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Mostrando ítems 25130-25149 de 33590
Potential SST drivers for Chlorophyll-a variability in the Alboran Sea: A source for seasonal predictability?
(Frontiers Media, 2022)This study investigates the link between large-scale variability modes of the sea surface temperature (SST) and the surface chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration in spring along the northern flank of the Alboran Sea. To this ... -
Potentiation of antidepressant effects: NPY1R agonist and ketamine synergy enhances TrkB signaling and neurogenesis in the ventral hippocampus
(Taylor & Francis, 2024-04-18)Background: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) poses a significant challenge to global health, with current treatments often limited by efficacy and onset delays. This study explores the synergistic antidepressant-like effects ... -
Potentilla pedata Willd. ex Hornem. (Rosaceae), novedad para la Península Ibérica
(Universidad de Málaga. Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, 2021)Se documenta la presencia en los Pirineos de Potentilla pedata, sobre la base decriterios morfológicos ampliamente aceptados en los últimos años en la zona mediterránea. Esta especie presenta caracteres en parte intermedios ... -
Potentillu supina L. (Rosaceae) en la Comunidad Valenciana
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1992) -
Pottery à la mode in the Late Punic world: Production of red-slip ‘Kuass ware’ in Málaga, Spain (2nd-1st c. BC).
(Elsevier, 2024-05-27)Recent archaeological excavations in Málaga city, in southern Spain, uncovered a Late Punic pottery workshop (2nd-1st c. BC) in association with a large assemblage of red-slip tablewares ascribed to the so-called ... -
Powder diffraction at ALBA synchrotron
(2015-03-23)This talk is devoted to explain the uses of powder diffraction at MSPD (material science and powder diffraction) of ALBA synchrotron light source. General characteristics of the beamline are: Station 1 - High Pressure ... -
Powder diffraction at ALBA synchrotron
(2017-03-17)This talk is devoted to explain the uses of powder diffraction at MSPD (material science and powder diffraction) of ALBA synchrotron light source. General characteristics of the beamline are: Station 1 - High Pressure ... -
Power and Cultures of the World. Developing New Social Architectures of Influence in the UN: A Network Analysis.
(Hipatia Press, 2021)The most important sociologists have discussed whether it is the social structure that produces individual behaviours or the latters are only the results of individuals’ will. In the literature of international relations, ... -
Power Factor Corrector Design applied to an 85-kHz Wireless Charger
(IEEE, 2016-05-04)Wireless charging technology extends the battery autonomy by allowing more flexible and practical ways of recharging it even when the electric vehicle is on move. The frequency conversion, which is required to generate a ... -
Power plant preventive maintenance scheduling problem: a 0/1 mixed integer linear programming approach based on cost and reliability to establish an effective policy
(2019-06-27)The problem addressed is the Power Plant Preventive Maintenance Scheduling. The problem is taken from the power industry and it requires determining the perioThis paper addresses the Power Plant Preventive Maintenance ... -
Power Quality
(Intech, 2011)Electrical power is becoming one of the most dominant factors in our society. Power generation, transmission, distribution and usage are undergoing signifi cant changes that will aff ect the electrical quality and ... -
Power Relations: The Performance of the Watchdog and Loyal-Facilitator Roles
(Routledge, 2021)This chapter analyzes the way in which role performance reflects the relationships between journalists and power by comparing news content produced by different media organizations across countries. Specifically, we analyze ... -
Powerweek : "la lucha continua"
(2020-01-23)El siguiente proyecto recoge toda la investigación y procesos realizados para el trabajo final de grado. La obra realizada pretende plantear, a través de diversas reflexiones, de la propia experiencia, y los diferentes ... -
PpNAC1, a main regulator of phenylalanine biosynthesis in p. Pinaster
(2017-07-14)The metabolism of phenylalanine plays a central role in the channeling of carbon from photosynthesis to the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids duringwood formation. This crucial pathway is finely regulated primarily at ... -
PpNAC1, un regulador principal de la biosíntesis y utilización de fenilalanina en pino
(2018-05-21)La regulación transcripcional del metabolismo de la fenilalanina es particularmente importante en las coníferas, especies de vida larga que usan grandes cantidades de carbono en la formación de madera. El factor de ... -
PQ-learning: aprendizaje por refuerzo multiobjetivo
(2013-09)En este artí culo describimos y analizamos PQ-learning, un algoritmo para problemas de aprendizaje por refuerzo multiobjetivo. El algoritmo es una extensi ón de Q-learning, un algoritmo para problemas de aprendizaje ... -
Práctica 1.1. Grupo Grande
(2012-02-13)Práctica resumen del tema 1 (organización y presentación de los datos) para hacerla en grupo grande -
Práctica 4. Investigación Operativa.
(2021)Práctica sobre investigación operativa, que incluye la resolución gráfica de un problema de programación lineal y la generación de procesos estocásticos: Proceso de Bernoulli, Recorrido aleatorio, Proceso de Poisson. -
Práctica de enrutamiento protocolo OSPF
(2018-09-27)Ejercicio práctico para la gestión de routers con el protocolo OSPF -
Práctica de actividad física como medio para mantener el compromiso laboral en tiempos de pandemia. Evidencia para España.
(2022)La relación entre la actividad física (AF) y el compromiso laboral de los empleados (CL) es un tema de creciente interés entre profesionales e investigadores (Gil-Beltran et al., 2020). Los efectos positivos de la AF en ...