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Listar por autor "Alba-Torres, Enrique"
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 107
BiPred: A Bilevel Evolutionary Algorithm for Prediction in Smart Mobility.
Toutouh-el-Alamin, Jamal; Arellano-Verdejo, Javier; Alba-Torres, Enrique
(MDPI, 2018-11-24)
This article develops the design, installation, exploitation, and final utilization of intelligent techniques, hardware, and software for understanding mobility in a modern city. We focus on a smart-campus initiative in ... -
Castro Olea, Alberto (2017-03-17)Fomentar el uso del transporte público es uno de los pilares de la movilidad inteligente. En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha tratado la elaboración de un sistema de recolección de estadísticas útiles sobre el uso ... -
Ciencia de datos para empresas tipo autoescuela
Lobato Padilla, Carlos (2021-01-18)En la actualidad, las empresas, organizaciones, administraciones e individuos generan una cantidad de datos macroscópica. Más de 277.000 personas postean una historia al minuto. La información es uno de los activos más ... -
Comparative analysis of classical multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and seeding strategies for pairwise testing of Software Product Lines
López-Herrejón, Roberto E.; Ferrer-Urbano, Francisco Javier; Chicano-García, José-Francisco
; Egyed, Alexander; Alba-Torres, Enrique
Software Product Lines (SPLs) are families of related software products, each with its own set of feature combinations. Their commonly large number of products poses a unique set of challenges for software testing as it ... -
Comparing Deep Recurrent Networks Based on the MAE Random Sampling, a First Approach
Camero Unzueta, Andres; Toutouh-el-Alamin, Jamal; Alba-Torres, Enrique
Recurrent neural networks have demonstrated to be good at tackling prediction problems, however due to their high sensitivity to hyper-parameter configuration, finding an appropriate network is a tough task. Automatic ... -
Comparing metaheuristic algorithms for error detection in Java programs
Chicano-García, José-Francisco; Ferreira, Marco; Alba-Torres, Enrique
Model checking is a fully automatic technique for checking concurrent software properties in which the states of a concurrent system are explored in an explicit or implicit way. The main drawback of this technique is the ... -
Competición CAEPIA-App: senseUMA
Toutouh-el-Alamin, Jamal; Alba-Torres, Enrique
El Campus de Teatinos de la Universidad de Málaga cubre un área considerable dentro de la cuidad de Málaga (aproximadamente 2 kilómetros 2 ). Por dicho campus cada dı́a transitan miles de personas pertenecientes a la ... -
Computing New Optimized Routes for GPS Navigators Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Stolfi, Daniel H.; Alba-Torres, Enrique(ACM, 2017-07)
GPS navigators are now present in most vehicles and smartphones. The usual goal of these navigators is to take the user in less time or distance to a destination. However, the global use of navigators in a given city could ... -
Comunicación eficiente entre vehículos aplicando un algoritmo multi-objetivo paralelo
Toutouh-el-Alamin, Jamal; Alba-Torres, Enrique
El encaminamiento de datos en redes vehiculares presenta un desafío debido a los frecuentes e inesperados cambios de topología. En este estudio presentamos un algoritmo de optimización multiobjetivo paralelo para tratar ... -
Dealing with inheritance in OO evolutionary testing.
Most of the software developed in the world follows the object-oriented (OO) paradigm. However, the existing work on evolutionary testing is mainly targeted to procedural languages. All this work can be used with small ... -
Deep Neuroevolution: Smart City Applications
Camero Unzueta, Andres (UMA Editorial, 2021-05-05)El interés por desarrollar redes neuronales artificiales ha resurgido de la mano del Aprendizaje Profundo. En términos simples, el aprendizaje profundo consiste en diseñar y entrenar una red neuronal de gran complejidad y ... -
Descomposición en landscapes elementales del problema de diseño de redes de radio con aplicaciones
Chicano-García, José-Francisco; Arito, Franco; Alba-Torres, Enrique
En este trabajo se presenta la descomposición en landscapes elementales de un problema de optimización combinatoria: el problema de Diseño de Redes de Radio. La teoría de landscapes provee un marco formal en el cual un ... -
Diseño, implementación y evaluación de nuevos algoritmos evolutivos para problemas dinámicos
Bravo Garcia, Yesnier (UMA Editorial, 2017-09-18)Los problemas de optimización dinámicos (DOP) están fuera del alcance del algoritmo evolutivo (EA) estándar debido al problema de la convergencia , en la medida en que convergen a un único punto del espacio de búsqueda, ... -
Dos estrategias de búsqueda anytime basadas en programación lineal entera para resolver el problema de selección de requisitos
Chicano-García, José-Francisco; Domínguez, Miguel A.; Del Águila, Isabel María; Del Sagrado, José; Alba-Torres, Enrique
El problema de selección de requisitos (o Next Release Problem, NRP) consiste en seleccionar el subconjunto de requisitos que se va a desarrollar en la siguiente versión de una aplicación software. Esta selección se debe ... -
Dynamic and adaptive fault-tolerant asynchronous federated learning using volunteer edge devices
Morell Martínez, José Ángel; Alba-Torres, Enrique(Elsevier, 2022)
The number of devices, from smartphones to IoT hardware, interconnected via the Internet is growing all the time. These devices produce a large amount of data that cannot be analyzed in any data center or stored in the ... -
Effective anytime algorithm for multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems
Domínguez-Ríos, Miguel Ángel; Alba-Torres, Enrique; Chicano-García, José-Francisco
; Alba-Torres, Enrique
(Elsevier, 2021-07)
In multiobjective optimization, the result of an optimization algorithm is a set of efficient solutions from which the decision maker selects one. It is common that not all the efficient solutions can be computed in a short ... -
Efficient anytime algorithms to solve the bi-objective Next Release Problem
Domínguez-Ríos, Miguel Ángel; Chicano-García, José-Francisco; Alba-Torres, Enrique
; Del Águila, Isabel María; Del Sagrado, José (2019-06-27)
The Next Release Problem consists in selecting a subset of requirements to develop in the next release of a software product. The selection should be done in a way that maximizes the satisfaction of the stakeholders while ... -
Elementary landscape decomposition of the 0-1 unconstrained quadratic optimization
Chicano-García, José-Francisco; Alba-Torres, Enrique
Landscapes’ theory provides a formal framework in which combinatorial optimization problems can be theoretically characterized as a sum of an especial kind of landscape called elementary landscape. The elementary landscape ... -
Elementary landscape decomposition of the frequency assignment problem
Chicano-García, José-Francisco; Whitley, L. Darrell; Alba-Torres, Enrique
; Luna, Francisco (2014-09-30)
The Frequency Assignment Problem (FAP) is an important problem that arises in the design of radio networks, when a channel has to be assigned to each transceiver of the network. This problem is a generalization of the graph ... -
Elementary Landscape Decomposition of the Test Suite Minimization Problem
Landscape theory provides a formal framework in which combinatorial optimization problems can be theoretically characterized as a sum of a special kind of landscape called elementary landscape. The decomposition of the ...