Lo acontecido en torno al Covid-19 puede ser analizado mediante un pertinente diagnóstico virtual, lo cual entraña gran dificultad, dada una didáctica digital mediática cuyo fin estuvo destinado a la desinformación y a ignorar la pandemia que llegaba y que causaría miles de víctimas y saturación del sistema sanitario. Lo tardío de las medidas adoptadas proporciona la capacidad de comprender lo acontecido previamente, con diversos actores y circunstancias ignoradas por los medios de comunicación de masas. La enseñanza crítica de los hechos acaecidos resulta trascendental para no renovar miles de muertes y confinamientos.
What happened around the Covid-19 can be analyzed through a pertinent virtual diagnosis, which entails great difficulty, given a digital media didactic whose purpose was destined to disinformation and to ignore the pandemic that was coming and that would cause thousands of victims and saturation of the sanitary system. The lateness of the measures adopted provides the ability to understand what happened previously, with various actors and circumstances ignored by the mass media. Critical teaching of the events that have taken place is essential in order not to renew thousands of deaths and confinements.