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dc.contributor.authorGómez-Moreno, María Luisa 
dc.contributor.authorRubio Barquero, Luis Miguel
dc.descriptionEsta presentación de Powerpint se expuso en la sesión 3 del congreso, 5 de septiembre, y es el resumen de un artículo que se presentará para su evaluación a la revista European Countrysideen_US
dc.description.abstractThe link between tourism and rural development has been reinforced by different landplaning framework, as rural development (LEADER Program) or protected spaces management. In the same way, this link is included in the concept of multifunctionality of agricultural holdings. Nevertheless, the role of tourism in the Spanish protected spaces management is not linked to the agrarian bases ought to the application of the former criteria of IUCN Protected Areas Category V: Protected Landscapes/Seascapes that prioritised conservation and environmental education over sustainable development. In this perspective, tourism is linked to public use focused into the protected areas, neglecting the agrarian basis of society and land surrounding the core area. In this communication we analyse the impact of touristic measures both from LEADER PRROGRAM and Natural Park Management Body in the characterization and localization of private touristic services in the Natural Park of Sierra de las Nieves, Málaga, Spain. We use two kinds of sources, statistics and interview to stakeholders. The findings reveal that the pattern of localization of these services is more related to external factors than to both kind of planning. We focus the explanation of these outcomes in the decoupling among measures encouraging touristic activities and agrarian basis of society.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.en_US
dc.subjectDesarrollo ruralen_US
dc.subjectEspacios naturales protegidosen_US
dc.titleRole of tourism in protected areas development. Deconstructing the mythen_US
dc.centroFacultad de Filosofía y Letrasen_US
dc.relation.eventtitleEURORURAL ´18 Conference European Countryside and its perceptionen_US
dc.relation.eventplaceBrno, República Checaen_US
dc.relation.eventdate3 septiembre 2018en_US
dc.rights.ccAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*

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