Listar Biología Molecular y Bioquímica - (BMB) por título
Mostrando ítems 276-295 de 566
Identification and characterization of new anti-angiogenic compounds from natural sources
(2017-07-21)The inhibition of angiogenesis has attracted broad attention in the field of pharmacological research, not only for cancer, but for other angiogenesis dependent diseases including ophthalmic, cutaneous and inflammatory ... -
Identification and characterization of RIPENINGLESS, a key transcription factor in the regulation of fruit development and ripening in the cultivated strawberry Fragaria × ananassa
(2022-09-14)Despite the advances that have allowed to elucidate transcription factors (TFs) involved in the development and ripening of non-climacteric strawberry fruits, key regulators of these processes remain to be identified. Among ... -
Identification and characterization of the NAC transcription factor FaRIF, a key regulator of strawberry fruit ripening
(2021-09-13)Strawberry is becoming a model for studying the molecular mechanism of ripening in non-climacteric fruits. However, a limited number of transcriptional regulators of this process have been identified so far. In this study, ... -
Identification and functional characterization of transcription factors involved in flower development and fruit ripening in Fragaria x ananassa
(UMA Editorial, 2020)Esta tesis doctoral está compuesta por tres capítulos, dos de los cuales han sido publicados: 1) Una revisión bibliográfica sobre el uso de las herramientas de edición génica para modular la maduración: Martín-Pizarro, C. ... -
Identification and functional validation of methyl ketone synthase 2 in woodland strawberry
(2021)Methyl ketones are compounds with demonstrated insect repellent effects. They are highly abundant in the glandular trichomes of wild tomato (Solanum habrochaites), where their pathway was first described, but not in the ... -
Identification and functional validation of Methyl Ketone Synthase 2 in Woodland Strawberry
(2021-09-13)Woodland strawberry is the diploid closest ancestor of the cultivated strawberry and the model species for genetic studies in the Fragaria genus. It is naturally distributed across Europe and it is appreciated for its ... -
Identification of candidate genes for methylketones content in a collection of european woodland strawberry
(2021-01-22)Woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca, 2x) is the diploid closest ancestor of the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x annassa, 8x) and the model species for genetic studies in the Fragaria genus. It is naturally distributed ... -
Identification of candidate genes for methylketones content in a collection of European woodland strawberry
(2019-12-10)Woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca, 2x) is the diploid closest ancestor of the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x annassa, 8x) and the model species for genetic studies in the Fragaria genus. It is naturally distributed ... -
Identification of direct target genes and functional conservation of FaRIF, a key regulator of fruit ripening in strawberry
(2022-09-14)We have identified FaRIF, a NAC transcription factor (TF) that plays a central role controlling strawberry fruit ripening. Thus, our data showed that FaRIF is involved in multiple ripening-related processes, such as ABA ... -
Identification of genes responsible of the synthesis of the volatile Methyl Ketone in Woodland Strawberry
(2021-11-26)Woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca, 2x) is the diploid closest ancestor of the cultivated strawberry (F. x ananassa, 8x) and the model species for genetic studies in the Fragaria genus. It is naturally distributed across ... -
Identification of key molecular biomarkers involved in reactive and neurodegenerative processes present in inherited congenital hydrocephalus
(BMC, 2021)Periventricular extracellular oedema, myelin damage, inflammation, and glial reactions are common neuropathological events that occur in the brain in congenital hydrocephalus. The periventricular white matter is the most ... -
Identification of new Sub-Saharan African begomoviruses and Bemisia tabaci species boundaries
(UMA Editorial, 2020-02-24)Los begomovirus (género Begomovirus, familia Geminiviridae) son un grupo extremadamente exitoso de virus de ssDNA que causan enfermedades devastadoras a cultivos importantes en las zonas tropicales y subtropicales de todo ... -
Identification of NTMC2T5, a new lipid transfer protein family at ER-chloroplast contact sites involved in stress response
(2022-09)Plants are sessile organisms and they have perfected a complex molecular signalling network to detect and respond to different environmental stresses. In plants, fatty acid synthesis takes place at chloroplasts, and they ... -
Identification of quantitative trait loci and candidate genes for primary metabolite content in strawberry fruit
(2019)Improvement of nutritional and organoleptic quality of fruits is a key goal in current strawberry breeding programs. The ratio of sugars to acids is a determinant factor contributing to fruit liking, although different ... -
Identification of SYT1 interactors connects calcium signaling, endoplasmic reticulum bending, plasmodesmata and membrane contact sites.
(2021)Synaptotagmin1 (SYT1) is an Arabidopsis thaliana protein essential for tolerance to several abiotic stresses (Schapire et al., 2008; Pérez-Sancho et al., 2015; Ruiz-Lopez et al., 2020). SYT1 forms endoplasmic reticulum-plasma ... -
Implementing recombineering, Ribo-seq and DYI imaging to study plant hormones.
(2019-09-23)Every aspect of a plant life cycle, from germination to senescence, is coordinated by a small group of plant hormones. These small molecules do not work in isolation but through a complex network of interactions. In order ... -
Implicación de la resistencia a la insulina y el tejido adiposo en el síndrome metabólico en pacientes obesos
(UMA Editorial, 2017-07-21)La obesidad es una enfermedad crónica cuya prevalencia está aumentando, siendo considerada en la actualidad como una epidemia global con más de 600 millones de obesos en todo el mundo en el año 2014. Además, está asociada ... -
Importancia de la bioinformática en la implementación de la medicina personalizada de precisión en los sistemas sanitarios: el caso del cáncer de pulmón
(UMA Editorial, 2023)Esta tesis doctoral aborda la medicina personalizada de precisión (MPP) en distintas fases de su desarrollo, desde la investigación hasta la implementación en la rutina clínica, y desde distintos enfoques. Este trabajo ... -
Importancia de la nutrición nitrogenada en plantas: genómica funcional de la respuesta a la nutrición con amonio en raíces de pino
(UMA Editorial, 2021-05-12)En esta Tesis Doctoral se ha diseñado y llevado a cabo una práctica de laboratorio con la que se ilustra a los alumnos la importancia del nitrógeno en las plantas. Gracias a este trabajo no solo refuerza de manera didáctica ... -
Improved germination under osmotic stress of tobacco plantsoverexpressing a cell wall peroxidase
(FEBS Letter, 1999-05-01)The cell wall is a fundamental component in theresponse of plants to environmental changes. To directly assessthe role of the cell wall we have increased the expression andactivity of a cell wall associated peroxidase ...