Listar BV - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 24-43 de 92
Detection of the maximum resistance to the herbicides diuron and glyphosate, and evaluation of its phenotypic cost, in freshwater phytoplankton
(Elsevier, 2021-11)One of the most important anthropogenic impacts on freshwater aquatic ecosystems close to intensive agriculture areas is the cumulative increase in herbicide concentrations. The threat is especially relevant for phytoplankton ... -
Development of a high throughput system for genetic transformation of olive (Olea europaea L.) plants
(Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2010-05-06)En este trabajo se publicaron los primeros resultados encaminados a la obtención de un protocolo eficiente de transformación genética en olivo, haciendo hincapié en la selección del antibiótico de selección y el uso de ... -
Development of an efficient transient transformation protocol for avocado (Persea americana Mill.) embryogenic callus
(Springer Link, 2013-09-13)En este trabajo se presenta el estudio de la eficiencia de diferentes marcadores de fluorescencia con la técnica de biobalística para la transformación transitoria de callo embriogénico de aguacate y su uso para el estudio ... -
Dirigent proteins in plants: modulating cell wall metabolism during abiotic and biotic stress exposure
(Oxford University Press, 2017)Dirigent (DIR) proteins were found to mediate regio- and stereoselectivity of bimolecular phenoxy radical coupling during lignan biosynthesis. Here we summarize the current knowledge of the importance of DIR proteins in ... -
Effect of fire on viability and germination behaviour of Cistus ladanifer and Cistus salvifolius seeds
(SPRINGER, 2022-03-12)Fire is a natural phenomenon that is very frequent in ecosystems of the Mediterranean basin. Cistus ladanifer and C. salvifolius (Cistaceae family) are evergreen shrubs and components of plant communities found in this ... -
Effect of simultaneous down-regulation of pectate lyase and endo-B-1,4-glucanase genes on strawberry fruit softening
(Springer, 2013)Strawberry is a soft fruit with a short postharvest shelf life. The loss of fruit firmness during ripening is mainly due to the disassembly of parenchyma cell walls mediated by the expression of genes encoding enzymes ... -
Effect of sucrose preculture and culture inoculum density on cryopreservation of olive somatic embryos
(Elsevier, 2023-12)This study reports improvement of a protocol for cryopreservation of olive somatic embryos by using the droplet-vitrification method on aluminum foil strips. Two different approaches were considered in order to optimize ... -
Effects of adaptation, chance, and history on the evolution of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum under selection of increased temperature and acidification
(2018-11-21)The roles of adaptation, chance, and history on evolution of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Halim, under selective conditions simulating global change, have been addressed. Two toxic strains (AL1V and AL2V), ... -
Effects of climate change on Platanus flowering in Western Mediterranean cities: current trends and future projections
(Elsevier, 2023-10-12)Ornamental trees can reduce some of the negative impacts of urbanization on citizens but some species, such as Platanus spp., produce pollen with high allergenic potential. This can exacerbate the symptomatology in allergic ... -
Effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and meteorological variables on the annual Alcarria honey production in Spain
(Taylor & Francis, 2019-07-05)La Alcarria is one of the most significant regions for honey production in Spain. Times series data of the annual Alcarria honey production from 2000 to 2013 revealed that the total production was highly variable ranging ... -
Efficient method for rapid multiplication of clean and healthy willow clones via in vitro propagation with broad genotype applicability
(Canadian Science Publishing, 2015-09-04)Willow is a versatile crop with considerable potential as a source of renewable biomass for bioenergy. Although breeding new varieties takes less time compared with some other tree species, producing new willow varieties ... -
Elucidating the role of polygalacturonase genes in strawberry fruit softening
(Oxford Academy, 2020-12-31)En dicho artículo se investigó el papel de los genes de poligalacturonasa (FaPG1 y FaPG2) en el reblandecimiento de la fresa. El silenciamiento simultáneo de ambos genes no aumentó aún más la firmeza. A nivel genético, ... -
Endemic or introduced? Phylogeography of Asparagopsis (Florideophyceae) in Australia reveals multiple introductions and a new mitochondrial lineage
(Wiley Online Library, 2015-12)The red seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis represents an iconic species complex of five mitochondrial lineages (lineage 1 to 5) introduced worldwide as a consequence of human mediated transport and climate change. Here we ... -
Enhancing frequency of regeneration of somatic embryos of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) using semi-permeable cellulose acetate membranes.
(Springer Nature, 2013)En este trabajo se presenta un protocolo eficiente de regeneración de plantas de aguacate a partir de embriones somáticos utilizando membranas de acetato de celulosa en su cultivo, e incluyendo una fase de cultivo en medio ... -
Environmental drivers of the seasonal exposure to airborne Alternaria spores in Spain.
(Elsevier, 2022-02-02)Alternaria conidia have high allergenic potential and they can trigger important respiratory diseases. Due to that and to their extensive detection period, airborne Alternaria spores are considered as a relevant airborne ... -
Euphorbia flavicoma subsp. bermejense (Euphorbiaceae): a new obligate serpentinophyte from the southern Iberian Peninsula.
(Magnolia Press, 2016-09-09)A new subspecies of the genus Euphorbia is described and illustrated. The new taxon occurs on rocky peridotite soils as an endemism forming part of the serpentine open scrublands in the province of Malaga (southern Iberian ... -
Evaluation of key factors influencing Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of somatic embryos of avocado (Persea americana Mill.).
(2011)Artículo en el que se muestra el trabajo para el desarrollo de un protocolo eficiente de transformación genética de callo embriogénico de aguacate, mediada por Agrobacterium tumefaciens. -
Extraction and quantification of Ole e 1 from atmospheric air samples: An optimized protocol
(Elsevier, 2019-06)Olive pollen is the main cause of pollinosis in Mediterranean countries. The immunological analysis of Ole e 1, the major allergen of Olea europaea, has usually carried out by means of ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent ... -
Factors affecting maturation of avocado somatic embryos
(Elsevier, 2004)The effect of mineral salts, sucrose, gellan gum, abscisic acid and coconut water on maturation of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) somatic embryos was studied. Use of B5 major salts was essential to obtain white-opaque ...