Rheinforce cork composites, previously named elsewhere as CorkSTFluidics [1], are sandwiches consis?ng of two microagglomerated cork pads embedding microfluidic
paCerns that are filled with a shear thickening fluid (see Figure 1 (a)), whose mechanical performance under impact loads is determined by the microfluidic paCern and the
rheological proper?es of the fluid [2]. From the experimental results it is impossible to decouple the fluid contribu?on from the solid contribu?on to the force?me response
of the composite. In this work, we have developed a simple model of the fluid-flow dynamics that it is able to predict the fluid contribu?on in the energy dissipa?on of the
Rheinforce cork composites under impact loads. To that end, we model the viscous flow inside a microchannel for a known displacement of the upper lid h(t, x), calcula?ng
as a result the needed force to create that movement.