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Listar por autor "Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 48
A comparison of the taphonomic attributes of quarries VM3 and VM4 of the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena (Baza Basin, SE Spain)
Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul; Espigares-Ortiz, María Patrocinio; Pérez-Claros, Juan Antonio; Figueirido-Castillo, Francisco Borja; Guerra-Merchán, Antonio; Ros-Montoya, Sergio; García-Aguilar, José Manuel; Granados, Alejandro; Rodríguez-Gómez, Guillermo; Martínez-Navarro, Bienvenido[et al.] (2022)The site of Venta Micena (Guadix-Baza Depression, SE Spain), a rich Fossil-Lagerstätten of late Early Pleistocene age (1.6-1.5 Ma), preserves a diverse assemblage of large mammals. Up to date, >24,000 skeletal remains have ... -
A morphometric characterization of cranial shape in terrestrial carnivorans based on fourier analysis
Pérez-Claros, Juan Antonio; Martín-Serra, Alberto; Figueirido-Castillo, Francisco Borja; Janis, Christine Marie; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul (2013-11-08)A number of studies have shown that skull morphology reflects the ecological adaptations of terrestrial carnivores as well as their phylogenetic legacy. Here we use Fourier shape analysis for describing the dorsal outline ... -
A new Ruscinian site in Europe: Baza-1 (Baza basin, Andalusia, Spain)
Ros-Montoya, Sergio; Martínez-Navarro, Bienvenido; Espigares-Ortiz, María Patrocinio; Guerra-Merchán, Antonio; García-Aguilar, José Manuel; Piñero, Pedro; Rodríguez-Rueda, Ainoa; Agustí, Jordi; Oms, Oriol; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul[et al.] (Elsevier, 2017)The Guadix–Baza depression (southeastern Spain) preserves one of the best continental Plio-Pleistocene records of the European continent. The new site, Baza-1, is the first Ruscinian locality with fauna of large vertebrates ... -
A new species of dog from the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena (Orce, Baza Basin, Spain)
Martínez-Navarro, Bienvenido; Bartolini Lucenti, Saverio; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul; Ros-Montoya, Sergio; Madurell-Malapeira, Joan; Espigares-Ortiz, María Patrocinio[et al.] (Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 2021)The site of Venta Micena (Orce, Spain), c. 1.6 Ma, preserves one the best paleontological records of the early Pleistocene large mammals fauna in Europe. Here we describe the specimens of the genus Canis Linnaeus, 1758 in ... -
Alometrías intertaxónicas y ontogenéticas entre el área del septo y el volumen del fragmocono en cefalopodos con concha espiral actuales y extintos
Pérez-Claros, Juan Antonio; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul; Figueirido-Castillo, Francisco Borja; Olóriz, F.La interpretación funcional del replegamiento periférico de los septos de los ammonoideos constituye todo un reto dada la inexistencia de representantes actuales del grupo y, por consiguiente, la imposibilidad de ... -
Los antecedentes del libro "La evolución": La Masterometría de Crusafont y Truyols, los "Cursillos Internacionales de Paleontología de Sabadell"(1952-1958) y el desarrollo de la paleontología evolutiva en España
Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul (2016-09-21)Con una edad estimada en ~1,4 Ma, los yacimientos del Pleistoceno inferior de Barranco León-D y Fuente Nueva-3 (cuenca de Baza, sureste de España) suministran las evidencias más tempranas de presencia humana en Europa ... -
Carrying capacity, available meat and the fossil record of the Orce sites (Baza Basin, Spain)
Rodríguez-Gómez, Guillermo; Espigares-Ortiz, María Patrocinio; Martínez-Navarro, Bienvenido; Ros-Montoya, Sergio; Guerra-Merchán, Antonio; Martín-González, Jesús A.; Campaña, Isidoro; Pérez-Ramos, Alejandro; Granados, Alejandro; García-Aguilar, José Manuel; Rodríguez-Ruiz, María Dolores; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul[et al.] (MDPI, 2024)The Early Pleistocene sites of Orce in southeastern Spain, including Fuente Nueva-3, Barranco León and Venta Micena, provide important insights into the earliest hominin populations and Late Villafranchian large mammal ... -
Dataset for sixty-six million years along the road of mammalian ecomorphological specialization.
