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Mostrando ítems 25110-25129 de 32005
QoE Evaluation: The TRIANGLE Testbed Approach.
(Willey - Hindawi, 2018-12-18)This paper presents the TRIANGLE testbed approach to score the Quality of Experience (QoE) of mobile applications, based on measurements extracted from tests performed on an end-to-end network testbed. The TRIANGLE project ... -
A QoE-driven traffic steering algorithm for LTE Networks
(2019-01-31)Due to the huge increase in traffic and services in mobile networks, network management has changed its main focus from Quality of Service (QoS) to a Quality of Experience (QoE) perspective. In addition, SON (Self Organizing ... -
QoS metrics-in-the-loop for endowing runtime self-adaptation to robotic software architectures
(Springer, 2022-01-13)The design of a robot that is capable of operating autonomously in a changing and unstructured scenario is based on complex software architec- tures, in which perceptual and actuation components, as well as deliberative ones, ... -
QPSK modulation in the O-band using a single dual-drive Mach-Zehnder silicon modulator
(IEEE, 2018-09-15)Keeping up with bandwidth requirements in next generation short- and long-reach optical communication systems will require migrating from simple modulation formats such as on-off keying (OOK) to more advanced formats such ... -
QTLs mapping for primary metabolites responsible of the organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa)
(2016-07-01)The cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) is the berry fruit most consumed worldwide and is well-known for its delicate flavour and nutritional properties. However, fruit quality attributes have been lost or reduced ... -
Quad-RRT: a real-time GPU-based global path planner in large-scale real environments
(Elsevier, 2018-06-01)During the last decade, sampling based methods for motion and path planning have gained more interest. Specifically, in the field of robotics, approaches based on the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm have ... -
Las ‘Quadrige’ de Arsegino de Padua: estudio, edición crítica, traducción y comentario
(UMA Editorial, 2021-09)La tesis se articula en las siguientes secciones: 1. Estudio preliminar: se concibe como una introducción destinada fundamentalmente a contextualizar al autor y su obra, dilucidar determinados aspectos críticos, estudiar ... -
Qualidade da Intervenção Pedagógica na Perspetiva do Professor e do Aluno
(Universidad de Málaga, 2017)Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar a existência de convergência entre professores estagiários, a desempenharem a função de docente numa escola, e os respetivos alunos, na forma de perceber e interpretar as ... -
Qualitative analysis of the use of non-sexist language in higher education: the case of the University of Málaga from the professor’s perspective.
(2022-10-03)language; therefore, language should be faithfully adjusted to reality to continue fulfilling its function: communication. The problem arises when society advances faster than language research. Currently, the feminine ... -
Qualitative research methods – Insights into case method and Critical Incident Technique
(2017-12-15)The seminar will firstly provide and overview of qualitative research methods and some key lessons for publishing in qualitative data in academic journals. The core focus of the seminar will discuss different approaches ... -
Qualitative ultrasonography scale of the intensity of local twitch response during dry needling and its association with modified joint range of motion: a cross-sectional study
(BMC Springer Nature, 2021-09-14)Background: The relevance of local twitch response (LTR) during dry needling technique (DNT) is controversial, and it is questioned whether LTR is necessary for successful outcomes. Furthermore, because the LTR during the ... -
Quality analysis and categorisation of public space
(ScienceDirect, 2023)Public spaces are considered areas that promote users’ physical and mental health. The role of these people in public spaces makes it necessary to evaluate such areas. In this study, 12 urban parks on the island of Tenerife ... -
Quality of Life, Physical and Mental Health, and Economic Evaluation of Family Caregivers of Chronic Dependent Children: INFAPRINT Cohort Study Protocol.
(MDPI, 2023-03-14)Background: Caregivers for children with complex chronic illnesses may experience emotional and physical strain, especially as concerns attention overload and the perceptions of their own psychosocial situation. These ... -
Quand les jongleurs disent la fraude fiscale (Arras, XIIIe siècle)
(Universidad de Málaga. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2016)La fraude fiscale constitue un thème récurrent de la littérature satirique arrageoise du milieu du XIIIe siècle. Les membres les plus influents de l’oligarchie urbaine sont mis en scène dans leurs efforts pour dissimuler ... -
Quantification of functional hand grip using electromyography and inertial sensor-derived accelerations: clinical implications
(BMC, 2014-12)Background: Assessing hand injury is of great interest given the level of involvement of the hand with the environment. Knowing different assessment systems and their limitations generates new perspectives. The integration ... -
Quantification of methane emissions in a Mediterranean landfill (Southern Spain). A combination of flux chambers and geostatistical methods
(Elsevier, 2019)In this study, landfill gas emissions from a landfill located in southern Spain were estimated using static surface flux chambers and applying and comparing four geostatistical methods; ordinary kriging, lognor- mal kriging, ... -
Quantifying the regeneration of bone tissue in biomedical images via Legendre moments
(2013-10-21)We investigate the use of Legendre moments as biomarkers for an efficient and accurate classification of bone tissue on images coming from stem cell regeneration studies. Regions of either existing bone, cartilage or ... -
Quantitative analysis of cementitious materials by X-ray ptychographic nanotomography
(2021)Cement manufacturing is responsible for ~7% of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions and hence, decreasing the CO2 footprint, in a sustainable, safe, and cost-effective way, is a top priority. It is also key to develop more ... -
Quantitative disentanglement of nanocrystalline phases in cement pastes by synchrotron ptychographic X-ray tomography
(IUCr, 2019)Mortars and concretes are ubiquitous materials with very complex hierarchical microstructures. To fully understand their main properties and to decrease their CO2 footprint, a sound description of their spatially resolved ... -
Quantitative John–Nirenberg inequalities at different scales
(Springer, 2022-06-07)Given a family Z = { · Z Q } of norms or quasi-norms with uniformly bounded triangle inequality constants, where each Q is a cube in Rn, we provide an abstract estimate of the form f − fQ,μZ Q ≤ c(μ)ψ(Z) f BMO(dμ) for ...