In this paper we present a fuzzy multidimensional approach
for the measurement of the `leaving no one behind' principle underlying
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in European countries. In
particular, we consider a two-step procedure. First, we compute the de-
gree to which an individual is `left behind' in each speci c dimension. We
then propose alternatives to measure the extent to which an individual
is `left behind' in a multidimensional setting. We illustrate our proposal
taking as a reference the `at risk of poverty or social exclusion' (AROPE)
framework (dimensions, indicators and union criteria). The results high-
light that although the average `left behind' (LB) level and AROPE are
largely consistent across European countries, our fuzzy measure provides
valuable additional information, both in individual and aggregate terms,
on persons who are further away from those better positioned and how
far they are.