Figueirido-Castillo, Francisco Borja; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul; Pérez-Claros, Juan Antonio; Janis, Christine Marie (Universidad de Málaga, 2019-06-10)La base de datos hace referencia al artículo: Figueirido, B., Palmqvist, P., Pérez-Claros, J. A., & Janis, C. M. (2019). Sixty-six million years along the road of mammalian ecomorphological specialization. Proceedings of ... -
Deciphering the record of hyaenic activity in the Early Pleistocene site of Fuente Nueva-3 (Baza Basin, SE Spain)
Espigares-Ortiz, María Patrocinio; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul; Ros-Montoya, Sergio; Rodríguez-Ruiz, María Dolores; Pérez-Ramos, Alejandro; Guerra-Merchán, Antonio; Granados, Alejandro; Rodríguez-Gómez, Guillermo; García-Aguilar, José Manuel; Martínez-Navarro, Bienvenido[et al.] (2022)FN3 is an open air site, dated ~1.4 Ma. Their archaeological levels preserve evidences of human presence, consisting in lithic artefacts and cuts and percussion marks on bones. The lithic remains are associated with abundant ... -
Déjà vu: a reappraisal of the taphonomy of quarry VM4 of the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena (Baza Basin, SE Spain)
Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul; Espigares-Ortiz, María Patrocinio; Pérez-Claros, Juan Antonio; Figueirido-Castillo, Francisco Borja; Guerra-Merchán, Antonio; Ros-Montoya, Sergio; Rodríguez-Gómez, Guillermo; García-Aguilar, José Manuel; Granados, Alejandro; Martínez-Navarro, Bienvenido[et al.] (Nature Research, 2022)Venta Micena, an Early Pleistocene site of the Baza Basin (SE Spain), preserves a rich and diverse assemblage of large mammals. VM3, the main excavation quarry of the site, has been interpreted as a den of the giant hyaena ... -
Déjà vu: on the use of meat resources by sabretooth cats, hominins, and hyaenas in the Early Pleistocene site of Fuente Nueva 3 (Guadix‑Baza Depression, SE Spain)
Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul; Rodríguez-Gómez, Guillermo; Martínez-Navarro, Bienvenido; Espigares-Ortiz, María Patrocinio; Figueirido-Castillo, Francisco Borja; Ros-Montoya, Sergio; Guerra-Merchán, Antonio; Granados, Alejandro; García-Aguilar, José Manuel; Pérez-Claros, Juan Antonio[et al.] (Springer, 2022)The late Early Pleistocene archaeological site of Fuente Nueva 3 (Orce, Guadix-Baza Depression, SE Spain), dated to ~1.4 Ma, provides evidence on the subsistence strategies of the first hominin population that dispersed ... -
Demythologizing Arctodus simus, the ‘short-faced’ long-legged and predaceous bear that never was
Figueirido-Castillo, Francisco Borja; Pérez-Claros, Juan Antonio; Torregrosa, Vanessa; Martín-Serra, Alberto; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul (Taylor and Francis, 2010)In this study, we review the previous evidence on the paleobiology of the giant, ‘short-faced’ bear Arctodus simus (Mammalia: Carnivora: Ursidae) and contribute new ecomorphological inferences on the paleobiology of this ... -
¿Dónde están nuestros orígenes?: Barranco León y Fuente Nueva-3 (Orce), dos tafocenosis únicas para el estudio de los primeros pobladores de Europa
Martínez-Navarro, Bienvenido; Ros-Montoya, Sergio; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul; Espigares-Ortiz, María Patrocinio (2018-10-04)Las evidencias de presencia humana más antigua en Europa proceden de los yacimientos de Barranco León y Fuente Nueva-3 (Orce,Granada), datados alrededor de 1,4 Ma. Los análisis de las superficies óseas de los fósiles ... -
Early Pleistocene hominins in europe: the sites of Barranco León and Fuente Nueva-3 (Orce, Spain)
Espigares-Ortiz, María Patrocinio; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul; Ros-Montoya, Sergio; Jiménez-Arenas, Juan Manuel; Menéndez, Leticia; Sala, Robert; Martínez-Navarro, Bienvenido[et al.] (2016-10-07)The Early Pleistocene (Late Villafranchian) sites of Orce, placed in the northeastern sector of the Guadix-Baza Basin (Granada, southeastern Spain), are key to the study of the first human settlements in the European ... -
Ecomorfología y evolución del aparato volador aviano: Implicaciones aerodinámicas en el vuelo de las aves basales
Serrano Alarcón, Francisco José (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)El descubrimiento de gran cantidad de fósiles de Aves de la era Mesozoica en los últimos años, está permitiendo un avance importante en el conocimiento de numerosos aspectos paleobiológicos de estas aves extintas y de los ... -
Flight reconstruction of two European enantiornithines (Aves, Pygostylia) and the achievement of bounding flight in Early Cretaceous birds
Serrano, Francisco José; Chiappe, Luis M.; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul; Figueirido-Castillo, Francisco Borja; Marugán-Lobón, Jesús; Sanz, José L.[et al.] (Wiley, 2018-05)Intermittent flight through flap-gliding (alternating flapping phases and gliding phases with spread wings) or bounding (flapping and ballistic phases with wings folded against the body) are strategies to optimize aerial ... -
From meat availability to hominin and carnivore biomass: A paleosynecological approach to reconstructing predator-prey biomass ratios in the Pleistocene
Rodríguez-Gómez, Guillermo; Martín-González, Jesús A.; Espigares-Ortiz, María Patrocinio; Bermúdez de Castro, José María; Martínez-Navarro, Bienvenido; Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul[et al.] (Elsevier, 2024)Reconstructing the conditions and circumstances under which the human lineage evolved is of great interest to those disciplines related to human evolution, especially in fields such as archaeoecology and human paleoecology. ... -
Functional anatomy, Ecomorphology and evolution of the carnivoran appendicular skeleton
Martín-Serra, Alberto (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)En esta tesis doctoral he utilizado métodos de morfometría comparada para analizar la asociación entre las adaptaciones funcionales del esqueleto apendicular y su evolución morfológica. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal ... -
Geometric morphometrics shows differences and similarities in skull shape between the red and giant pandas.
Serrano Alarcón, Francisco José; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul; Figueirido-Castillo, Francisco Borja (Wiley, 2011)A morphometric analysis of the skull of the red or lesser panda, Aiulurus fulgens (Ailuridae), and the giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Ursidae), was performed for evaluating the importance of natural selection and ... -
In the pursuit of the predatory behavior of borophagines (Mammalia, Carnivora, Canidae): inferences from forelimb morphology.
Martín-Serra, Alberto; Figueirido-Castillo, Francisco Borja; Palmqvist-Barrena, Carlos Paul (Springer Nature, 2016-01-25)Here, we perform an ecomorphological study on the major bones (humerus, radius, and ulna) of the carnivoran forelimb using three-dimensional geometric morphometrics. More specifically, we test the association between ...