Optical microcavities play an important role for the next-generation light technology.
Recently, we succeeded in fabricating spherical microcavities from π-conjugated
polymers (CPs) by simple self-assembly process (Fig. 1).[1] We found that the
microcavities show whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonant photoluminescence
(PL) upon focused laser excitation, where PL generated inside the sphere is confined
via total internal reflection at the polymer/air interface.[2–8] The resonance occurs
when the wavelength of the light is an integer multiple of the circumference of the
microsphere. The CP-based microcavities have benefits to the conventional
microcavities in the following points: [1] simple and low-energy fabrication process to
obtain well-defined microspheres, [2] the microcavities function as both cavity and
emitter, [3] the microcavities have high refractive index and photoabsorptivity, and [4]
potent use for electrically-driven WGM and laser oscillation. In this presentation,
recent results on the fundamentals
of the self-assembly of the CPs,
resonant PL from the CP
microspheres, intra- and
intersphere light energy
conversion, and the future
prospects to realize light-,
electrically-, and chemically-driven
WGM and lasing will be presented.