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Listar por autor "Mérida-López, Sergio"
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 65
Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Chamizo-Nieto, María Teresa; Mérida-López, Sergio; Rey-Peña, Lourdes; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio (Universidad de Málaga, 2024-07-10)The current study examined the roles of dark triad traits, general moral disengagement, and facets of emotional intelligence in bullying and cyberbullying behaviors. A sample of 1,146 (580 girls) adolescents (Mage = 14.19; ... -
Dataset_EI_Family_School in Cyberbullying roles.
Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Mérida-López, Sergio; Gómez-Hombrados, Jorge; Rey-Peña, Lourdes (Universidad de Málaga, 2024-05-03)This research explored the relationship between family and school factors, emotional intelligence facets, and cyberbullying roles in a sample of 2,883 adolescents (aged 12–18; M = 14.11, SD = 1.42). Findings from logistic ... -
Mérida-López, Sergio; Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Rey-Peña, Lourdes; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio (Universidad de Málaga, 2024-12-04)La inteligencia emocional (IE) y el afrontamiento resiliente (AR) han mostrado influencias positivas en el compromiso ocupacional (CO). Considerando la falta de estudios en esta línea, el presente trabajo examina el rol ... -
Mérida-López, Sergio; Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Rey-Peña, Lourdes; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio (Universidad de Málaga, 2024-12-10)Emotional intelligence (EI) is typically linked to higher subjective happiness scores in human service professionals. It is unknown which EI facets are more predictive in explaining subjective happiness beyond that accounted ... -
Mérida-López, Sergio; Sofia Carvalho, Vânia; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio; Chambel, María José (Universidad de Málaga, 2024-11-28)A growing number of studies have tested the relationship between personal resources (e.g., emotional intelligence) and indicators of occupational well-being, including work engagement. However, few have examined health-related ... -
Dealing with teachers’ role stressors and depressive symptomatology: does gender impact on the buffering effect of emotion regulation ability?
Mérida-López, Sergio; Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio; Rey-Peña, Lourdes (2017-07-24)Certain work-related stressors as role ambiguity and role conflict have been traditionally linked to negative outcomes such as mental health problems. Previous studies have focused on the moderating effect of personal ... -
Disentangling the relation between emotion regulation strategies and cybervictimization: Prospective effects and the intervening role of blaming others among adolescents.
Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Mérida-López, Sergio; Chamizo-Nieto, María Teresa; Rey-Peña, Lourdes; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio (2024-01-09)Background From the perspective of Positive Psychology and the ecological framework, multiple individual resources are considered to reduce the extent to which individuals experience victimization as a result of cyberbullying. ... -
Emotional intelligence and teacher burnout: A systematic review.
Mérida-López, Sergio; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio (Elsevier, 2017)The association between emotional intelligence and teacher burnout has received increasing attention in educational settings. However, theoretical and measurement diversity make it difficult to summarize this relationship. ... -
Emotional intelligence and teachers’ work engagement: the mediating and moderating role of perceived stress.
Mérida-López, Sergio; Carvalho, Vânia Sofia; Chambel, María José; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio (Taylor & Francis, 2023)A growing number of studies have tested the relationship between personal resources (e.g., emotional intelligence) and indicators of occupational well-being, including work engagement. However, few have examined health-related ... -
Un enfoque emocional para prevenir el ciberacoso: análisis de las diferencias de sexo y de los perfiles
Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Chamizo-Nieto, María Teresa; Mérida-López, Sergio; Sánchez-Álvarez, Nicolás (2020-12-14)El uso frecuente de los dispositivos tecnológicos y de las redes sociales cada vez a edades más tempranas, como medios de comunicación ampliamente usados por los adolescentes, nos lleva a analizar este fenómeno y los ... -
¿Eres feliz en tu trabajo? Propiedades psicométricas de la adaptación al castellano del Brief Job Satisfaction Measure
Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio; Mérida-López, Sergio; Sánchez-Álvarez, Nicolás; Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Rey-Peña, Lourdes (2018-04-16)En cualquier organización, los trabajadores desarrollan diversas actitudes hacia su empleo y tareas profesionales. Una de las actitudes laborales más estudiada, por sus implicaciones prácticas para la mejora del bienestar ... -
El estrés financiero y la plenitud en personas desempleadas: el papel moderador de la regulación emocional.
