Listar por centro "Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 1321
3-month versus 6-month adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with high-risk stage II and III colorectal cancer: 3-year follow-up of the SCOT non-inferiority RCT
(NIHR JOURNALS LIBRARY, 2019-12)Background: Oxaliplatin and fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy administered over 6 months is the standard adjuvant regimen for patients with high-risk stage II or III colorectal cancer. However, the regimen is associated with ... -
50 Años de Arc Routing
(2014-07-14)Hace poco más de 50 años, un matemático chino, Meigu Guan, planteó el problema de encontrar un recorrido de las aristas de un grafo no dirigido que fuera el más corto posible. Guan buscaba minimizar la longitud de un camino ... -
A bi-objective study of the minimum latency problem
(Springer, 2019)We study a bi-objective problem called the Minimum Latency-Distance Problem (mldp) that aims to minimise travel time and latency of a single-vehicle tour designed to serve a set of client requests. This tour is a Hamiltonian ... -
A Bibliometric Overview of the International Airports and Airlines ‘IAA’ Topic in Journals and Scientific Community.
(MDPI, 2023-06-25)Background: The purpose of this study is to provide an assessment of international airports and airlines, ‘IAAs’, and to organize and classify the literature on air transport to stage the importance of this topic and ... -
A combined interactive procedure using preference-based evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Application to the efficiency improvement of the auxiliary services of power plants
(Elsevier, 2015-06)While the auxiliary services required for the operation of power plants are not the main components of the plant, their energy consumption is often significant, and it can be reduced by implementing a series of improvement ... -
A comparative analysis on how much individuals are left behind in the former state socialist countries of the European Union
(Elsevier, 2024-07)This paper examines the extent to which individuals from the former state socialist countries of the EU’s Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries have been left behind compared to the rest of EU individuals from Western ... -
A comparison of destinations’ impacts on hotel rates
(Elsevier, 2019-01)The impact of destinations’ attributes on hotel rates in different locations has been insufficiently compared the existing literature. This study sought to apply the hedonic pricing method to measure and compare how room ... -
A conceptual approach to the tourist value co-creation: dimensions, antecedents and consequences.
(Varna University of Management, 2023)In the last decades, several studies related to the Service-Dominant Logic approach were carried out, where the tourism industry is not an exception. As such, multiple works associated with this research stream have ... -
A critical review of private labels (PLs): implications for managing retail brands
(2013-11-25)Purpose – The aim of this paper is to present a review of the state of empirical and theoretical research about Private Labels (PL) and to develop a framework for future research. Design/methodology/approach – This paper ... -
A Cross Country Prescriptive Analysis of the Efficiency of Educational Systems
(2016-11-21)How does a country achieve the most efficient education system possible? We examine the efficiency of educational systems across the world using internationally comparable performance of secondary school pupils. We use ... -
A cross validation of Consumer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) with Private Labels in Spain
(2015-09-24)In recent years a number of Consumer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) models and measurement scales have been introduced in the branding literature. However, examinations of brand equity in Private Labels (PL) are rather limited. ... -
A decision model for stochastic optimization of seasonal irrigation-water allocation
(Elsevier, 2022-01)Optimal water allocation on a seasonal basis is generally a decision taken with uncertainty regarding seasonal crop needs (unknown yield, precipitation and other environmental factors). Decision criteria, such as “irrigating ... -
A dynamic modelling approach to manage the cruise port of call
(Elsevier, 2022-06)This study presents a dynamic model for the management of a cruise port, simulating the behavior of the system under different scenarios for the period 2015–2025. The proposed management system considers the factors ... -
A Fuzzy Clustering Approach to the Key Sectors of the Spanish Economy.
(Economic System Research, 2006)La búsqueda de los sectores clave de una economía ha sido y es uno de los temas más recurrentes del análisis input-output. Además de su liderazgo para impulsar el desarrollo, concepto demasiado amplio e impreciso, un sector ... -
A global prediction model for sudden stops of capital flows using decision trees.
(PLOS, 2020-02-12)Capital flows is an important aspect of the international monetary system because they pro- vide great direct and indirect benefits, and at the same time, they carry risks of vulnerability for countries with an open ... -
A Global Survey of Scientific Consensus and Controversy on Instruments of Climate Policy
(Elsevier, 2024-01-13)There is continuing debate about which climate-policy instruments are most appropriate to reduce emissions. Undertaking a global survey among scientists who published on climate policy, we provide a systematic overview of ... -
A License to free ride? Centrality, authority & ostracism in social-dilemma networks
(2014-04-24)We investigate the effects of power derived from centrality and authority on contributions in repeated social dilemma settings. Groups of five players play VCMgames on a fixed network, where there is one central player ... -
A measure of tourist experience quality: the case of inland tourism in Malaga.
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-09-07)Although Malaga is a major tourist destination, research focused on the coastal area. However, the interior of the province has a growing tourism industry, so this tourism industry needs to be studied. The goal of this ... -
A Mobile Health Solution Complementing Psychopharmacology-Supported Smoking Cessation: Randomized Controlled Trial
(JMIR PUBLICATIONS, INC, 2020)Objective: This study aimed to analyze the long-term efficacy of a mobile app supporting psychopharmacological therapy for smoking cessation and complementarily assess the involved innovative technology. Methods: A 12-month, ... -
A Model of Consumer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) for Global Fashion Brand
(University of Zaragoza, 2017)This study’s aims are twofold. Firstly, to assess the external validity of Yoo and Donthu's (2011) and Nam et al.’s (2011) brand equity model and a retail brand equity model in the retail industry in Spain. Secondly, to ...