Listar Álgebra, Geometría y Topología - (AGT) por título
Mostrando ítems 37-56 de 141
Entropy of local homeomorphisms with applications to subshifts arising from infinite graphs.
(2024)In this talk, we introduce topological entropy for dynamical systems generated by a single local homeomorphism (Deaconu-Renault systems). More precisely, we propose and compare entropy definitions via covers and via separated ... -
El espacio de móduli de fibrados principales con trivialización formal
(2021-12-13)En matemáticas, los problemas de clasificación adquieren una relevancia especial, pues es a través de los mismos cuando se descubren las propiedades intrínsecas de los objetos involucrados. Desde el punto de vista ... -
Estructura de anillo de la cohomología de Hoschild de álgebras de Sridharan
(2016-10-07)Sridharan probó en [Sri61] que toda álgebra filtrada cuyo graduado asociado es S(V) para algún espacio vectorial V, está determinada salvo isomorfismo por una estructura de Lie sobre V y la clase de cohomología de un ... -
Estudio experimental de la interacción de las estelas originadas por velas usadas en sistemas de extracción de energía de corriente de marea para su optimización energética y la reducción de su impacto medioambiental
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Cientifica, 2014)Sistemas recientemente propuestos para la extracción de energía de corrientes de marea y fluvial se basan en la exposición a dichas corrientes de una enorme superficie de perfiles aerodinámicos o de velas conectadas entre ... -
Evolution algebras
(UMA Editorial, 2016)La tesis tiene por título “Álgebras de evolución”. Está escrita en inglés y tiene un total de 189 páginas. Dicho manuscrito está formado por las siguientes capítulos: 1.- Introducción 2.- Resumen en español. 3.- Hechos ... -
Extensión global de campos vectoriales locales en espacios Pseudo-Finsler I, II.
(2016-02-24)El problema de extensión global de campos locales (Killing, conformes, etc.) en variedades Pseudo-Riemannianas aparece naturalmente en múltiples contextos. Por ejemplo, es un ingrediente esencial en la prueba de que el ... -
Extension problem associated with socle of monomial algebras.
(2024)We show that a monomial algebra Λ over an algebraically closed field K is self-injective if and only if each map soc(ΛΛ) −→ ΛΛ can be extended to an endomorphism of ΛΛ, and provide a complete classification of such ... -
Extremal elements in Lie Algebras
(2014-12-10)The main result discussed in this lecture is an elementary proof of the following theorem: If L is a simple Lie algebra over F of characteristic distinct from 2 and 3 having an extremal element that is not a sandwich, ... -
Factorization of Ideals in Leavitt Path algebras
(2017-04-04)After pointing out how ideals in a Leavitt path algebra L of a graph E behave like ideals in a commutative ring, we shall consider the question of factorizing an arbitrary ideal I as a product of finitely many special type ... -
Finite sets containing zero are mapping degree sets
(Elsevier, 2024)In this paper we solve in the positive the question of whether any finite set of integers, containing 0, is the mapping degree set between two oriented closed connected manifolds of the same dimension. We extend this ... -
G2 and the rolling ball
(2017-05-09)Understanding the exceptional Lie groups as the symmetry groups of simpler objects is a long-standing program in mathematics. Here, we explore one famous realization of the smallest exceptional Lie group, G2: Its Lie ... -
g2 como anillo grupo torcido
(2024)El objetivo es presentar la construcción del álgebra de Lie compacta excepcional g2 como un anillo grupo torcido para el grupo Z2-cubo y el anillo suma de dos copias de los números reales. El modelo es autocontenido, ... -
Generalized Cesàro operator acting on Hilbert spaces of analytic functions
(Springer, 2024-05-14)Let D denote the unit disc in C. We define the generalized Cesàro operator as follows: Cω( f )(z) = 1 0 f (t z) 1 z z 0 Bω t (u) du ω(t)dt, where {Bω ζ }ζ∈D are the reproducing kernels of the Bergman space ... -
Generalized Cohomological Field Theories in the Higher Order Formalism
(2023)In the classical Batalin—Vilkovisky formalism, the BV operator is a differential operator of order two with respect to a commutative product; in the differential graded setting, it is known that if the BV operator is ... -
Geodesic connectedness of a spacetime with a causal Killing vector field.
(2024)We study the geodesic connectedness of a globally hyperbolic spacetime (M, g) admitting a complete smooth Cauchy hypersurface S and endowed with a complete causal Killing vector field K. The main assumptions are that ... -
Geometric assumptions and variational tools in Lorentzian geometry
(2014-10-02)During the past years there has been a considerable amount of research related to the problem of geodesic connectedness of Lorentzian manifolds. In particular, some geometric sufficient conditions have been introduced so ... -
Geometries from structurable algebras and inner ideals
(2020-02-12)Se estudian ciertos tipos de geometrias en algebras estructurables via sus ideales internos abelianos. -
Gradings induced by nilpotent elements.
(Elsevier, 2023)An element a is nilpotent last-regular if it is nilpotent and its last nonzero power is von Neumann regular. In this paper we show that any nilpotent last-regular element a in an associative algebra R over a ring of scalars ... -
Gradings on classical Lie algebras via sesquilinear forms over graded-division algebras
(2022)En esta charla de aproximadamente una hora el profesor Dr. Mikhail V. Kochetov nos introduce en las últimas técnicas usadas para clasificar graduaciones sobre ciertas álgebras de Lie clásicas. Técnicas usadas en su monografía ... -
Graph algebras and the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension.
(World Scientific Publishing, 2018)We study some properties of the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension in a non-necessarily unital context. In particular, its Morita invariance when the algebras have local units, and its commutativity with direct limits. We then ...