Introducción: Las investigaciones previas han identificado el impacto sobre la salud mental que tiene el desempleo en las personas. Encontrarse en una situación de presión económica favorece la aparición de los efectos ... -
Examinando la validez incremental de la inteligencia emocional sobre los rasgos de personalidad y el clima familiar en la violencia online entre iguales
Gómez-Hombrados, Jorge; Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Mérida-López, Sergio; Rey-Peña, Lourdes (2023-10-02)Durante los últimos años el ciberacoso ha aumentado entre la población adolescente. La literatura muestra evidencias claras sobre el impacto negativo de este fenómeno sobre la salud física y mental de los adolescentes ... -
Factor structure of the spanish version of Wong and Law's Emotional Intelligence Scale
Sánchez-Álvarez, Nicolás; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio; Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Rey-Peña, Lourdes; Mérida-López, Sergio (2019-09-19)The aim of this study was to investigate the factor structure of the Spanish version of the Wong Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS) in a sample of 5,175 participants, age range from 13 to 93 years. Confirmatory factor ... -
Hacia la prevención del ciberacoso: Claves desde la educación emocional y el entorno familiar y escolar.
Introducción En la última década, la investigación sobre el ciberacoso en la adolescencia ha avanzado considerablemente, aunque se ha prestado poca atención al papel de la Inteligencia Emocional (IE) junto con factores ... -
How can the Social Family Climate Contribute to Emotional Intelligence in Preventing Suicidal Ideation and Promoting Life Satisfaction Among Adolescents?
Peláez-Fernández, María Ángeles; Mérida-López, Sergio; Yudes Gómez, Carolina; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio (Springer, 2024-09-02)While findings have documented the association between emotional intelligence, life satisfaction, and suicidal ideation among adolescents, few studies have inves- tigated the moderating effect of family climate on the ... -
How does emotional intelligence help teachers to stay engaged? Cross-validation of a moderated mediation model.
This study used job demands–resources and emotional intelligence theories to test a moderated mediation model explaining work engagement in two independent teacher samples. We hypothesised that emotional intelligence buffers ... -
La importancia de poseer y confiar en tus habilidades emocionales. Un estudio exploratorio sobre ideación suicida en estudiantes universitarios.
Mérida-López, Sergio; Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Pekaar, Keri A.; Pineda-Galán, Consolación; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio (2023-06-26)Introducción: Un número creciente de estudios ha examinado la relación entre las habilidades emocionales y su impacto en la ideación suicida en diferentes colectivos . Sin embargo, los trabajos que han examinado los ... -
In pursuit of job satisfaction and happiness: Testing the interactive contribution of emotion-regulation ability and workplace social support.
Mérida-López, Sergio; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio; Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Rey-Peña, Lourdes (2019)The present study focuses on the interplay of emotion-regulation ability and perceived workplace social support as predictors of job satisfaction and happiness in a Spanish multi-occupational sample. A total of 494 working ... -
Inteligencia emocional y apoyo social del profesorado: explorando cómo los recursos personales y sociales se asocian con la satisfacción laboral y con las intenciones de abandono docente
Mérida-López, Sergio; Quintana-Orts, Cirenia Luz; Hintsa, Taina; Extremera-Pacheco, Natalio (Elsevier, 2022-05-20)Aunque investigaciones previas han indicado que las habilidades emocionales afectan sustancialmente al bienestar ocupacional y la motivación del profesorado, los estudios que examinan las posibles vías por las cuales la ...