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Listar por autor "Sánchez-Martínez, Juan José"
Mostrando ítems 1-8 de 8
Análisis y diseño de filtros diferenciales basados en líneas acopladas
Sánchez-Martínez, Juan José; Márquez-Segura, Enrique(2014-09-11)
The design of differential bandpass filters using coupled lines is presented. The topology proposed, consisting of short-circuited coupled lines is analyzed by means of analytical equations. The study is carried out by ... -
Análisis y Diseño de Filtros Paso Banda con Alta Selectividad Espectral Basados en Líneas de Transmisión Multiconductoras
Sánchez-Martínez, Juan José; Márquez-Segura, Enrique(2013-09-19)
A new wideband planar bandpass filter consists of two series wire-bonded multiconductor transmission lines (MTL) and a shunt short-circuited MTL is presented and analyzed. A comprehensive study of the proposed topology ... -
Analysis and design of enhanced planar devices using multiconductor transmission lines with interconnected alternate lines
Sánchez-Martínez, Juan José (Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)Novel capabilities and applications of multiconductor transmission lines with interconnected alternate lines have been analyzed in this work. The interconnections among alternate strips broaden the operating frequency band ... -
Analytical design of compact multiband bandpass filters with multiconductor transmission lines and shunt open stubs
Pérez-Escribano, Mario; Márquez-Segura, Enrique
; Sánchez-Martínez, Juan José (MDPI, 2023-04-24)
A compact topology for implementing compact multiband bandpass filters is presented in this paper. To achieve the desired frequency response, two identical short-circuited multiconductor transmission lines (MTLs) and ... -
Diseño analítico de filtros multibanda con líneas de transmisión multiconductoras y stubs en abierto
A new topology for implementing multiband bandpass filters is presented in this paper. Two identical shortcircuited multiconductor transmission lines (MTL) and several shunt open stubs are interconnected to achieve the ... -
On the performance of SQL scalable systems on Kubernetes: a comparative study
Cardas Ezeiza, Cristian; Aldana Martín, José Francisco; Burgueño Romero, Antonio Manuel; Nebro-Urbaneja, Antonio Jesús; Mateos, Jose M.; Sánchez-Martínez, Juan José[et al.] (2022-09-09)
The popularization of Hadoop as the the-facto standard platform for data analytics in the context of Big Data applications has led to the upsurge of SQL-on-Hadoop systems, which provide scalable query execution engines ... -
Small Size Dual-band Bandpass Filters with Multiconductor Transmission Lines and Shunt Open Stubs
A dual-band bandpass filter consisting of multiconductor transmission lines (MTL) and shunt stubs has been designed. The used topology, based on the interconnection of two identical MTL and a shunt open stub, has a frequency ... -
Synthesis of Dual-Band Bandpass Filters With Short-Circuited Multiconductor Transmission Lines and Shunt Open Stubs
Sánchez-Martínez, Juan José; Pérez-Escribano, Mario; Márquez-Segura, Enrique
(IEEE, 2019-02-24)
The design of dual-band bandpass filters consisting of series short-circuited wire-bonded multiconductor transmission lines and shunt open stubs is thoroughly carried out in this paper. Two different configurations are ...