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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 1039
A Celebration of Female Ancestors: Gloria Naylor's Mama Day
(Cambridge Scholars, 2011) -
A different perspective on architectural design: bottom up participative experiences
(Association of European Schools Of Urban Planning (AESOP) - Wroclaw University of Technology, 2014)The weight of the financial and real estate components in the present crisis, and their impact on millions of people give a renewed importance to the right to housing and the wider right to the city. The paper of architects ... -
A filtration associated to an abelian inner ideal and the speciality of the subquotient of a Lie algebra.
(Springer Nature, 2022)For any abelian inner ideal B of a Lie algebra L such that [B, KerB]^n ⊆ B for some natural n, we build a bounded filtration whose first nonzero term is B and the extremes of the induced Z-graded Lie algebra coincide ... -
A methodology for the development of soft sensors with Kafka-ML
(Springer, 2023)Advances in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) field have allowed a wide variety of devices to be connected and send information continuously to the Internet. Thanks to this increase in data communication, machine learning (ML) ... -
A New African Orality? Tijānī Sufism, Sacred Knowledge and the ICTs in Post-Truth Times.
(Boydell & Brewer, 2021)West Africa is a space of paradoxes. Not even the most traditional Sufis can resist information and communication technologies (ICT). Nowadays they carry the tasbīḥ (prayer beads) in one hand and, in the other, a mobile ... -
A notation for Goal Driven Interfaces Specification.
(Springer Nature, 2006)Although direct manipulation with WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointer) elements is currently the most extended user interface paradigm in use, there are still many users that need a training and learning period, manuals ... -
A survey-based case study to assess the computer skills of incoming first-year students in Translation and Interpreting
(Peter Lang, 2022)In Translation Studies, the translator’s instrumental competence, directly related to computer knowledge, has gained significant importance and computer- assisted translation or localisation skills are nowadays essential ... -
A Treasury in transition: changes and continuity in the management of Castilian State finances during the reign of Isabella I (1474-1504)
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2023-01-01)The aim of this chapter is to present a summary, an overview and comprehensive vision of the advances in research made in recent years in relation to the income and expenditure management structures implemented in the ... -
Abatement Level in Environmental Agreements when Firms are Heterogeneous in Abatement Costs.
(Routledge, 2017)There is an important number of regional and international environmental agreements where countries have agreed upon in order tackle environmental degradation (e.g., reduce greenhouse gases). In addition, member countries ... -
Accelerated change of land uses and repercussions on risks in the territory . The case of the extension of subtropical crops in the Axarquía of Malaga
(Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica, 2020)El trabajo se fundamenta en la perspectiva que focaliza la génesis de buena parte de los procesos de riesgo ambiental en la acción humana sobre el territorio. El área de estudio es una pequeña cuenca localizada en la ... -
Accelerated change of land uses and repercussions on risks in the territory. The case of the extension of subtropical crops in the Axarquía of Malaga.
(Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica / Teresa Albert y Leticia Fernandez Muñoz, 2020-08-17)The work is based on the perspective that focuses the genesis of a good part of the processes of environmental risk in human action on the territory. The study area is a small basin located in the AxarquÃa (Málaga Spain), ... -
Accelerated change of land uses and repercussions on risks in the territory. The case of the extension of subtropical crops in the Axarquía of Malaga.
(Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 2020) -
Acceso al crédito hipotecario en caso de adquisición de vivienda arrendada por un tercero.
(Aranzadi, 2018)En este trabajo se realiza un análisis crítico de los arts 14 y 25 LAU conforme a la redacción que les dio la Ley 4/2013, sobre la obtención de crédito hipotecario para la financiación de la compra de una vivienda habitual ... -
El acceso de las mujeres a las profesiones educativas. El estado de la cuestión en el siglo XXI
(Octaedro, 2020-06)La investigación sobre la historia de la educación de las mujeres está viviendo una etapa dorada. En el presente capítulo, nos centramos sobre lo que se está investigando y publicando en lo que llevamos de siglo XXI ... -
Acerca de “mujer y lenguaje” en las columnas sobre la lengua (CSL) de Ramón Carnicer
(Peter Lang, 2019)Este trabajo fija a Ramón Carnicer como el primer columnista que escribe sobre el tema “mujer y lenguaje” de modo recurrente en la prensa española, a través de nueve columnas que publica en el diario La Vanguardia durante ... -
Acomodación léxica en el contacto de dialectos por inmigración. El caso de los rioplatenses en Málaga.
(Rombach Wissenschaft, 2023)En este trabajo se aborda el análisis de la acomodación léxica de un grupo de inmigrantes nacidos en Buenos Aires, Argentina que residen en Málaga, España, y ampliamos nuestros resultados previos considerando tres corpus ... -
Active methodologies applied through ict and use of moodle: Perceptions of teachers.
(Tecnos/Grupo Anaya, 2018)The society of the information where we are currently immersed, it was born as a consequence of the almost unlimited availability of information, which it causes quick and dynamic changes in the productive, economic, civic, ... -
Actos de encuadramiento y régimen económico
(REUS, 2021-06)El desgajamiento, a favor del orden contencioso-administrativo, del conocimiento de cuestiones sobre gestión recaudatoria y liquidadora se ha producido a través de disposiciones legales que, en realidad, se han adaptado ... -
Ad pristinum decus. La metamorfosis urbana de Carthago Spartaria durante el siglo V.
(Casa de Velázquez, 2018)A pesar de que las fuentes escritas son parcas acerca de la situación de Cartagena en el siglo V, refiriendo apenas más que su saqueo por los vándalos o la destrucción por estos mismos de una expedición naval que se preparaba ...