Listar Álgebra, Geometría y Topología - (AGT) por título
Mostrando ítems 109-128 de 141
Simple locally finite Lie algebras
(2013-12-12)A Lie algebra is called locally finite if all its finitely generated subalgebras are finite dimensional. We will discuss some approaches towards classification of simple locally finite Lie algebras and give various ... -
Smooth actions of connected compact Lie groups with a free point are determined by two vector fields
(Elsevier, 2024-04-10)Consider a smooth action of a compact connected Lie group G on a connected manifold M. Assume the existence of a point of M whose isotropy group has a single element (a free point). Then we prove that there exist two ... -
Sobre la dimensión minimal de las orbitas de una acción de Rn
(2022)Considérese una acción diferenciable de Rn sobre una variedad conexa M, no necesariamente compacta, de dimensión m y rango k. Supóngase que M no es un cilindro. Entonces existe una órbita de la acción de dimensión < ... -
Some global causal properties in certain classes of spacetimes
(UMA Editorial, 2018-05)Causality is a specific tool of Lorentzian Geometry, with a clear physical motivation, which has played a central role in proving important theorems about the global structure of spacetimes. Causality conditions are ... -
Spectrum of the Laplacian on homogeneous spaces.
(2024)We will start with an introduction and stating general results on the spectral properties of the Laplacian before we investigate the restriction to manifolds which are symmetric. We consider the difference of spectral ... -
Spin(7) structures, spinors and nilmanifolds
(UMA Editorial, 2022-05-16)Esta tesis aborda varios problemas en el área de las estructuras geométricas, y se divide en dos partes. En la primera, describimos las estructuras Spin(7) desde el punto de vista de la teoría de espinores, en la segunda ... -
Squares and associative representations of two dimensional evolution algebras
(World Scientific, 2021)We associate an square to any two dimensional evolution algebra. This geomet- ric object is uniquely determined, does not depend on the basis and describes the structure and the behaviour of the algebra. We determine the ... -
Subvariedades atrapadas en el cono de luz
(2020-02-14)El concepto de superficie atrapada fue formulado orginalmente por Penrose en 1965 para el caso de superficies espaciales bidimensionales en espaciotiempos tetradimensionales, en términos de los signos o de la anulación de ... -
Superficies de curvatura no positiva en la esfera tridimensional.
(2024)Demostraremos que toda esfera analítica bidimensional $S$ inmersa en $S^3$, con curvaturas principales $k_1,k_2$ cumpliendo que $k_1 k_2\leq 0$ debe ser totalmente umbilical. Esto mejora algunos resultados bien conocidos ... -
Superficies mínimas: viejos problemas y nuevos avances
(2018-10-18)Haremos un recorrido por los principales problemas abiertos de la teoría clásica de superficies mínimas en el espacio euclídeo tridimensional, y cuáles son los últimos resultados en este campo. -
Tensor Product of Evolution Algebras
(Springer Nature, 2022-12-28)The starting point of this work is the fact that the class of evolution algebras over a fixed field is closed under tensor product. We prove that, under certain conditions, the tensor product is an evolution algebra if and ... -
Tensor product of evolution algebras.
(SpringerLink, 2022-12-28)The starting point of this work is the fact that the class of evolution algebras over a fixed field is closed under tensor product. We prove that, under certain conditions, the tensor product is an evolution algebra if and ... -
Un teorema fundamental de hipersuperficies en espacios alabeados semi-Riemannianos
(2014-03-27)Obtenemos condiciones necesarias y suficientes para que una variedad semi-Riemanniana admita una inmersión isométrica local en ciertos productos alabeados. -
Teoría de Hopf Galois: Introducción y enfoque aritmético
(2018-10-05)La teoría de Hopf Galois es una generalización de la teoría de Galois usando álgebras de Hopf, y surge en 1969 de la mano de S. U. Chase y M. E. Sweedler, con la idea de reemplazar el grupo de Galois de una extensión de ... -
Ternary mappings of triangular algebras
(SpringerLink, Aequationes Mathematicae, 2021-03)We take acategorical approach to describe ternary derivations and ternary automorphisms of triangular algebras. New classes of automorphisms and derivations of triangular algebras are also introduced and studied. -
The Achievement Set of Generalized Multigeometric Sequences
(Springer, 2024-04-13)We study the topology of all possible subsums of the generalized multigeometric series where are fixed positive real numbers and f runs along a certain class of non-negative functions on the unit interval. We detect ... -
The center and the Lie structure of a Leavitt path algebra
(2017-06-30)Este es el curso que impartí en la Escuela de investigación "CIMPA School Recent trends in non-commutative algebra" en junio de 2017 en Pune, India (véase -
The center and the Lie structure of a Leavitt path algebra
(2015-10-29)These notes contain all the explanations and references corresponding to the course I delivered during the first CIMPA research school in Panama in October 2015 (see the complete program of the school here: http://cimpa. ... -
The Exceptional Lie algebra G_2.
(2023)The Killing-Cartan classification of finite-dimensional complex simple Lie algebras was one of the great milestones of 19th-century mathematics. According to it, there are four infinite families of classical simple Lie ... -
The kernel of the Gysin homomorphism for Chow groups of zero cycles.
(2023)Let S be a smooth projective surface over a field k, and let C be a smooth hyperplane section of S. For a closed embedding of S into a projective space P consider the linear system Σ of hyperplane sections and the ...