Listar BMB - Artículos por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 197
Improved germination under osmotic stress of tobacco plantsoverexpressing a cell wall peroxidase
(FEBS Letter, 1999-05-01)The cell wall is a fundamental component in theresponse of plants to environmental changes. To directly assessthe role of the cell wall we have increased the expression andactivity of a cell wall associated peroxidase ... -
PGC-1 alpha activates CYP7A1 and bile acid biosynthesis
(American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2003)Cholesterol 7-alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) is the key enzyme that commits cholesterol to the neutral bile acid biosynthesis pathway and is highly regulated. In the current studies, we have uncovered a role for the transcriptional ... -
The role of alpha1-fetoprotein transcription factor/LRH-1 in bile acid biosynthesis: a known nuclear receptor actovator that can act as a suppressor of bile acid biosynthesis
(American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2004)Two key regulatory enzymes in the bile acid biosynthesis pathway are cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase/CYP7A1 (7alpha-hydroxylase) and sterol 12alpha-hydroxylase/CYP8B1 (12alpha-hydroxylase). It has been shown previously that ... -
Mathematical Modeling of Polyamine Metabolism in Mammals.
(Elsevier, 2006)Polyamines are considered as essential compounds in living cells, since they are involved in cell proliferation, transcription, and translation processes. Furthermore, polyamine homeostasis is necessary to cell survival, ... -
Detection of B chromosomes in interphase hemolymph nuclei from living specimens of the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans
(Karger, 2006)The two most important evolutionary properties of B chromosomes are their transmission rate (which suggests their selfishness when significantly higher than 0.5) and their net effects on carrier fitness (usually negative ... -
Causes of B chromosome variant substitution in the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans
(Springer, 2006)We have analysed B chromosome frequency for three consecutive years, B transmission rate at population and individual levels, clutch size, egg fertility and embryoYadult viability in a natural population of the ... -
EST-derived polymorphic microsatellites from cultivated strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) are useful for diversity studies and varietal identification among Fragaria species
(Wiley, 2006-10-01)Microsatellite or simple sequence repeat markers derived from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) provide genetic markers within potentially functional genes, which could be very useful for breeding programs. To date, the ... -
Isolation, characterization, and localization of AgaSGNH cDNA: a new SGNH-motif plant hydrolase specific to Agave americana L. leaf epidermis.
(Oxford University Press, 2007-07-03)GDSL and SGNH hydrolases are lipases involved in a wide range of functions, behaving in many cases as bifunctional enzymes. In this work, the isolation and characterization of AgaSGNH, a cDNA encoding a member of the ... -
AMMO-Prot: Amine system project 3D-model finder
(Springer Nature, 2008-04)Background: Amines are biogenic amino acid derivatives, which play pleiotropic and very important yet complex roles in animal physiology. For many other relevant biomolecules, biochemical and molecular data are being ... -
Effect of salt on ROS homeostasis, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant mechanisms in Pinus pinaster suspension cells.
(INRA EDP Sciences, 2009-01)In the Pinus genus, information on the effectiveness of oxidative defence mechanisms during exposure to salt is lacking. The effect of salt stress imposition on ROS homeostasis was investigated using maritime pine (Pinus ... -
Fruit yield and quality of strawberry plants transformed with a fruit specific strawberry pectate lyase gene.
(Elsevier, 2009-01-06)Two transgenic strawberry lines (Pel 1 and Pel 3) containing the open reading frame of a fruit specific strawberry pectate lyase gene (FaplC) under the control of the CaMV35S promoter have been obtained to evaluate the ... -
Modification of plant hormone levels and signaling as a tool in plant biotechnology.
(Wiley, 2009-09-23)Plant hormones are signal molecules, present in trace quantities, that act as major regulators of plant growth and development. They are involved in a wide range of processes such as elongation, flowering, root formation ... -
When metabolism meets topology: Reconciling metabolite and reaction networks.
(Wiley, 2010)The search for a systems-level picture of metabolism as a web of molecular interactions provides a paradigmatic example of how the methods used to characterize a system can bias the interpretation of its functional meaning. ... -
Effects of B Chromosomes on Egg Fertility and Clutch Size in the Grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans
(Pensoft, 2010)We analyse here three components of reproductive success (egg fertility, egg clutch size and embryo clutch size) in several temporal samples from different Spanish and Moroccan populations of the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis ... -
Small RNAs control sodium channel expression, nociceptor excitability, and pain thresholds
(Society for Neuroscience, 2010-08-11)To examine the role of small RNAs in peripheral pain pathways, we deleted the enzyme Dicer in mouse postmitotic damage-sensing neurons. We used a Nav1.8-Cre mouse to target those nociceptors important for inflammatory pain. ... -
Generation and analysis of ESTs from strawberry (Fragaria xananassa) fruits and evaluation of their utility in genetic and molecular studies
(BMC, 2010-09-17)Cultivated strawberry is a octoploid species whose fruit is highly appreciated due to its organoleptic properties and health benefits. However, information about the role played by different hormones on these processes ... -
Transient protein-protein interactions: structural, functional, and network properties
(Elsevier, 2010-10-13)Transient interactions, which involve protein interactions that are formed and broken easily, are important in many aspects of cellular function. Here we describe structural and functional properties of transient interactions ... -
Fenretinide derivatives act as disrupters of serum Retinol Binding Protein (sRBP) interactions with Transthyretin (TTR) and the sRBP Receptor
(ACS Publications, 2011-05)Serum retinol binding protein (sRBP) is released from the liver as a complex with transthyretin (TTR), a process under the control of dietary retinol. Elevated levels of sRBP may be involved in reducing cellular responses ... -
Regulation of L-ascorbic acid content in Strawberry fruits
(Oxford Academy, 2011-05-11)Plants have several L-ascorbic acid (AsA) biosynthetic pathways, but the contribution of each one to the synthesis of AsA varyies between different species, organs, and developmental stages. Strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa) ... -
Dimethylfumarate Inhibits Angiogenesis In Vitro and In Vivo: A Possible Role for Its Antipsoriatic Effect?
(Elsevier, 2011-06-02)Los ésteres de ácido fumárico (FAE) se han utilizado para el tratamiento oral de la psoriasis durante unos 50 años. Dado que una angiogénesis persistente y mantenida está asociada con varias enfermedades cutáneas, incluida ...