javier; Zapata Cano, Pablo Helio; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco (Elsevier, 2023)
The massive deployment of base stations is one of the key pillars of the fifth generation (5G) of mobile communications. However, this network densification entails high energy consumption that must be addressed to enhance ... -
Gain-Reconfigurable Hybrid Metal-Graphene Printed Yagi Antenna for Energy Harvesting Applications
Alex-Amor, Antonio; Palomares-Caballero, Ángel; De la Fuente, Elena; Muriel-Barrado, Alfonso; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; Fernández-González, José M.; Padilla, Pablo[et al.] (2019-04-26)This paper presents a hybrid metal-graphene printed Yagi antenna with reconfigurable gain that operates in the 5.5-GHz band. The balun and the driven elements are made of copper, while the directors are made of graphene. ... -
Glide-Symmetric Pin Phase Shifter implemented in Gap-Waveguide Technology
Palomares-Caballero, Ángel; Alex-Amor, Antonio; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; Luna-Valero, Francisco; Padilla-de-la-Torre, Pablo (2019-09-10)
This paper presents a compact and low-loss waveguide phase shifter based on a pin lattice in glide- symmetric configuration. There is a significant increase in provided phase shift when using a glide-symmetric pin distribution ... -
Impacto de la heterogeneidad espacial del tráfico de red en el problema del apagado de celdas en redes ultra-densas.
Galeno-Brajones, Jesús; Luna-Valero, Francisco; Carmona Murillo, Javier; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; Zapata Cano, Pablo Helio (2023)
The ultra-dense deployment of small base stations is one of the enabling technologies for the next generation of mobile networks (5G and 6G), which leads to an increase in the energy consumption of the infrastructure. This ... -
Metaheurísticas híbridas para el problema del apagado de celdas en redes 5G
Zapata Cano, Pablo Helio; Mora García, Antonio M.; Luna-Valero, Francisco; Padilla-de-la-Torre, Pablo; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco (2018-10-30)
La densificación masiva de estaciones base (BS) es una de las tecnologías facilitadoras bien reconocidas por la literatura para el desarrollo de la quinta generación de redes de telecomunicaciones (5G). Su implementación, ... -
Novel Frequency-Selective Surface Absorber based on Laser-Induced Graphene
Ortiz Ruiz, Sergio; Moreno-Rodríguez, Salvador; Pérez-Escribano, Mario; Palomares-Caballero, Ángel; Pasadas, Francisco; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; García-Ruiz, Francisco J.; Molero, Carlos[et al.] (URSI, 2024-09)
Este trabajo propone una técnica para el diseño de absorbedores de microondas y ondas milimétricas mediante la combinación de superficies selectivas en frecuencia (FSSs) y grafeno inducido por láser (LIG). En primera ... -
Optimización conjunta de la gestión de la movilidad y la capacidad en redes 5G
Ramírez-Arroyo, Alejandro; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; Carmona Murillo, Javier; Luna-Valero, Francisco; Valenzuela Valdés, Antonio; Padilla-de-la-Torre, Pablo[et al.] (2019-09-05)
Technology development is needed to meet users' traffic demands. From 2017 to 2022, global annual traffic growth is estimated at 220%. This annual growth leads in turn to an increase in the number of users connected to IP ... -
Optimization of massive connections in 5G networks for IoT
Zapata Cano, Pablo Helio; Ramírez-Arroyo, Alejandro; Luna-Valero, Francisco; Valenzuela Valdés, Antonio; Castillo Valdivieso, Pedro; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco[et al.] (2019-10-31)
The expected traffic demands for the coming years requires a major technology development. Indeed, from 2017 to 2022, the global annual traffic growth is estimated to reach 220%. This annual growth leads in turn to an ... -
Optimized Varactor Parasitic Modelling in the Millimeter-Wave Band.
Pérez-Escribano, Mario; Palomares-Caballero, Ángel; Padilla, Pablo; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco (2023)
This work explores the utilization of varactors in the millimeter-wave (mm-wave) band, specifically focusing on their application in voltage-controlled reconfigurable devices. Varactors, or variable capacitors, can adjust ... -
Phase Shifter for Millimeter-Wave Frequency Range Based on Glide Symmetric Structures
Palomares-Caballero, Ángel; Alex-Amor, Antonio; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; Luna, Francisco; Padilla, Pablo (2019-03-13)The use of glide symmetry in radiofrequency devices to introduce dispersive effects has been recently proposed and demonstrated. One of these effects is to control the propagation constant of the structure. Here, we propose ... -
Redes de sensores seguras y eficientes con beamforming
Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan Francisco; Luna, Francisco; Padilla, Pablo; Padilla, José Luis; Luque-Baena, Rafael Marcos(2017-07-03)
Mejorar la eficiencia energética de las redes de sensores (WSN, por sus siglas en inglés) es uno de sus principales objetivos de diseño. De entre las distintas líneas de trabajo existentes en esta área, el uso del ...