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Listar por autor "Burgueño-Caballero, Lola"
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 48
Generating Effective Test Suites for Model Transformations Using Classifying Terms
Vallecillo-Moreno, Antonio Jesús; Hilken, Frank; Burgueño-Caballero, Lola
; Gogolla, Martin (2016-09-27)
Generating sample models for testing a model transformation is no easy task. This paper explores the use of classifying terms and stratified sampling for developing richer test cases for model transformations. Classifying ... -
Incorporación de incertidumbre de la medida en modelos UML para la industria 4.0
Guerrero Ruiz, Juan José (2019-11-29)En este proyecto, se realiza un estudio detallado de las ventajas que supone la utilización de incertidumbre de la medida en la simulación de sistemas reales y, en particular, para la industria 4.0. El objetivo principal ... -
Incorporating Measurement Uncertainty into OCL/UML Primitive Datatypes
Fernández-Bertoa, Manuel; Burgueño-Caballero, Lola
; Moreno, Nathalie; Vallecillo-Moreno, Antonio Jesús
The correct representation of the relevant properties of a system is an essential requirement for the effective use and wide adoption of model-based practices in industry. Uncertainty is one of the inherent properties of ... -
Introducción a los ordenadores
Burgueño-Caballero, Lola; Canal-Velasco, José Carlos
Tema 1 de la asignatura Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación aplicada a la Terapia Ocupacional del grado en Terapia Ocupacional. Curso 2015/2016 -
Leveraging belief uncertainty for informed decision making in software product line evolution
Horcas-Aguilera, José Miguel; Burgueño-Caballero, Lola
; Kienzle, Jörg (Elsevier, 2025-01)
Software Product Lines (SPL) are not static software artifacts, but they evolve over time. The planning, realization, and release of a SPL requires many high-level decisions involving many different stakeholders with ... -
LinTraP: Primitive Operators for the Execution of Model Transformations with LinTra
Burgueño-Caballero, Lola; Syriani, Eugene; Wimmer, Manuel; Gray, Jeff; Vallecillo-Moreno, Antonio Jesús
The problems addressed by Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approaches are increasingly complex, hence performance and scalability of model transformations are gaining importance. In previous work, we introduced LinTra, which ... -
Managing Uncertain Complex Events in Web of Things Applications
Moreno, Nathalie; Fernández-Bertoa, Manuel; Barquero Moreno, Gala; Burgueño-Caballero, Lola
; Troya-Castilla, Javier
; García-López, Adrián; Vallecillo-Moreno, Antonio Jesús
[et al.] (2018-05-31)
A critical issue in the Web of Things (WoT) is the need to process and analyze the interactions of Web-interconnected real-world objects. Complex Event Processing (CEP) is a powerful technology for analyzing streams of ... -
Model Transformation Testing and Debugging: A Survey
Model transformations are the key technique in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) to manipulate and construct models. As a consequence, the correctness of software systems built with MDE approaches relies mainly on the correctness ... -
On the assessment of generative AI in modeling tasks: an experience report with ChatGPT and UML
Cámara-Moreno, Javier; Troya-Castilla, Javier
; Burgueño-Caballero, Lola
; Vallecillo-Moreno, Antonio Jesús
(Springer, 2023)
Most experts agree that large language models (LLMs), such as those used by Copilot and ChatGPT, are expected to revo- lutionize the way in which software is developed. Many papers are currently devoted to analyzing the ... -
On the Quality Properties of Model Transformations: Performance and Correctness
Burgueño-Caballero, Lola(UMA Editorial, 2016)
The increasing complexity of software due to continuous technological advances has motivated the use of models in the software development process. Initially, models were mainly used as drafts to help developers understand ... -
On the Realization of TractsTool
Model transformations play an important role in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), and as their size and complexity grow, there is an increasing need to count on tool support for testing their correctness. In this ... -
Parallel In-place Model Transformations with LinTra
As software systems have grown large and complex in the last few years, the problems with which Model-Driven Development has to cope have increased at the same pace. In particular, the need to improve the performance and ... -
Polyglot software development: wait, what?
Mussbacher, Gunter; Combemale, Benoit; Kienzle, Jörg; Burgueño-Caballero, Lola; Garcia-Dominguez, Antonio; Jézéquel, Jean-Marc; Jouneaux, Gwendal; Khelladi, Djamel-Eddine; Mosser, Sébastien; Pulgar, Corinne; Sahraoui, Houari; Schiedermeier, Maximilian; Storm, Tijs van der[et al.] (IEEE, 2024)
We propose a concise and unambiguous definition of polyglot software development with a conceptual model and characterize the techniques used for the specification and operationalization of polyglot software development ... -
Práctica evaluable OCL
Burgueño-Caballero, Lola(2018-04-23)
Primitive Operators for the Concurrent Execution of Model Transformations Based on LinTra
Burgueño-Caballero, Lola; Syriani, Eugene; Wimmer, Manuel; Gray, Jeff; Vallecillo-Moreno, Antonio Jesús
Performance and scalability of model transformations are becoming prominent topics in Model-Driven Engineering. In previous work, we introduced LinTra, a platform for executing out-place model transformations in parallel. ... -
Simulación de Diagramas de Secuencia con la herramienta de modelado USE
Muñoz Ariza, Paula (2020-01-21)Este proyecto se enmarca en el paradigma de la ingeniería del software dirigida por modelos, puesto que se pretende crear una herramienta que facilite la comprensión y la validación del comportamiento de modelos de software ... -
Sistema de información para la Gestión de Socios de SISTEDES
Torres Téllez, Sergio (2018-12-19)El crecimiento de la red ha conseguido que el concepto que se tenía de la web haya cambiado, tanto que se las aplicaciones web se consideran ya autenticas aplicaciones de ingeniería del software. Los principales objetivos ... -
Specifying Quantities in Software Models
Burgueño-Caballero, Lola; Mayerhofer, Tanja; Wimmer, Manuel; Vallecillo-Moreno, Antonio Jesús
Context: An essential requirement for the design and development of any engineering application that deals with real-world physical systems is the formal representation and processing of physical quantities, comprising ... -
Teaching Model Views with UML and OCL
The specification of any non-trivial system is normally composed of a set of models. Each model describes a different view of the system, focuses on a particular set of concerns, and uses its own notation. For example, UML ...