Listar Álgebra, Geometría y Topología - (AGT) por título
Mostrando ítems 43-62 de 134
G2 and the rolling ball
(2017-05-09)Understanding the exceptional Lie groups as the symmetry groups of simpler objects is a long-standing program in mathematics. Here, we explore one famous realization of the smallest exceptional Lie group, G2: Its Lie ... -
g2 como anillo grupo torcido
(2024)El objetivo es presentar la construcción del álgebra de Lie compacta excepcional g2 como un anillo grupo torcido para el grupo Z2-cubo y el anillo suma de dos copias de los números reales. El modelo es autocontenido, ... -
Generalized Cesàro operator acting on Hilbert spaces of analytic functions
(Springer, 2024-05-14)Let D denote the unit disc in C. We define the generalized Cesàro operator as follows: Cω( f )(z) = 1 0 f (t z) 1 z z 0 Bω t (u) du ω(t)dt, where {Bω ζ }ζ∈D are the reproducing kernels of the Bergman space ... -
Generalized Cohomological Field Theories in the Higher Order Formalism
(2023)In the classical Batalin—Vilkovisky formalism, the BV operator is a differential operator of order two with respect to a commutative product; in the differential graded setting, it is known that if the BV operator is ... -
Geodesic connectedness of a spacetime with a causal Killing vector field.
(2024)We study the geodesic connectedness of a globally hyperbolic spacetime (M, g) admitting a complete smooth Cauchy hypersurface S and endowed with a complete causal Killing vector field K. The main assumptions are that ... -
Geometric assumptions and variational tools in Lorentzian geometry
(2014-10-02)During the past years there has been a considerable amount of research related to the problem of geodesic connectedness of Lorentzian manifolds. In particular, some geometric sufficient conditions have been introduced so ... -
Geometries from structurable algebras and inner ideals
(2020-02-12)Se estudian ciertos tipos de geometrias en algebras estructurables via sus ideales internos abelianos. -
Gradings induced by nilpotent elements.
(Elsevier, 2023)An element a is nilpotent last-regular if it is nilpotent and its last nonzero power is von Neumann regular. In this paper we show that any nilpotent last-regular element a in an associative algebra R over a ring of scalars ... -
Gradings on classical Lie algebras via sesquilinear forms over graded-division algebras
(2022)En esta charla de aproximadamente una hora el profesor Dr. Mikhail V. Kochetov nos introduce en las últimas técnicas usadas para clasificar graduaciones sobre ciertas álgebras de Lie clásicas. Técnicas usadas en su monografía ... -
A gravitational collapse singularity theorem that improves Penrose's
(2020-03-09)The global hyperbolicity assumption present in gravitational collapse singularity theorems is in tension with the quantum mechanical phenomenon of black hole evaporation. In this work I show that the causality conditions ... -
Groupoids and Steinberg Algebras
(2016-03-15)A groupoid is a generalisation of group in which composition is only partially defined. In first half of this talk, I will give an overview of groupoid theory and show how groupoids provide a unifying model for a number ... -
Groupoids in analysis and algebra.
(2023)Groupoid algebras are studied in both analytic and algebraic contexts. In analysis, groupoid C*-algebras play a fundamental role in the theory and include many important subclasses. Steinberg algebras are their purely ... -
Groups as automorphisms of dessins d’enfants
(Springer, 2022-08-01)It is known that every finite group can be represented as the full group of automorphisms of a suitable compact dessin d’enfant. In this paper, we give a constructive and easy proof that the same holds for any countable ... -
Grupos p-locales finitos y grupos de cohomología
(2013-12-10)Definimos ciertos espacios topológicos llamados grupos p-locales finitos e introducimos una sucesión espectral que calcula su cohomología en ciertos casos, incluyendo algunos grupos p-locales finitos "exóticos". Presentaremos ... -
Homemade algebraic geometry: celebrating Enrique Arrondo’s 60th birthday
(Springer, 2024)In this survey we recognize Enrique Arrondo’s contributions over the whole of his career, recalling his professional history and collecting the results of his mathematical productio -
Homeomorphism groups of the cube and other n-manifolds
(2016-04-25)In this talk, the structure of the homeomorphism group of the cube is presented. Applications to the homeomorphism groups of other n-manifolds are also treated. -
Homotopy nilpotency and co-nilpotency of spaces
(2020-03-11)We review known and state some new results on homotopy nilpotency and co-nilpotency of spaces. Next, we take up the systematic study of homotopy nilpotency of homogenous spaces G/K for a Lie group G and its closed subgroup ... -
Incidence algebras. Overview
(2015-05-13)In his celebrated paper of 1964, "On the foundations of combinatorial theory I: Theory of Möbius Functions" Gian-Carlo Rota defined an incidence algebra as a tool for solving combinatorial problems. Incidence algebra is a ... -
Infinite-Dimensional Diagonalization
(2015-05-29)Let V be an arbitrary vector space over a field K, and let End(V) be the ring of all K-linear transformations of V. We characterize the diagonalizable linear transformations in End(V), as well as the (simultaneously) ... -
Infinity structures and higher products in rational homotopy theory
(UMA Editorial, 2018)Rational homotopy theory classically studies the torsion free phenomena in the homotopy category of topological spaces and continuous maps. Its success is mainly due to the existence of relatively simple algebraic models ...