Listar Álgebra, Geometría y Topología - (AGT) por título
Mostrando ítems 112-131 de 134
Tensor Product of Evolution Algebras
(Springer Nature, 2022-12-28)The starting point of this work is the fact that the class of evolution algebras over a fixed field is closed under tensor product. We prove that, under certain conditions, the tensor product is an evolution algebra if and ... -
Tensor product of evolution algebras.
(SpringerLink, 2022-12-28)The starting point of this work is the fact that the class of evolution algebras over a fixed field is closed under tensor product. We prove that, under certain conditions, the tensor product is an evolution algebra if and ... -
Un teorema fundamental de hipersuperficies en espacios alabeados semi-Riemannianos
(2014-03-27)Obtenemos condiciones necesarias y suficientes para que una variedad semi-Riemanniana admita una inmersión isométrica local en ciertos productos alabeados. -
Teoría de Hopf Galois: Introducción y enfoque aritmético
(2018-10-05)La teoría de Hopf Galois es una generalización de la teoría de Galois usando álgebras de Hopf, y surge en 1969 de la mano de S. U. Chase y M. E. Sweedler, con la idea de reemplazar el grupo de Galois de una extensión de ... -
Ternary mappings of triangular algebras
(SpringerLink, Aequationes Mathematicae, 2021-03)We take acategorical approach to describe ternary derivations and ternary automorphisms of triangular algebras. New classes of automorphisms and derivations of triangular algebras are also introduced and studied. -
The Achievement Set of Generalized Multigeometric Sequences
(Springer, 2024-04-13)We study the topology of all possible subsums of the generalized multigeometric series where are fixed positive real numbers and f runs along a certain class of non-negative functions on the unit interval. We detect ... -
The center and the Lie structure of a Leavitt path algebra
(2017-06-30)Este es el curso que impartí en la Escuela de investigación "CIMPA School Recent trends in non-commutative algebra" en junio de 2017 en Pune, India (véase -
The center and the Lie structure of a Leavitt path algebra
(2015-10-29)These notes contain all the explanations and references corresponding to the course I delivered during the first CIMPA research school in Panama in October 2015 (see the complete program of the school here: http://cimpa. ... -
The Exceptional Lie algebra G_2.
(2023)The Killing-Cartan classification of finite-dimensional complex simple Lie algebras was one of the great milestones of 19th-century mathematics. According to it, there are four infinite families of classical simple Lie ... -
The kernel of the Gysin homomorphism for Chow groups of zero cycles.
(2023)Let S be a smooth projective surface over a field k, and let C be a smooth hyperplane section of S. For a closed embedding of S into a projective space P consider the linear system Σ of hyperplane sections and the ... -
The lattice of ideals in the Steinberg algebra of a strongly effective groupoid
(2023-07-05)A topological groupoid is generalization of topological group where the binary operation is only partially defined. Ample groupoids are a special class of topological groupoid that have an especially well behaved topology. ... -
The Milnor-Moore theorem for L∞ algebras in rational homotopy theory
(Springer, 2021-09-20)We give a construction of the universal enveloping A∞ algebra of a given L∞ algebra, alternative to the already existing versions. As applications, we derive a higher homotopy algebras version of the classical Milnor-Moore ... -
The Talented monoid of a graph and its connections with the Leavitt path algebra
(2022)In this talk, we introduce an algebraic entity arising from a directed graph - the talented monoid. The talented monoid has an interesting relationship with the Leavitt path algebra. In fact, the group completion of the ... -
¿Tiene sexo la mente?
(2014-05-13)La respuesta obvia es: NO. Pero entonces ¿por qué no aparecen mujeres en la historia de la ciencia? Si revisamos la historia con otros ojos, encontramos que las mujeres han tenido papeles muy relevantes en la ciencia y la ... -
Topological restrictions in Lorentzian geometry: a survey
(2020-03-09)It is well know that globally hyperbolic solutions (M,g) of the Einstein field equations in general relativity may have initial data Cauchy hypersurfaces with any topology. However, some restrictions on the fundamental ... -
The topology and geometry of the space of null geodesics
(2020-02-14)This talk will provide a general introduction to the space of null geodesics. I will begin with a discussion of the case of Minkowski space, a special case with a great deal of structure. After this, I will move on ... -
Un tratamiento unificado para álgebras de Katsura y álgebras de Nekrashevych
(2014-04-22)En esta charla se hará una breve presentación de las C*-álgebras de Katsura y las C*-álgebras de Nekrashevych. Tras ella, se definirá una clase de C*-álgebras conteniendo ambas clases, y se presentarán como C*-álgebras de ... -
Two-dimensional perfect evolution algebras over domains
(SpringerLink, 2023-01)We will study evolution algebras A that are free modules of dimension two over domains. We start by making some general considerations about algebras over domains: They are sandwiched between a certain essential D-submodule ... -
Two-dimensional perfect evolution algebras over domains.
(Springer Nature, 2023-01-23)We will study evolution algebras A that are free modules of dimension two over domains. We start by making some general considerations about algebras over domains: They are sandwiched between a certain essential D-submodule ... -
Ultraproductos de C*-álgebras, su semigrupo de Cuntz y sus (cuasi)trazas
(2019-07-29)Discutiremos cómo el semigrupo de Cuntz de un ultraproducto de C*-álgebras se puede determinar en función del semigrupo de las álgebras individuales. En este proceso se usa la noción de escala en el semigrupo así como un ...