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Mostrando ítems 30416-30435 de 32207
Los traductores e intérpretes jurados de España y Bélgica: comparación de dos sistemas con cambios legislativos recientes.
(2023)Tras la aprobación de la Directiva 2010/64/UE, que establece los principios y derechos básicos relativos a la traducción e interpretación juradas en procesos penales de la UE, la figura del traductor jurado y/o intérprete ... -
Traductores y editores españoles e hispanoamericanos en la obra memorialística de Rafael Cansinos Assens.
(Comares, 2024)El escritor sevillano de origen sefardí Rafael Cansinos Assens (1882-1964) se nos revela como una de las figuras más difíciles de clasificar en las historias de la literatura en español, que, durante el primer tercio del ... -
Tradurre il teatro da una traduttologia poetica. Federico García Lorca in italiano
(Comares, 2021-10)Nuestra contribución pretende destacar cómo una posible aproximación teórica a la traducción teatral puede partir también de una reflexión traductora que surge en y desde la poesía en el contexto del teatro de Federico ... -
Traffic Injury Risk Based on Mobility Patterns by Gender, Age, Mode of Transport and Type of Road
(MDPI, 2021)The role of gender and age in the risk of Road Traffic Injury (RTI) has not been fully explored and there are still significant gaps with regard to how environmental factors, such as road type, affect this relationship, ... -
Traffic Monitoring via Mobile Device Location.
(MDPI, 2019-10-15)Measuring traffic in real time is one of the main functionalities of Smart Cities. To reduce the costs of deployment and operation, traffic measurement with mobile devices has been widely studied. In this paper, a traffic ... -
Traffic Steering in B5G Sliced Radio Access Networks.
(2023)In 5G and beyond wireless systems, Network Slicing (NS) feature will enable the coexistence of extremely different services by splitting the physical infrastructure into several logical slices tailored for a specific tenant ... -
Tráfico de seres humanos con fines de explotación sexual en los países de la Unión Europea.
(Sección de Málaga del Instituto Andaluz Interuniversitario de Criminología, 2005-11-30)Se estima que el tráfico de seres humanos con fines de explotación sexual afecta a decenas de miles de personas, especialmente a niños y mujeres, a nivel mundial. Las causas de este tráfico parecen apuntar a situaciones ... -
Tragédia Grega e Western Americano
(2015-03-06)A relação que se pode estabelecer entre a cultura grega e o western americano não é uma novidade hermenêutica. Na verdade, já vários autores (e.g. P. L. Cano) chamaram a atenção para a proximidade da estrutura de filmes ... -
TRAIL and TRAIL receptors splice variants during long-term interferon β treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis: evaluation as biomarkers for therapeutic response
(BMJ Journals, 2016)Objective We aimed to assess the effects of interferon β (IFNβ) treatment on the expression of the splice variants of the Tumour necrosis factor-Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (TRAIL) and its receptors in different cell ... -
TRAIL/TRAIL receptor system and susceptibility to multiple sclerosis
(Public Library of Science, 2011-07)The TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL)/TRAIL receptor system participates in crucial steps in immune cell activation or differentiation. It is able to inhibit proliferation and activation of T cells and to induce ... -
Training Entrepreneurial Competences with Open Innovation Paradigm in Higher Education
(2020-02-20)This communication shows the effects of training entrepreneurial competences on employability in higher education. It identifies teaching methods that are more effective in order to improve entrepreneurial competences. ... -
Training Entrepreneurial Competences with Open Innovation Paradigm in Higher Education
(Sustainability, 2019)This paper shows the e ects of training entrepreneurial competences on employability in higher education. It identifies teaching methods that are more e ective in order to improve entrepreneurial competences. These are ... -
Training in realistic virtual environments: Impact on user performance in a motor imagery-based Brain-Computer-Interface
(2015-06-17)A brain–computer interface (BCI) is a system that enables people to control an external device by means of their brain activity, without the need of performing muscular activity. BCI systems are normally first tested on ... -
Training Media Accessibility Professionals: An Employability and Knowledge Transfer Experience
(2023)As part of the university’s commitment to the student’s career guidance within the European Higher Education Area, the University of Malaga promotes curricular training actions, which are not considered “isolated elements, ... -
Training memory without aversion: Appetitive hole-board spatial learning increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis
(Elsevier, 2018)(AHN). However, the vast majority of findings on the learning-induced regulation of AHN derive from aversively-motivated tasks, mainly the water maze paradigm, in which stress is a confounding factor that affects the AHN ... -
Training memory without aversion: Appetitive hole-board spatial learning increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
(2018-07-20)Learning experiences are potent modulators of adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN). However, the vast majority of findings on the learning-induced regulation of AHN derive from aversively-motivated tasks, mainly the ... -
Training on Emotional Intelligence for Caregivers of Patients with Acquired Brain Injury and Cognitive Impairment: A Quasi-Experimental Study
(IOAP-MPDI, 2022-10-28)Background: Cognitive-behavioral alterations can occur after an acquired brain injury (ABI). Objectives: To develop and evaluate a synchronous online training program on emotional intelligence (EI) for the caregivers of ... -
Training Scientific Communication Skills on Medical Imaging within the Virtual World Second Life: Perception of Biomedical Engineering Students
(IOAP-MDPI, 2023-01-17)Second Life is a multi-user virtual world platform which enables online learning through immersive activities. This study evaluates the perception of third-year biomedical engineering students about learning activities ...