Listar BV - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 69-88 de 93
Reproductive ecology of an invasive lineage 2 population of Asparagopsis taxiformis (Bonnemaisoniales, Rhodophyta) in the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean Sea)
(De Gruyter, 2017-11-21)Can the reproductive traits of Asparagopsis taxiformis contribute to its success as an invader? We present the reproductive phenology of a population located in southern Spain and a quantitative study of gametophyte ... -
Role of thermal photosynthetic plasticity in the dispersal and settlement of two global green tide formers: Ulva pertusa and U. ohnoi
(Springer Nature, 2019-10)The green invasive macroalgae Ulva ohnoi and U. pertusa are known for their capacity to form green tides across many geographic regions. Given their global ecological and economic impact, photosynthetic responses of both ... -
Size structure and dynamics of an invasive population of lineage 2 of Asparagopsis taxiformis (Florideophyceae) in the Alboran Sea.
(Wiley, 2017)In this study, we present basic population data of the red macroalga Asparagopsis taxiformis, widely recognized as invasive in the Mediterranean Sea. A 13-month field study was carried out on a population located in southern ... -
Smart Tree: An Architectural, Greening and ICT Multidisciplinary Approach to Smart Campus Environments.
(MDPI, 2021-10-29)At present, climate change, pollution, and uncontrolled urbanism threaten not only natural ecosystems, but also the urban environment. Approaches to mitigate these challenges and able to provide an alternative for the use ... -
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of the Vegetation Cover from the Bijagual Massif, Boyacá, Colombia, during the 1986–2021 Period
(MDPI, 2024-03-25)Landscape changes based on spectral responses allow showing plant cover changes through diversity, composition, and ecological connectivity. The spatial and temporal vegetation dynamics of the Bijagual Massif from 1986 ... -
Structural changes in cell wall pectins during strawberry fruit development
(2017)Strawberry is one of the most important soft fruit. Rapid loss of firmness occurs during the ripening process, resulting in a short shelf life and high economic losses. To get insight into the role of pectin matrix in the ... -
Structure and temporal dynamics of a seaweed assemblage dominated bythe invasive lineage 2 of Asparagopsis taxiformis (Bonnemaisoniaceae, Rhodophyta)in the Alboran Sea
(Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), 2018-05)Asparagopsis taxiformis is a rhodophycean species composed of six genetic lineages, one of which is considered a relevant inva-sive component of Mediterranean flora. This study describes seasonal changes in the structure ... -
Suppressing the rhamnogalacturonan lyase gene FaRGLyase1 preserves RGI pectin degradation and enhances strawberry fruit firmness,
(Elsevier, 2023-12-23)Este estudio investigó el papel de las rhamnogalacturonano liasas(RGLiasas) en el reblandecimiento de la fresa. Se generaron plantas de fresa transgénicas con el gen FaRGLyase1 silenciado, y sus frutos resultaron ser ... -
Temporal and spatial variability in population traits of an intertidal fucoid reveals local-scale climatic refugia
(Elsevier, 2023)Global change is imposing significant losses in the functional traits of marine organisms. Although areas of climatic refugia ameliorate local conditions and help them to persist, the extent to which mesoscale effects ... -
The high climate vulnerability of western Mediterranean forests
(Elsevier, 2023-06)Understanding the effects of climate change is one of the most challenging goals for biodiversity conservation. The forests of Andalusia, in Southern Spain, are part of an important Mediterranean Basin biodiversity hotspot. ... -
The influence of rehydration technique on the response of recalcitrant seed embryos to desiccation
(Cambridge University Press, 2004)The concept of ‘imbibitional damage’ arose when it was observed that considerable leakage of cell contents could occur when dry seed or pollen tissues are plunged directly into water. It is now common practice to imbibe ... -
The nanostructural characterization of strawberry pectins in pectate lyase or polygalacturonase silenced fruits elucidates their role in softening
(Elsevier, 2015-06-14)Este estudio investigó el papel de las pectinas en el reblandecimiento de la fresa, mediante plantas transgénicas con silenciamiento de los genes FaplC (liasa de pectato) y FaPG1 (poligalacturonasa). Los frutos transgénicos ... -
The resource availability hypothesis (RAH) and cross-cultural patterns: which one explains West African Cochlospermum species’ uses in Benin?
(BMC Springer Nature, 2022)Benin, widely used Cochlospermum tinctorium and C. planchonii as food, medicine,etc. Unfortunately, the uncontrolled harvest of their rootstocks exposes them to local extension risk. This study aimed to (i) assess the use ... -
The Wetlands of Northeastern Algeria (Guelma and Souk Ahras): Stakes for the Conservation of Regional Biodiversity
(MDPI, 2024-02-08)This in-depth floristic study, conducted from 2019 to 2023 in nine temporary wetlands in the Guelma and Souk Ahras provinces, northeastern Algeria, aims to highlight the natural heritage of the region by analyzing the ... -
Trends and future projections of Olea flowering in the western Mediterranean: The example of the Alentejo region (Portugal)
(Elsevier, 2023-06-17)Olives are one of the most economically relevant crops in the Mediterranean area but this region is experiencing a strong warming due to climate change. Therefore, it would be of great interest to estimate the possible ... -
Unexpected resilience in relict Abies pinsapo Boiss forests to dieback and mortality induced by climate change
(Frontiers Media, 2022-12)Acute and early symptoms of forest dieback linked to climate warming and drought episodes have been reported for relict Abies pinsapo Boiss. fir forests from Southern Spain, particularly at their lower ecotone. Satellite, ... -
Unravelling the nanostructure of strawberry fruit pectins by endo-polygalacturonase digestion and atomic force microscopy.
(Elsevier, 2016-12-19)Este estudio analizó las pectinas de las fresas utilizando microscopía de fuerza atómica (AFM) para visualizar sus cadenas y agregados. Las pectinas se trataron con una enzima específica, lo que resultó en una reducción ... -
Using ForeStereo and LIDAR data to assess fire and canopy structure-related risks in relict Abies pinsapo Boiss. forests
(PEERJ INC, 2020)In this study we combine information from aerial LIDAR and hemispherical images taken in the field with ForeStereo—a forest inventory device—to assess the vulnerability and to design conservation strategies for endangered ... -
Variations in Leaf Traits Modulate Plant Vegetative and Reproductive Phenological Sequencing Across Arid Mediterranean Shrublands
(Frontiers, 2021-08-23)We studied the specific leaf area (SLA), leaf carbon content (LCC), leaf nitrogen content (LNC), leaf phosphorous content (LPC), and the phenophase sequence index (PSI) in 126 Mediterranean perennial species from predesert ... -
Variations in leaf traits modulate plant vegetative and reproductive phenological sequencing across arid Mediterranean shrublands.
(Frontiers, 2021-07-23)Structural and nutrient traits of a leaf are important for understanding plant ecological strategies (e.g., drought avoidance). We studied the specific leaf area (SLA), leaf carbon content (LCC), leaf nitrogen content ...